Tiger Tigress

Power, anger, sexual power, inner anxiety or terrifying urges. Fear of another person’s anger or forcefulness. Sometimes the power of a mother’s protectiveness. A woman’s anger or sexual craving.

Although similar in many ways to the lion, the tiger has a more feminine quality. It can therefore represent an angry woman; ones mother/a woman as a protector or destroyer; anger; spitefulness; the power and authority of ones animal strength; anxiety or fear, flight or fight. Often children have recurring dreams of being chased by a tiger (or lion), and this is about anger that they have been told is bad to express. So this is why they are running from it when they should have made it their friend. This is probably also why most people are still running or hiding from tigers in their dreams. Instead they should have been taught to direct their anger – a natural part of our defense system – effectively.

Do not to be afraid of the animals you meet in your dreams. They are only symbols of your own inner nature, your animal self. See Your Mammal Brain

The tiger represents your own power, the power that can protect your family and any children. Feel the power of that by imaging yourself as the tiger. Yes, actually imagine yourself in its body.

Also big cats, like domestic cats and dogs are very ‘mouthey’ – in other words they do everything with their mouth. They love with their mouth and love to hold you with their mouth. It is their way of giving a hug and wanting to be near. But of course tigers can bite for real too, but your dream tiger is a part of you. Even if it did bite you in your dream it is only like holographic image and can do you no harm. To be frightened of your dream tiger is to run away, avoid or deny your own wonderful natural strength and self protection. See Mouthey Animals

Example: Just last night I dreamt I was walking and a tiger came at me. I was scared, but I thought I would try to be strong and not show my fear. It did not work and the tiger ran at me. I climbed a tree and onto a roof of a tin shed. The tiger followed me up and I ran across a series of tin sheds. I finally realized I could not escape and I turned and faced the tiger. I screamed at the tiger and ran straight at it. The tiger got scared and turned and ran away, and then I woke up. These dreams have been on my mind, and I would love some insight into them. Thank you so much.

From that you can see that an image – in a dream – cannot hurt you, though it can cause you to feel fear. So chasing it was a way of changing your feeling, and that of course changes your dream. So, there is nothing in any dream that can hurt you, unless you run away from something. Running away is leaving yourself open to being a victim of whatever frightens you.

When we call someone a tiger we either mean they are fierce, capable of defending themselves, or very successful at what they do. But we also say a woman can protect her children or loved partner like a tiger. So it is also about strength and passion to protect and care. This aspect of the tiger depicts the primeval and passionate power of motherhood and the love and care of nature itself emanating from the unconscious. Tigers are individual creatures and are not, like lions, part of a group less it is a mother with her cubs.

Like any other animal, the tiger can also represent aspects of sexuality, depending upon how it is presented in the dream. As a symbol of sex it would most likely include elements of uncertainty – will I be attacked or overwhelmed – power and instinctive responses. It has to be remembered also that the tiger is a top of the food chain predator, and so can represent the predatory facets of human nature. See animal for an explanation of the role dream animals play in our life:

But it has to be remembered that every image in our dreams is an aspect of ourselves, and being an animal the tiger represents the wonderful strength we have as our heritage – if we claim it. Many people are frightened of their own strength and so run from their dream tiger, but as the following dream shows it can be your strength.

Example: An adult tiger was at my bed with one of my old high school buddy holding him on a leash. When I saw him I was furious what the fuck is such dangerous animal doing on my bed. Went to load my AK (the imaginary one, don’t actually own one), but when I pointed the gun at him he ignored me with calm and assertive look. I dropped the gun and in my admiration for him just felt his strong and firm energy. Since then I started to really think of Tigers as the ultimate alpha animal!!

Example: I was in a hallway behind a door, pulling it against me to shield myself against a tiger. The tiger was large with bloodstained paws. Some people stopped outside the door to look at the tiger. I told them to move along, as it had a very uncertain temper, and could easily attack. In fact it began to grow restless and growl. They went. I saw the deep colours of the tiger, and the blood. I was terrified that at any moment it would pull the door away from me. At that moment the tiger attacked me when I came from behind the door, and swallowed me. Now instead of feeling separate I was the tiger, and delighted in his movements and anger.

