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Topics - Tony Crisp

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Sir - In the hope getting a dream interpreted 🙂

A few nights ago, I had a dream where I couldn't see anything. Everything was black. And I had a strange feeling of my heart being in the right side of my chest. Then someone stabbed me in the right side of the chest with two long polished wooden sticks. I tried to see who it was but everything was dark. I could feel every inch of the sticks going through my chest and could also hear a low grinding sound as the sticks went through me. Few moments later, I started questioning myself why am I getting stabbed in the right side when my heart's in the left and I was somewhat back to the reality.

I could feel the pain for a few minutes even after completely waking up. But the feeling of the sticks slowly going into my chest and the sound it made didn't fade away, so I kept lying in the same spot of the bed for the rest of night with my eyes, teeth and fists tightly clenched.

[Not related to the dream I described above, but I would be grateful if you could help me with this too.
Sir, on the days when I am not dreaming, when I wake up, I am able to directly get up from the bed (physically).

But when I wake up or am being woken up after/while dreaming, even when I'm back to reality, I can't get my body to move. It takes 30min to 1hr to completely let go of the dream and get up from the bed. And there have been multiple instances where the real world happenings are exactly/somewhat similar to the dreams I've had just before waking up.]

I will be highly obliged if you could help me with the above mentioned cases.

Thank You.
Claire 🙂

General Discussion / What Does An Animal In My Dream Mean?
« on: June 13, 2019, 10:55:16 AM »
The fact is that as humans we are mammals, and so have built into us many of the feelings, fears, longings and reactions that other mammals have. We also have all the whole levels of evolutions of animals built into us in the levels of our brain. So in our dreams we frequently express our fears, longings and reactions in the images of animals. See Levels of the Brain

As a baby you were a small vulnerable animal, with all the natural instincts to feed, to survive, and to bond with your mother. When you were in your mother’s womb you started off as a bundle of cells; these gradually became a fish like creature with gills, and then onto a mammal form. It shows that we have been all the animals as we evolved into us. So the animals we dream of are parts of our wholeness, and unless we are reared by humans who teach us to speak we remain an animal. See Animal Children (https://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/animal-children/).

But as people educated in the modern world, many of us are totally out of touch with the animal that we are, and have never been able to raise it to love and protect us, and instead are often frightened of it when it appears on their dreams. As a child we are often told not to do things – such as do not get angry, or told to be nice to everyone, but the intuitive animal side of us feels and act on its superior insight – that would allow them to mature with our animal self intact; but we usually grow up repressing it, and often miss the natural curiosity of our inner mammal. But also the animals in our dreams may seem to turn against us and attack us. But in the images of our dreams that is understandable, for when we are frightened or stressed our own body turns against us producing toxins that can cause grave illness. So please see https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/emotions/#Norman

What many people find is that they are frightened of their dream animal, or have never learned to help it evolve into the human world. This means that many people have a great lack in themselves and in their dreams they have to meet and work with the animal in them. The animal you dreamt is a wonderful and massive symbol, and apart from any personal associations we have with it can be a link with the animal we all are. I often say to people you ride on the back of an ancient beast. The ancient beast is our body, and our conscious self is the modern and recent rider of it. Some ‘riders’ do not understand their animal needs – and the fact that we have several levels of brain that are independent of each other proves this. Yet our conscious self is only a tiny part of us and we have a massive background of life behind it. There are some very deep connections we have with dream animals. the following examples show something of this:

Suddenly I in my dream I had inwardly become a dog that barked. In fact the bark woke me up and I was aware how the dream dog was myself, and it was me who barked. My soul had experienced the condition of a barking dog. Just as suddenly as the bark sounded from me, I knew that the homosexual desires shown in the session were not psychologically caused, but arose from this dog nature in me.

I can now see that some of my sexuality arises not from love, but from the drives of this dog part of me. Similarly, much of my aggressiveness has come from this source. But this is still too new for me to see any deeper into these parts of my nature, and what subtle influences they have on my inner and outer life.

