Interesting People

My Inner Male

By Anna I am my own experiment 🙂 On a deeper level I have become aware of how I create my own inner world, which also includes my inner male. What can be said about […]...More

Call of Nature

When all that stands between you and a new experience is a thin veil of material, why hold back? Everything is different undressed. And with more Briton’s daring at last to admit they want nude […]...More

History Of Ashram

In the late sixties what is now Ashram/The Wild Pear Centre was called ‘The Kingston Club’. Bill and Judy Mitchell owned the club, garage (that was originally on the ground floor) and Kingston House, they […]...More

How Your Worst Enemy Can be Your Best Friend

You are, indeed, what you imagine you are. Is it time to take a risk and expand your possible ways of being you? If where you are is the best you’ve been able to imagine, and if it leaves something to be desired, why not learn to imagine better?...More

Pak Subuh – God’s Chosen People

SuperMinds Chapter Ten It is interesting to look at the influence of Muhammed Subuh. He was born and lived in Indonesia, working as an accountant for many years. His main interest in life was to […]...More

The Magician and the Audience

By Dina Glouberman I’ve recently gone through a period where I’ve been quite happy, positive and optimistic in the daytime, but quite troubled at night.   I would wake at night, and feel frightened or depressed. And […]...More

I Don’t Want To Be Normal

Thoughts from the 1980’s Yesterday I realised so much about myself I have woken today like a dragon. I don’t mean angry dragon, just one breathing fire. I feel I have been holding myself back […]...More

The Awful Pain of Loss Transformed

I experienced an unusual dream about the house of my ancestors, and while awake I tried to explore the huge house and its basement and here is what happened. I saw we were walking in […]...More

Your Story – My Story

I was born sometime after the First World War, my birth occurred shortly before the Second World War began.  I call this your story as well as my story, because it is as certain as […]...More

A Realisation I Had Today

A realisation I had today, while watching the news – a guy in his late sixties was talking about his prostate problem and said when he peed large clots of blood popped out. He said […]...More

The Ten Day Voyage

From The Politics of Experience by R.D. Laing JESSE WATKINS is now a well-known sculptor. I am glad to know him as a friend. He was born 31 December 1899. Went to sea in 1916 […]...More

Dear Me

A woman's letter to herself, written by the Life in her advising and encouraging her in a time of trial...More

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