If you are born in the year of the Tiger in Chinese astrology, dreaming of a tiger might be a comment on your strength and weaknesses. It could be wise to consider your basic characteristics in the light of the dream. See Chinese Zodiac Tiger

The tiger can represent many things however, and below is another important aspect of a tiger.

Example: While in a basement a person approached me holding quite a large animal. As they handed it to me I saw it was a tiger cub, large and very well built, with a thick neck. I was surprised, but even more surprised and disturbed when a huge tigress came through a doorway above us at ground level and came down the stairs to us. I thought she was going to attack us, but she took the baby cub and placed it down. She then came with something in her mouth, probably money, and placed it near me. She gave off a powerful feeling of not wanting the cub, and with the money handing it over to me or us for our care. There was an atmosphere of irritability about her. Peter G.

In this example the tiger has an obvious connection with the mother. The dreamer had often been threatened by his mother that she was going to give him away, or put him in a home. So the dream probably dealt with his need to confront these feelings of abandonment which, like the tiger, were threatening. Interestingly, almost exactly five years later, in the same month, Peter dreamt the following.

I am in a house. There is a feeling I am sharing it with a number of people, as if there is a connection with a friend Mike. Suddenly I notice there is a tiger cub running around the room. It is a large room and empty except for myself and the cub. I realise this must mean there is a mother tiger about and worry that it will be angry or aggressive because of its cub. I go to walk through a doorway, but the mother tiger walks through. I stand still, not daring to move. But she brushes against me in a friendly way and strolls over to look at her cub. Peter G.

Interestingly the dreamer sees himself as a young tiger in his dreams.

Example: There is alarm that a wild tiger is about. I am concerned to find a place out of sight, behind a desk, in case the tiger sees me. It comes in, and, although there are many other people, it comes directly to me. As it comes towards me, I see it is small, and young, and un-coordinated in its random, flailing movements (rather like Tigger in Winnie-the-Pooh). Its body is like a pipe-cleaner twisted into a tiger shape. As it comes to me, I see it is full of energy but also shaking uncontrollably with fear, drenched in sweat. It is furiously wagging its tail, which may have a white bow tied to it (or is it the shape of the tail? – the latter I think), as if it is desperate to please. So from within my fear I say to it “Good tiger, there’s a good tiger,” to calm it down. I think, or say: “This tiger is terrified, because it is quite out of its element, in a classroom with humans.” I look up and see there is no one else in the room – just me and the tiger. JH.

JH says of his dream: “This seems to me to be a very revelatory dream. Clearly I am the tiger, and so I am frightened of my own fear in trying to hide from it. But the clarity of the dream is in the basic fear of existence the tiger exhibits.” Here the tiger is clearly about the fight and flight instinct in us all, and the struggle JH has in dealing with this in his life as a teacher.

Idioms: Fight like a tiger; paper tiger.

Useful questions:

Am I dealing with anxiety or anger in this dream?

What relationship do I have with the tiger, and what does this say about the way I deal with the ‘tiger’ aspects of my life such as fear, anger, aggression and dominant strength?

Does my dream tiger show any signs of motherhood in this dream, and if so how does that reflect on my mother or motherhood?

See Animal in my Dream


-ismael 2015-04-04 5:03:46

Hi I dream about an adult tiger first time in my lifeand I was carring him with a rope around at te old house where my parent lived longtime ago.Me n my sister decided to sell tis tiger because we wont b able to feed him.He has eaten some goats that are not ours.So next morning wen I worke up soon as I switch on te TV i saw a documentary abt tiger in Thailand I was surprise because te first image was a big tiger appeared on TV.Can I know te meaning tks.