Here is another dream that allow dealing with another issue is equally showing how we and the animal are one in our dreams.

Example: I am sitting in the hotel staff room eating lunch at a large dining table. One by one I am joined by perhaps a dozen women. The atmosphere is pleasant, easy and light hearted. I enjoy the feeling of being the only male among a dozen attractive women. Then I notice a strange thing. One by one all the girls around me turn into cats, but carry on laughing and talking as if nothing is happening. I find this interesting and not alarming. I am aware each girl turns into the sort of cat that is right for her – a vivacious redhead becomes a purring orange tabby; an aloof, slightly superior lady becomes a Siamese; the only ex-girlfriend of mine present becomes a black witches familiar. I remember turning to my left and asking: ‘Tell me Rebecca, how did you do this?’ The Rebecca cat giggles with a human voice and says: ‘He doesn’t have a clue, does he?’ As I look at the Rebecca cat I realise she still has her human eyes. This I realise is true of all the cats, they have human eyes in feline faces. As I realise this one says: ‘I think he’s beginning to understand now’ and laughs. Paul C. Teletext.

Depending upon how the animal in your dream is presented, and what it is doing, dream animals represent your fundamental drives such as the fear reaction, anger, need for food, urge to breathe, sex or procreative drive, parental urges, drive for recognition or dominance in groups; survival drive; love of offspring; spontaneity; home building. They depict these drives perhaps stripped of their social forms of expression.

Example:I see tiger/lion in my dreams for at least once in a month, Whatever the stage is, I find one thing is common in my dreams that first I spot them somewhere and I’m not frightened of them at all; but after that suddenly they follow me, chase me (by running fast) and then at the moment they going to attack me I wake up.. And this is done by a single tiger or a lioness… I am dreaming this from the past 6, or more than 6 months, and it’s getting serious. Please help. Take care.

Fear changes the whole dream, because nothing can hurt you in your dreams; you cannot even die in a dream. Of course you can experience feelings of dying, but then you are fine. The tiger/lion is a part of you and your fear turns it into a threatening thing. The tiger/lion keeps coming because it wants you to learn not to be afraid of yourself – for all things in dream are simply images you create – everything in dreams is all you. So when you are no longer afraid the tiger will become a friend and will give you great strength. But many people have a very different relationship with their dream animals.

Example: My dream was not frightful. My Bear dream and I were walking, he put his nose in my hand and nuzzled, we walked home, I went up to my door and Bear went next door and rolled around in the neighbors driveway and rested.

Example: Then in my next dream I had my new pet tiger, the same one I had taken from the zoo, and I was caring for it in my backyard and me and the tiger were both really happy. Then in the last dream I remember, I had to try and hide my tiger so that nobody would know I had it, but unfortunately the neighbours spotted it and reported me as the thief of the tiger from the zoo, and a strange man came and took the tiger. I tried to explain that someone gave me the tiger, but he wouldn’t listen, and I lost my tiger, and was completely devastated and humiliated because I was in the media for stealing the tiger.

As such the animal can portray your relationship with the fundamental life processes in you. Dreams depict these processes as intelligent and responsive, not just as chemical actions and reactions as modern medicine so often does. Therefore your conscious attitudes influence these fundamental living processes in you – processes that maintain health, digest, beat your heart, rebuild damage and fight infection. Negative feelings or attitudes can cause these ‘animals’ is you to despair or lose motivation, and thus lead to depression or illness. Remember that in looking at the animal in your dreams you are yourself an animal. You as a person are a tiny spark of consciousness, a little bit of self awareness riding an incredibly ancient animal you all your body. Remember that your body has formed from cells and genetic information that has gradually developed over millions of years. It holds that information in it unconsciously. The animal in your dreams depicts this ancient wisdom and how you relate to it. It shows you how you are dealing with the urges in you that are natural, but might need to be helped into modern life or transformed in some way, not killed out, maimed or tortured. Please read https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/