    -Anna 2015-04-06 11:17:35

    Ismael – We tend to call these “encounters” synchronicity, like you dream about a tiger and then you see one on TV. So what is on our mind, we meet in what we perceive as the outside world. The meaning of those encounters is for you to decide, my experience is that sometimes it is “only” to show me WHAT is on my mind and sometimes I perceive the meaning as going much deeper than that.
    Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/coincidence-or-synchronicity/
    In your dream you return to your parental home, where I think you look at past experiences.
    The symbol of a sister in a brother’s dream is different, depending on your/her age. A younger sister: Vulnerable emotions; rival for love of parents. Older sister: Capable feeling self.
    A tiger which is not allowed to move freely in your dream can have different meanings too. Like to direct something, as when you control your feelings, or give yourself certain boundaries to live within. To have a measure of control. Restrained or controlled urges; urges we have trained or directed; holding back or restraining or directing parts of oneself.
    Also which inner aspect or urge or feeling was – despite being directed – able to survive at the cost of the goats?
    Also it is worthwhile exploring “.He has eaten some goats that are not ours.”, because in a dream every symbol is part of you and/or your family. So could it be that “the goat” was denied in your family?
    Could it serve a purpose to bring the goats back to life again in your inner world?
    Perhaps you will decide NOT to sell the tiger and find a way to feed the needs of your inner tiger using Power Dreaming?
    Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/animals-in-your-dreams/
    Anna 🙂

-Amy 2015-04-01 2:10:34

I had a dream i am in a jungle with my partner and see tigers playing with each other the person in the jungle tells us they are not hungry so they will not harm you. I feel happy seeing them play

    -Anna 2015-04-01 14:32:28

    Amy – In order to fully understand this “jungle dream”, it would be helpful if you would also explore former dreams you had and dreams which will follow this dream, as Life is a process.
    Being in the jungle can be a symbol of eruption of urges and feelings from the unconscious – could be negative or positive depending on dream.
    In your dream you are feeling happy so it can represent a change in the way you are dealing with life and your inner world; an initiation into new areas of experience.

    Anna 🙂

-Panther26 2015-03-30 6:07:18

In my last dream, I had sex with a tiger. I opened the gates, not knowing about the tiger’s presence and when the tiger saw, I felt terrified. He came closer and my fear started going away and a feeling of confidence and knowingness was filling inside me. As if I knew him. A long lost friend. And the next moment we were having sex. Not just casual sex but the love making and we reached completion. It was full of passion, love and satisfaction. Please tell me what it means.

    -Anna 2015-04-01 14:45:19

    Panther26 – This is usually about a meeting with your most primal and natural feelings, outside of social programming.
    Depending upon how the animal in your dream is presented, and what it is doing, dream animals represent your fundamental drives such as the fear reaction, anger, need for food, urge to breathe, sex or procreative drive, parental urges, drive for recognition or dominance in groups; survival drive; love of offspring; spontaneity; home building. They depict these drives perhaps stripped of their social forms of expression.
    As such the animal can portray your relationship with the fundamental life processes in you. Dreams depict these processes as intelligent and responsive, not just as chemical actions and reactions as modern medicine so often does. Therefore your conscious attitudes influence these fundamental living processes in you – processes that maintain health, digest, beat your heart, rebuild damage and fight infection. Negative feelings or attitudes can cause these ‘animals’ in you to despair or lose motivation, and thus lead to depression or illness. Remember that in looking at the animal in your dreams you are yourself an animal. You as a person are a tiny spark of consciousness, a little bit of self-awareness riding an incredibly ancient animal you call your body. Remember that your body has formed from cells and genetic information that has gradually developed over millions of years. It holds that information in it unconsciously. The animal in your dreams depicts this ancient wisdom and how you relate to it. It shows you how you are dealing with the urges in you that are natural, but might need to be helped into modern life or transformed in some way.
    Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/
    Anna 🙂

-Brenda 2015-03-29 14:38:14

Hello, last night I was dreaming of being at home outside. Every time i dream of being at home my home is a bit different the house is the same but the town is different because my street has more houses, more allies, and its really weird. I was dreaming I was outside on my porch when I had a sensation there was something else lurking. I then remembered there were tigers in this area (I don’t know why in my dream I felt like its normal to have tigers in this area) but I was really afraid because I was outside at the same time the tigers would come out. And I ran back in side my house because I saw one and one saw me. I thought ibclosed the door but I guess I didn’t because it came back inside lurking around for me. I knew it was trying to find me but I always seemed to know where it was and it couldn’t find me. I think my mom was in the house too but it couldn’t really get to us and I think it was only trying to find me. I’m curious unto why I dremt this since a couple months ago when we found I out I had a tumor my mom (who ALWAYS dreams of very peculiar dreams that always mean something or worn her of something. Its really weird) started dreaming of a white tiger who would come into the house. She said it was always find us even though we hide but it was very sweet and although we were scared it never tried attacking us. My mom continued to dream similar dreams and after my surgery she understood why. Because after my 7 hour surgery. Although the tiger was very big and we were very scared it never attacked. And although my tumor was very big and I had a very big surgery it ended up never being cancerous. So now I don’t know why I’m dreaming about tigers. Im kinda afraid it could mean something about my health since recently my knee gave out and when we went to the hospital they found something that I’m not yet sure what it is so I have to go see a knee surgeon. I don’t know if I’m making this out to be or what but I would love for you to answer me.

    -Anna 2015-03-29 17:44:20

    Brenda – It is good to hear that your tumour was benign and I salute you for trying to find a way to heal your mind now.
    With your tumour being removed and so your body healed – I do hope that your knee will turn out to be okay – your dream creator is helping you to learn to deal with your fears and to learn to digest all the experiences and feelings you had and have to go through, so that you can find your inner power again.
    I feel that the dream expresses that you still feel fearful and vulnerable and perhaps even angry sometimes (did you ever ask why me? why did I get a tumour and not somebody else?), and you tend to hide for those feelings, rather than face them.
    Your dream tiger is not giving up on you though, for it continues to try to find you, so you can learn to deal with these (new and often difficult) feelings in your life.
    Your mother’s dream about a white tiger is about her own power as a woman which was always able to reach her and it helped her to stay strong in difficult times.
    I trust that your mother will be able to help you find a way to process your experiences and I trust that you ARE able to eventually dream of a white tiger too which will turn out to be a real friend.
    Anna 🙂

-linda 2015-03-28 18:21:16

I had a dream it began with me being outside with one of my grandchildren. I saw a large white tiger walking around slowly. I kind of panicked, so I took my grandchild inside my apartment. The Tiger then came in I saw it and we closed the door to my room. I then peeked around the corner of the door and the tiger was sitting on my balcony. Then I woke up.

    -Anna 2015-03-29 8:25:54

    Linda – In general white animals carry this meaning:
    “Urges and sexuality that have been accepted or integrated with conscious activities. This means urges that at one time you were in conflict with or anxious about, and have been transformed in urges and feelings that are acceptable parts of your present life. They become available and creative energy”.
    It can be creative in new ways as social actions, in caring for others, in creative art work, such as writing or music, or ways beyond counting. Life itself is infinitely creative, look around at all the forms it creates.
    And so perhaps now that you understand that a white tiger is a beautiful symbol, you can stop being afraid of it and accept the process of transformation and the birth of something new in your inner world?
    Please also read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/create-creative-creativity/
    Anna 🙂

-Layla 2015-03-27 5:10:32

I had a dream that I was trying to get a tattoo. All I wanted was a dreamcatcher with a wolf in the middle. But the tattoo artist wasn’t listening to me. He made it a tiger crawling up my arm instead and also tattooed tiger stripes on the left side of my face. When I touched my face I was able to wipe away the ink almost as if it had been painted on instead….when I tried to do the same to my arm…the ink came off but the tiger remained imprinted on my arm like a scar. I just remember feeling angry that the man wouldn’t give me what I’d originally asked for…wonder what it means…

    -Anna 2015-03-27 10:56:35

    Layla -The tattoo artist is the aspect of your inner world that is in contact with the irrational, creative side of the unconscious and is also a symbol for the drive to express something of yourself that may be repressed.
    As you might know, dream catchers are arts and crafts of the Native American people. The original web dream catcher of the Ojibwa was intended to teach natural wisdom. Nature is a profound teacher.
    Dreamcatchers are now often used for a different reason – to stop bad dreams – because many people perceive bad dreams as confusing.
    However, bad dreams or nightmares have a helpful purpose in our inner world, and so please read this feature to understand why it is important to face “the scars which were caused by the tiger”.
    I wonder how you knew there were tiger stripes on your face; did you look into a mirror?
    And on which arm was the tiger tattooed, and so which part of you received the scars?
    See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/face/
    Layla, I have shared some thoughts about your dream, I feel it is helpful though if you try to continue to explore it for yourself.
    Another helpful question is for instance what do you associate with a wolf and why did you choose for that animal in your dream catcher?
    See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working
    You can also use any of the techniques in this article:
    Good Luck!
    Anna 🙂

-aarushi 2015-03-25 5:03:30

what a tiger killing my daughter means in my dream?
I am afraid she have worse time now.