General Discussion / How can I avoid being my own victim?
« on: May 29, 2019, 09:55:47 AM »
If you watch yourself you will notice that whatever you think about you have a feeling reaction to. Obviously it is noticeable in regard to frightening dream images. And dreams are only your feeling reactions put into images and drama. If you watch a horror movie you may feel fear or even terror. Like a dream they are just images, and if the fear continues after the film it is because you keep thinking or feeling things that press the fear button. We all have a keyboard of feelings that when pressed can cause us to feel all manner of things. It is usually outside things that cause the reactions, so we may feel fear, sexy, hope, confidence, terror, wonder, curiosity, lost or courageous; so in a way we are victims of what other people and the world do to us.

Dreams are a way of showing us what victims we are, running away when a wild animal chases us in the dream, or a demon says it will claim us – all buttons pressed. Our ideas and beliefs are the main builders, and it is a world we then live in. We build an inner world that few people realise they have, and that inner world constantly controls how they relate to and deal with the outer world, the people, animals and events we meet.

Unfortunately we often build a terrible world inside us, and this leads to sickness, despair and depression. Maybe I am simplifying a little, but it is generally true. And nearly all reactions are habits, and the trick of shifting them is to start a new habit. Also you need to realise that there is a huge difference between your ‘conscious life’ and your 'dream life'. And to save me writing it all out again, will you please read  Summing Up and What we Need to Remember About Us also see the example under Imprisoned - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/summing-up/ - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-you-asked/-%20http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/ - https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/imprisoned/

So to break a habit we need to practice entering a dream in imagination. Here is something to do that can help you to learn. To understand what is being explained, one must sit without distraction and with closed eyes and imaginatively enter into driving a car. As you imagine this, see yourself driving down a very steep hill, with a steep drop on the left. As the car goes down and down, the bends in the road swing this way and that, and suddenly a bend comes up and the car is going too fast to make it. There is a terrible slope, and the car goes right over the edge. Now what did you feel or do when the car goes over the edge?

Note carefully what happened, then read on. Now I want you to do the whole thing again. But this time, as the car goes off the edge of the road to smash down the hill, you must try to make it simply fly up into the air gracefully and land safely lower down the road. Try this before reading on. You may not have been able to control the car once it went over the edge of the road. It either crashed, or you could only slow it down. If you could control it then it shows a high degree of direction of your images and you are changing a habitual reaction. Our fear of crashing is involved, it takes hold of the image and crashes it!

In other words, because we cannot master our fear of crashing, it controls the image we have produced. Having realised this, we can then learn to face fear and move the image where we wish, until another fear or desire is involved. And all we have done is to play with images – dreams! Obviously you may need to practice this to do it well. The tremendous meaning and possibilities of that are amazing. Through the manipulation or observance of our own images, we can discover, trace, change our own innermost processes. That is one of the great wonders behind our dreaming, it displays our fear and wonder, and if we use it we can change our whole reaction to fear. So try it with a real fear you meet in a dream, and play with it as you did with the care image, till you can feel all that wonderful energy that was held back by fear. See carry the dream forward. Also see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYYXq1Ox4sk

Also see https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/ also / https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-wonder-of-imagination

Dream Interpretation / A Woman Put Evil Words On Me
« on: May 13, 2019, 09:44:06 AM »
Wanted to share this with you. I was called out by someone on FB last week. It upset me terribly. This lady claims to be a seer and fought demons in the spirit realm. She knows nothing about me. Only that Holy Spirit has told her I was a witch. I know I have been one in my past life and in the new life I have been trying to fix karma and do good for others. I promote love and support all of Gods creatures. This woman just wants to put me down for offending a gay couple that she posted on her page. Her followers were shaming them and saying they are abomination etc. I cannot accept that people feel that God would treat his own by punishing them.


General Discussion / Have You Faced Your Own Fears?
« on: May 08, 2019, 10:09:32 AM »
Fears are a natural reaction to certain things, and they can become habits and can play over and over with no real cause. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/features-found-on-site/-%20http:/dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Victim

Also remember that dreams are a very different world than waking life, and in fact even if you experience a dream of great terror nothing can hurt you. But of course you may wake feeling the same terror, yet nothing has actually hurt you, you are merely facing your own feelings of fear. In fact dreams are like a computer game with a very real virtual reality – you can be killed a hundred times but the game/dream does you no harm.

Example: I had dreamt my wife and I had been talking about whether there were any ghosts in the house. On going to bed I sat in bed and challenged any ghosts to show themselves, certain I could handle them. There was no response, and feeling rather smug I lay down to go to sleep. Just then the door creaked open, and in walked two black men who looked as if they had climbed out of an old grave. Their flesh was falling off them and they were blank eyed. I was terrified and made the sign of the cross and said a few holy words to ward them off. It worked and they went, but not for long. This time all my signs and prayers didn’t get rid of them and they put their dead hands around my throat strangling me. I woke screaming and frightened.

What I gathered from these dreams was that originally I had repressed parts of my own natural sexual feelings, shown as the black men. They were dead because I had killed this part of myself as a teenager. But I was deeply frightened of these sexual urges because of what had happened in adolescence. So I never had such a dream again.

I found that to get rid of the fear I had to face what it was about instead of running from it as if it would kill me. Simon, as a human being you are not simply a creature that responds automatically to your environment. Even intelligent animals such as chimpanzees and foxes do not simply responded to their environment instinctively. They learn certain types of behaviour from their parents, from experience, and from their fellow animals. They, like us, are capable of learning. Our own relationship with parents, other human beings and animals during infancy, passes on to us an enormous amount of information through our ability to copy behaviour, through word of mouth, through our own experience, and through reading or viewing.

So, many of us have awful images or sense of fear haunting us from being passed on. See The Conjuring Trick It might help to use Secrets of Power Dreaming –  The following is a quote from the National Health Website.

Whatever it is that scares you, here are 10 ways to help you cope with your fear and anxiety:
1. Take time out
It feels impossible to think clearly when you’re flooded with fear or anxiety. A racing heart, sweating palms and feeling panicky and confused are the result of adrenalin. So, the first thing to do is take time out so you can physically calm down.

Distract yourself from the worry for 15 minutes by walking around the block, making a cup of tea or having a bath. When you’ve physically calmed down, you’ll feel better able to decide on the best way to cope.

2. What’s the worst that can happen?
When you’re anxious about something, be it work, a relationship or an exam, it can help to think through what the worst end result could be. Even if a presentation, a call or a conversation goes horribly wrong, chances are that you and the world will survive. Sometimes the worst that can happen is a panic attack. If you start to get a faster heartbeat or sweating palms, the best thing is not to fight it. Stay where you are and simply feel the panic without trying to distract yourself. Placing the palm of your hand on your stomach and breathing slowly and deeply (no more than 12 breaths a minute) helps soothe the body. It may take up to an hour, but eventually the panic will go away on its own. The goal is to help the mind get used to coping with panic, which takes the fear of fear away.

3. Expose yourself to the fear
Avoiding fears only makes them scarier. If you panic one day getting into a lift, it’s best to get back into a lift the next day. Stand in the lift and feel the fear until it goes away. Whatever your fear, if you face it, it should start to fade.

4. Welcome the worst
Each time fears are embraced, it makes them easier to cope with the next time they strike, until in the end they are no longer a problem. Try imagining the worst thing that can happen – perhaps it’s panicking and having a heart attack. Then try to think yourself into having a heart attack. It’s just not possible. The fear will run away the more you chase it.

5. Get real
Fears tend to be much worse than reality. Often, people who have been attacked can’t help thinking they’re going to be attacked again every time they walk down a dark alley. But the chance that an attack will happen again is actually very low. Similarly, people sometimes tell themselves they’re a failure because they blush when they feel self-conscious. This then makes them more upset. But blushing in stressful situations is normal. By remembering this, the anxiety goes away.