    -Anna 2015-03-25 8:46:42

    Aarushi – I feel this dream is about your inner child in the first place, and your own daughter represents that part of yourself in your dream.
    See http://dreamhawk.com/health-and-healing/inner-baby-and-child/
    Being killed is about an interior or exterior influence which you feel is ‘killing’ – undermining, making ineffective, strangling, choking – one’s self confidence, or sense of identity.
    Not knowing anything about you or your relationship with your mother I have to guess.
    Could it be that your own mother was too protective towards you and so she did not give you enough room to explore – AND to make errors – in order to develop your own self confidence and sense of identity?
    Anna 🙂

-andrea 2015-03-05 16:25:56

I had a dream last night that I was at home visiting with my husband. I believe we were around the kitchen island. A white tiger with black stripes just walked in through the garage and strolled through the house. I was not afraid and same for my husband. The tiger passed him first and they seemed to have a short and friendly exchange. Then the beautiful white tiger approached me. Huge but nothing to fear. i was so shocked at what was happening. When I went to pet this friendly very large and rare creature I noticed it had manyany eye balls. and that is all I remember. I know in the dream I thought of how odd this was for such a pretty creature why did it have so many eye balls. What could this mean?? I would appreciate any insight you may have.

-Eva 2015-03-02 8:38:43

My dream was so weird. In my dream me and a few friends were supposed to be chipping in for a hotel room. Next thing I know I wake up in a room by myself. It was like as if plans changed and I got a room by myself. I was laying in bed alone when suddenly I look to the shelves on the wall and see a animal. At first it looked as it was a baby monkey hiding behind the towels but as I got up to get a closer look, I realized it was a baby tiger. I was frightened at first but also wanted to help it down. Instead I reach for the door knob to get the hell out of there lol. I was hoping as I opened the door he wouldn’t reach to bite me but if he did I didn’t care. Sure enough, as I try to turn the door knob, the tiger reaches out and bites me. That’s when I woke up. For some reason I remember the bite felt like it didn’t hurt. Maybe it was a gentle bite? I woke up at exactly 3 am to a random text from my guy asking if I ever thought about getting on the pill. Any ideas?

    -Anna 2015-03-02 19:27:12

    Eva – I see it that the dream gave you the opportunity to explore on your own first, rather than joining with your friends.
    See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/monkey/
    I do not believe the text of your guy was random, but that it was related to the dream.
    The dream shows you that the answer to his question is more than a simple “yes” or ” no”, for
    it is in the first place your journey into exploring your own sexuality as a woman and give it time to grow in your own pace.
    Like any other animal, the tiger can also represent aspects of sexuality, depending upon how it is presented in the dream. As a symbol of sex it would most likely include elements of uncertainty – will I be attacked or overwhelmed – power and instinctive responses. _______________________________________

    So rather than running from your own sexuality
    you can still help the tiger down from the shelf when you carry the dream forward:

    Anna 🙂

-Angela 2015-02-26 6:10:08

In my dream I had a baby cub tiger that my boyfriend gave and then she grew bigger as i were walking with her on a leash and I wasn’t afraid of her but I felt like if someone were to come towards me that she would protect me to make sure nothing were to happen to me.

    -Anna 2015-02-26 16:55:48

    Angela 🙂

    The dream shows how your own power as a woman can grow, when you keep a connection with it – the leash – while you make your own way at your own pace through life.
    I see it that the dream expresses it as a gift, because this inner power is a gift of Life.
    It is possible that you were able to become aware of this innate power, because of the relationship you have with your boyfriend.
    Relationships teach us a lot about ourselves.

    A beautiful dream.