6. Don’t expect perfection
Black-and-white perfectionist thinking such as, “If I’m not the best mum in the world, I’m a failure,” or, “My DVDs aren’t all facing in the same direction, so my life is a mess,” are unrealistic and only set us up for anxiety. Life is full of stresses, yet many of us feel that our lives must be perfect. Bad days and setbacks will always happen, and it’s essential to remember that life is messy.

You can use your inner strength to clear what blocks you, you are often confronted by two choices – to go up or down – the good or the bad – what you want and what others want – the rules and law of the land and what we ourselves want. This is like an either/or thing – you can go up or down. But dreams have a lot of tricks or talents that we usually forget we have because you can do both. In fact our body or being does everything at once. For instance our body is constantly dying and creating new life.

It is important to realise that you have enormous range of choices, but it is often best to swing backwards and forwards between the opposites to find where you feel balanced. It might help with this by using – Secrets of Power Dreaming

7. Visualise
Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine a place of safety and calm: it could be a picture of you walking on a beautiful beach, or snuggled up in bed with the cat next to you or a happy memory from childhood. Let the positive feelings soothe you until you feel more relaxed.

8. Talk about it
Sharing fears takes away a lot of their scariness. If you can’t talk to a partner, friend or family member, call a helpline such as the Samaritans (08457 90 90 90, open 24 hours a day). And if your fears aren’t going away, ask your GP for help. GPs can refer people for counselling, psychotherapy or online help through a new online service called FearFighter.

9. Go back to basics
A good sleep, a wholesome meal and a walk are often the best cures for anxiety. The easiest way to fall asleep when worries are spiralling through the mind can be to stop trying to nod off. Instead, try to stay awake. Many people turn to alcohol or drugs to self-treat anxiety, with the idea that it will make them feel better, but these only make nervousness worse. On the other hand, eating well will make you feel great physically and mentally.

10. Reward yourself
Finally, give yourself a treat. When you’ve picked up that spider or made that call you’ve been dreading, reinforce your success by treating yourself to a candlelit bath, a massage, a country walk, a concert, a meal out, a book, a DVD or whatever little gift makes you happy. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/what-we-need-to-remember-about-us-3/#Hurt;  https://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/lifes-little-secrets/

Dream Interpretation / I Told a Guy To Stop Bothering Me
« on: May 05, 2019, 10:47:44 AM »

Can you tell me what does it mean to dream of the same person for years. Then you finally tell him in your mind to stop while he is in the same area at a ceremony and he does but so do all my other dreams. I use to dream all the time and great dreams with messages now I’m lucky if I can remember them or have them. I want my dreams back.


Dream Interpretation / Burning Lava
« on: April 30, 2019, 08:32:51 AM »

I had a dream is was me and five girls with chains on in like a jail cell in a room filled with lava on the floor just flowing regular no fire  we had to break a chain or put a code in but we had our own purpose we had to get out but we couldn’t touch the lava if we did we’d melt in lava and it would rise  so we sat on top of stuff to keep from burning in the lava.


I go to my parents' house (in real life they sold it years ago and moved to a small condo). My dad has renovated the top floor to be more comfortable for my mom. There are rooms and bedrooms with lots of tables for her to spread out and put her collectable item on them (dolls, teddy bears). It is sunny, nice, functional.