    Anna 🙂

-Maria 2015-02-25 3:06:26

I had a dream that there were wild tigers in a compound, i don’t know who’s it was but we were running away from them, and me amd a friend went to the roof veranda and tigers came there bit my friend and fell on to the ground (first floor)
And then there was another tiger so i jumped to the tree in front of me grabbing to the tree i was horrified and the togers suddenlty left…
And then on the other side of the veranda i could see a house on the same compound and i had eye contact with a tiger through the window and he was just staring at me… And all i could see were his eyes.
It was pretty scary…
Can aomeone please tell me what this dream means?

-Corné 2015-02-14 9:26:10

I had a dream that a tigress was infected with a virus that made her loose all control she broke out of her cage and chased me into a small shed. As i entered i turned around to close the door but she was to close so i hit her on the nose and shut the door. I’ve been trying to understand this dream for a while now but i cant seem to get any clarity on the matter

    -Anna 2015-02-14 10:47:04

    Hi Corné 🙂

    I see it as that your dream fits perfectly in the way Tony described in this entry how these chasing dreams express what goes on in your inner life:


    Often children have recurring dreams of being chased by a tiger (or lion), and this is about anger that they have been told is bad to express. So this is why they are running from it when they should have made it their friend. This is probably also why most people are still running or hiding from tigers in their dreams. Instead they should have been taught to direct their anger – a natural part of our defense system – effectively.

    I do not know how old you are, nor do I know how willing you are to look at what you are doing to yourself without judging yourself for the choice you made to hide in a small shed, rather than deal with this tiger.
    In order to understand that this choice is not healthy – the virus – and that there are better ways to deal with a tiger, please read:


    Good luck !

    Anna 🙂

-Nick 2015-02-02 23:50:29

Had a dream me and my ex went to a private tiger exhibit of some sort. I managed to find the button that would release it for it’s cage or pen and of course I pressed it. Realizing what I did, I left in fear without my ex. After thinking about it, I returned to this private zoo or estate. It seemed like the zoo keeper was trying to get it back under control with food. He had no fear at all. I still hid and ran. I then had another dream, immediately after (almost in a flash) where there was a younger tiger in my house as a pet. I somehow killed it by being forgetful. I then cried to my mother explaining what happened. Both Tigers were white. The first was very large and intimidating. The second was immature around the size of a dog.

-Krista Ball 2015-01-26 15:18:35

Had a dream with some overt sexual tones including warfare between battalions of men and women and myself making out with two men while another woman watched (that is very unlike me!!). At the end of the dream I was alone and walking to a shed on the edge of a clearing nestled into the woods. I heard rustling then watched as a beautiful tiger, who saw me standing still as he ran slowly by about 15 ft away. He was followed by another who was more interested in approaching me. I was still standing still but a little nervous about his direct gaze at me. As the second tiger was beginning to approach me, I woke up. He didn’t seem as he was going to attack me, instead he seemed curious. I was curious about both of them as well.

    -Anna 2015-02-14 12:27:07

    Krista 🙂

    Depending on your age and “where you are with your inner life”, the dream could show you this

    No matter how old you are or “where you are” the dream shows you that there is an inner conflict about your “secret” longings.
    Please read

    The conflict arose because this longing is very unlike you and perhaps because you do not understand this longing yet?

    The first step is to let go of your preconceptions about this sexual impulse and to understand that your dream maker “went there with you” in order to help you with something.

    Perhaps it was helping you to move beyond your comfort zone, for moving beyond it can be like a seed for inner growth.
    Simply continue to be curious what this is all about and it will reveal itself to you.

    Good Luck !

    Anna 🙂

-Richard 2015-01-19 2:27:12

2 part dream
(1)I was a white tiger curled up in a corner of the room. I was very powerful and good. I could be a threat but I was just curled up in a corner for now. There were other scrappy dogs in the room, barking, but I was calm and comfortable. (2). I was having a book discussion with a friend. His book was used. It’s cover was torn off.

    -Tony Crisp 2015-01-25 8:54:59

    Richard – I have to smile on reading your dream because it describes you as someone who has developed your own inner strength and doesn’t need to make a big show or noise. You are the white tiger, an instinctive strength that doesn’t get into gossiping with the barking dogs.

    I am not sure about the book without a cover, but it might be that you do not need a lurid cover to sell what you hold inside of you. You could be a teacher.

    I suggest you use the following to really contact the white tiger – http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson


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