And the floor below (ground floor) has also been altered by him (I wonder in the dream: did he design it or have someone else design it and he made the decisions on colors and materials?). It is so extraordinary and creative, much more unique than the top floor renovation. It is like no set or design or building or room I have ever seen - the colors, textures, details. Like fancy desert icing on a wall, sculptural and colored of teal and magenta and dark blue with dark oak and it is extraordinary and it visually works. Or beautiful slightly miniature furniture in a green bedroom where the day light from the window and the interior light were perfect and the smaller scale so nice for a person of my short height. Or an aqua kitchen with retro appliances that felt clean and crisp, fun like a retro diner, everything so creative and it blew my mind. And an old fashioned laundry room with tools and messages (like scavenger hunt clues) hidden in baskets. A tower that looked exactly like St Basil's cathedral tower (in Red Square, Russia) was on top of the house - I could see it through a sky light. I tried to capture every room and image in my brain so I wouldn't forget-they were fantastic and surreal, yet inviting to live in, inspiring and fun. I kept thinking in the dream that "no Hollywood set designer has created a world like this," and I'm very impressed with set designers in real life. Words I wrote when I woke up to describe the images "Eclectic and so very creative. Singular, unique, impressive, well done, bold, a real statement."

Background info about myself, the dreamer:
I'm 46, female, mother of a young teen girl, happily separated for 4 years but I lack momentum to get a divorce and feel a bit stuck in life as to the next chapter, have started meditating and feel I've gone through some sort of spiritual awakening after meeting someone who woke me up, but we are no longer in contact and it is ok. I've worked in fields as a documentary filmmaker, a researcher, in academics and the arts, but am creatively blocked now.

My father in real life is 85, lives with my mom age 85, is a retired lawyer who longed to be an architect but went into law because a guidance counselor said it was a more reliable career. He is of Russian decent. My mom is always collecting things - dolls, doll houses, books, records, toys, thus needing tables and space to spread out her collections.

Background info on my dreams: I have recurring dreams of houses/buildings. Some dreams where I discover whole rooms and wings of the house I never knew existed (last night I dreamed it was raining lightly and beautifully in the new rooms because the ceiling must have been leaking but the rain caught the sunlight and looked beautiful like golden dust and felt like a divine mist, and the window of the new rooms opened to new neighbors and their kids came up to my open window and asked for beanie baby toys and I said I'd look around the old toys in the old furniture hutches to try to find them some and had them write down their names on a napkin so I wouldn't forget their names). Other house dreams where I need to rebuild the house because the floors got warped during a flood, or the floors are now slanted because the land shifted, or an open house need a guard rail built on the second floor, or an asian/bamboo tower-house tumbles down like a deck of cards floor by floor while I'm inside and I land gently on a cushioned ornate Asian or church bench. Or I'm building the top of a pyramid with others and the man who helped me awaken in real life stops by to give me a going away present of a ship in a bottle, and I had no idea I was leaving or going on a journey and it makes me happy, confused, and a bit sad. But of all my house/building dreams (there are many more than this), this one I wrote about in detail had the most fantastic and lush interior/architectural visuals of any dream I have ever had.

Nan B

Dream Interpretation / This might turn into a nightmare
« on: April 10, 2019, 11:20:41 AM »

I had a dream during an afternoon nap that I was on a green field, someone walked past who offended me and my life, so I defended it by telling them about my personal achievements that make me great. Then I lay down on this green lawn and suddenly realised that I am dreaming and I am inside my mind then I thought very quickly of what to think of because I realised I could possibly have a nightmare within it, so I thought of being in water. I closed my eyes and I was inside water, thinking of nothing, but just listening to the sound of water which was slightly uncomfortable, but very refreshing and relaxing because the tiny discomfort kept me focused and controlling my mind. Then someone knocked on my door and I had to wake up, so I did.

what could that experience mean for me?

General Discussion / What do You think Happens after We Die?
« on: April 08, 2019, 10:38:26 AM »
What do you think happens after our bodies die? Do we become unconscious and non-existent any more? Do we go to "heaven"? Do we reincarnate?

I personally think we reincarnate and learn new things in each new life, but am wondering what you all think and if any of your OBEs or lucid dreams have altered your original view of what you think occurs after our bodies die?


General Discussion / Does it mean adultery?
« on: April 08, 2019, 10:31:12 AM »

Any thoughts what the dream of a large, human-sized dark bird by a home may mean after adultery committed by the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation / In touch with my bigger picture
« on: April 03, 2019, 09:40:58 AM »
Hi Tony,
I wanted to give you an overview of the work we have done over the last year, as you are aware I have visited you more than a few times and we work on our dreams when we meet, that I am really grateful for, both my dreams and you sharing your ones also.

It keeps me in touch with my bigger picture. The ball of potential, the pond of souls, one of the latest ones was the well trodden ancient path the river of life and the eternal flame.

For me I can see that my dreams have been bringing to awareness my connection to knowingly that "I AM Life," that the personality I have is the story that I have been following, but it is not who I am , in fact I feel that the personal "I" seems to have gone, yet life is still here. Well that's today ha ha.

The information that has surfaced regarding that "I don't have to do anything" exists I just seem to notice life more than a "me", the cracking of the shell of the man in the last dream, the issness tentacles are still reaching out, and the energy of the potential lives within and is reaching out.

Running these workshops with Anna has shown me my confident side, that I know this work, I know how to offer a SAFE way of exploring the inner worlds. Because from you I have learnt to trust the process. As one of the group said, “You are like our midwives."

And I am now confident with my creativity, and I'm sure people pick that up, which supports their creativity. It has been a weave of all that I have learnt, but more than that what I have practiced and applied to my life. Why has it taken me so long to recognise my uniqueness?

But it's like I have not noticed that I have been living it. What I realise is how in a way I have walked a path different than many but not that I am alone. I know that there is a growing awareness in our world, and that it is very exciting. What I also realise is that having the childhood I had left me feeling I had to find answers, and I was very emotionally needy, which has been such a drive that there was no space for me to even imagine that I had choices, that I might be able to "do something or become something" - just more of a feeling that I had to cope with whatever life dishes out. I also carried that belief into my relationships, till I started to take myself emotionally away from my husband, but sadly he did not notice.

But looking at life the way I do now, it's not like I own anything even the thoughts that go through my mind. So I surrender and live in awe.  Knowing its Life that’s living me. Knowing you have kept me sane, and willingness to continue to explore, not to switch off. I still thank life that it chose to bring you into my life; I have met many people on my path, but none like you.

Brenda B.

Dreamt I was in the kitchen of my old home at Amersham. I was married to/loved a Greek young woman. She was a mixture of my wife and a woman I was connected with for many years, but she didn’t look like them. She saw I had a wallet sewed onto my back trouser pocket, and thought I didn’t know it was there. She took it off and gave it to me as an act of caring. I knew it was there and quite content with it as it was. With humour I told my woman I knew it had been there. On looking at it I saw it was a plastic wallet with sewing materials. That is, needles, darning wool, etc. My woman stormed out of the kitchen upset at my words. I threw the wallet after her, not at all angrily, but she had gone.

She came back. I realised how deeply upset she was. I kissed her to show her how I hadn’t been trying to hurt her, but she was inconsolable. A mother, hers or mine, told her not to carry on so stupidly.

Then I was at a temple or church, then a marketplace. I stood on the side of a stall, looking over the heads of the people passing. I was watching out for my woman, feeling depressed and irritable, a failure maybe. As I watched, a huge young man slowly walked into view from my left. He was ten or twelve feet high, with huge thick limbs. Although slow, his movements were not clumsy. He looked something like a Downs syndrome person, but not mentally backward, yet not quick witted mentally either. I wanted to stare at him, but didn’t want to embarrass him. I wanted my son to see him also.


Questions about dreams / Bad Dream or Nightmare – Change It
« on: March 26, 2019, 09:35:49 AM »
Experiment with changing your dream by using your imagination/visualisation:
You can always try to build a different ending to a dream that was not satisfying or not understandable by imagining a different end or a different direction. Do it while wake and relaxed and without interruptions.

Imagine yourself in the dream and continue it as a fantasy or daydream. Consider what it is that troubles you or is not what you want in your dream. Now take time to think how you would alter it and how to have an ending that would satisfy you. Now you can, in your imagination, enter your dream and alter the dream in any way that satisfies. Experiment with it, play with it, until you find a fuller sense of self expression.

It is very important to note whether any anger or hostility is in the dream but not fully expressed; or if feelings come in or something makes it hard to change the dream; if so, let yourself imagine a full expression of the emotions, the feelings, or the interruption, and keep on experimenting until you find satisfaction. It may be that as this is practised more feelings or insights are openly expressed in subsequent dreams. This is healthy, allowing such feelings to be vented and redirected into satisfying ways, individually and socially. In doing this do not ignore any feelings of resistance, pleasure or anxiety. Satisfaction occurs only as we learn to acknowledge and integrate resistances and anxieties into what we express. This is a very important step. It gradually changes those of our habits which trap us in lack of satisfaction, poor creativity or inability to resolve problems. See Secrets of Power Dreaming

How can you find your way through the good dreams and bad dreams you meet while you sleep? What can you do to move on from anxiety dreams and nightmares? How can you open up the possible wonders of dreaming?

Research and human experience over many years have shown ways we can work with the wonder of your dream process. From such research Dr. Nielsen and Levin suggest that dreaming attempts to create ‘fear extinction’ to deal with painful or fearful past experience. The dream process succeeds at this when we do not wake from a fearful dream. When we wake from a nightmarish dream it has failed. As Dr. Nielsen points out, ‘If you feel yourself falling spread your arms and learn how to fly’. See Example 15 – Life Changes

You Can Contact the Big You

This is not a crazy suggestion. Dreams are simply feelings put into images. Nothing can actually hurt you while you dream. If you really take that in and decide to confront your dream fears – don’t confuse this with externally dangerous things – you can transform your inner world of anxieties, heal past hurts, and open up the treasure house of your potential. When this happens it flows into confidence and pleasure in daily life.

Remember that in dreams you cannot be hurt or die. Whenever we dream its images are not like real life, because a dream is nothing like outer life where things could hurt you, but is an image like on a cinema screen, so that even if a gun is pointed at you and fired it can do no damage – except if you run in fear; so, all the things that scare you are simply your own fears projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind.

Your dreams are a unique area of self expression. They are a safe area to experiment and experience things in any way you wish. Often we introvert, or take into our dream life, rules and fears that have no place there. For example, while dreaming, you may fall into the sea and be terrified you will drown. But that is impossible because you are only experiencing images of your feelings and thoughts. All you can do is to feel fear. You can easily breathe under water in a dream, or fly, or die and be re-born. So remove such limitations from your inner life by visualising such changes into your dreams when awake. Imagine yourself being what you can in your dreams. Even passive people who couldn’t stand up for themselves can change as they do this.

Dream Interpretation / It had me feeling really anxious
« on: March 20, 2019, 07:55:24 AM »
Hello - I came across your website today while trying to interpret an unsettling dream. I wanted to leave a comment and ask for an interpretation, but was unable to register. So I came looking for the Facebook page and found it  I wondered if you could provide insight into the dream.

In it, I was living on the top floor of a 3 level apartment building in what turned out to be a complex of them. I looked out the window and saw something huge going by. It looked like a monstrous oversized triceratops - as big as the building - and it was lumbering down the street.

The next thing I remember in the dream I was looking out another window on the other side of the building, perpendicular to the street where the driveway was and there was a huge, larger than the building, Brown bird perched on the roof of a car trying to drive in. Eventually the car stopped and the bird flew to the top of the apartment building two down from me. It stayed on the roof for a moment but the weight of it brought the 3rd floor toppling over as I watched. It was scary to see. The bird then flew away, but I kept looking for it and felt very anxious that it would come back and worried about getting out with my pets and if it was safer to leave or to go. I secured all the doors and then I woke up.

Thank you for your help with this. It had me feeling really anxious when I woke up. Namaste,
Jessica 🕉

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