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Messages - Tony Crisp

Pages: 1 ... 174 175 [176] 177 178 ... 228
Dream Interpretation / Re: dancing with my dead grandad
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:19:58 PM »
Emuk – You haven’t told me whether your father is alive or dead?

In our dreams and within us we carry our parents and people we had a lot to do with inside us. This is a synthesised memory of all our relationships with them. Not really a memory more like a living and changing part of you. This has to be so because we are all the time gaining from our relationship with people, and your father is a huge part of you that has to be evolved. So you dancing with him shows a big change in your inner father. It looks like a good one.

Try this to see if you can find out what the change is - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/


Dream Interpretation / Re: Three Girls and a Hot Tub
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:51:49 PM »
Aristocrates – I have a strong feel about this dream. It has in it some ritual significance. You were in a mood to leave the throng and go up to the roof, a climb to a higher perspective. Then in that space where you are open to the sky – the heavens – you get into a tub of water. All ancient temples had a tub of water to cleanse the soul before going any further into the temple of initiation. And do not get me wrong, I am not talking about mystic ceremonies, but the initiations we all go through as we pass from childhood to manhood, from man hood to old age. All religion is actually about human life – but has been tarted up with guys in long robes and high positions.

So then you have a real initiation into the magic of women and your own inner life. The alcohol made you unable to move or resist – the same a sleep does when we dream see http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/sleep-paralysis/

The alcohol is not only something that can make you drunk, but for thousand of years was used in holy ceremonies. In your case it took away your conscious will and at last opened you to the influence of your Life Will.

I had a very similar dream where people were pouring drink into me and it was a mystery until I went exploring my unconscious and came up with this:

October 18, 1992 - Took time to consider the above dream. The first part of the dream, the men and the alcohol, didn’t feel at all aggressive when I explored it. There was a feeling of calm acceptance, and as I allowed this I had a deep sense that this represented a profound self acceptance, but also an acceptance of my life situation. I can see this in that I am no longer struggling to climb out of building work or common everyday life. The men I saw as ordinary everyday life experience, and they were pouring the spirit of life on and into me. In other words the acceptance of everyday life opens to a connection with the roots of life within oneself - life that is both common and ordinary, yet profound. At this first part of the dream I also had an image that I was drinking the blood of thousands of human beings. I don’t mean I was drinking lots of blood, but that I was drinking the essence of their blood. This had in it the experience of taking in a huge realm of everyday life. It was the taking in, the acceptance of, a wide range of human experience - everything from deep sexuality to religious realms of the supersensual.

The next scene shows me waking, and it took a long time to have any real sense of contacting the reality of this. I felt it as a waking up to several things. Firstly there is the telephone ringing. This had quite a lot of emotion connected to it. I am realising that I actually have connections, friends who support me. But it also shows that the business side of myself is willing to support and honour the spiritual facing side of my nature. I realised that I am only just really respecting my own spiritual facing self, and thus it is only just becoming respected by others. With a lot of emotion I realised also while looking at my connections with others, how important it is to have skills and share them with others. The emotion was that I realised and admitted to myself how many skills I have gathered in my life, and how much I am willing to share them with others. Also I saw that I am always learning - at the moment particularly learning a lot more about the computer and programs. But I tend to discount this, as I feel it as playing. I look at others who take learning so seriously and seek acclaim for it in diplomas, and feel that I am not learning, but in fact I am constantly learning a new skill.

So in my humble opinion it is an important dream, and one that will be seen in a greater way as time goes by.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Baby help
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:44:22 PM »
Madzwezwog – I want to quote something from What we Need to Remember About Dreaming.
1.   While we sleep our conscious self is largely or totally unconscious, and while we sleep our voluntary muscles are paralysed – so another will or motivating force moves our body. So we have a Conscious Will, and what I will call a Life Will. The first one we have experience of as we can move our arm or speak; but the second will takes over when we sleep.
2.   This Life will can move us to speak, to move our body, and in fact do things that we cannot do with our Conscious Will. As Freud pointed out this inner will has full access to our memories. It can do so many other things that are described else where – See ESP in Dreams; Edgar Cayce.
3.   This Life Will or motivator has been active for millions of years and we see it working all the time in animals. We are partly split in half because we are often opposed to what our Life Will in us wants. So the only way to express what is good for us is in dreams when our conscious will is largely passive.
The life will pre-existed your Conscious Will, and in fact still does all the things you need to stay alive, like breathing. So really your conscious self is only a small and fragile part of your whole self. Unfortunately we have been taught that the unconscious or Life Will is like an unconscious cabbage that simply exists. But that isn’t so. It has intelligence and purpose, and in your dreams it seems to be pushing you to get pregnant. All the dreams are about preparing and setting the scene for a birth.

Of course you have a choice as to whether you act on this massive urge. But the Life Will has a much wider awareness than us, so it probably has a plan for a special child to be born.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream with dead grandmother
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:11:46 AM »
J970 – The fact that you were happy and with your grandmother adds to me feeling that you will in fact receive a lot of money.

Or if not that you will have an inrush of potency and the ability to change things and get what you want.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Strangeness
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:59:30 AM »
NightOwl – In traditional yoga the headstand was to be practised until you could manage it for three hours. The idea was that it not only turned the world upside down, it also turned your view of the normal way you thought upside down too. But it also helped develop higher parts of the brain through increased blood flow.

So I see your dream is about moving toward a very different view of yourself and life. The small unimportant things fall away. So you will probably, if I am right, go through a period of change in which you may feel uncertain.


General Discussion / Re: LifeStream and Effects On Communication
« on: April 03, 2012, 10:44:44 AM »
Aristocrates – Well LifeStream could possibly help because it works you over pretty well, exercising every part of you. So I suggest you try the following first – and give yourself time. http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-arm-circling-meditation/

I would also suggest exercising the voice directly by using the following:

In this exercise we explore the use of sound. To make different sounds we need to move not only our throat, but also our trunk and even limbs in different ways. Sounds also evoke feelings and move or exercise them. Just as many of us do not move our body outside of certain restricted and habitual gestures and actions, so also our range of sounds may be quite small. So for several minutes explore making sounds. Start by taking a full breath and letting it out noisily with an AHHHH sound. Do this until you feel it resonating in your body and change to a strong EEEEEEEEEEE sound. Then try MMMMMMMAAAAAA.

If you are doing this exercise for the first time, that is sufficient for one session. As your sound production improves though, and you begin to enjoy it, explore making all sorts of happy sounds; different sorts of laughter, proud, childish, funny, etc.; angry noises; animal and bird noises; sensual sounds; the sound of crying or sobbing; natural sounds such as wind, water, earthquakes; make the sounds of different languages and different situations such as a warriors chant, a mothers lullaby (without real words, just evocative sounds), a lover’s song, a hymn to Life, or even sounds about birth and death; and just plain nonsense noises. Don’t attempt to explore all these different types of sound at one session. Just choose one and explore it until you can feel yourself limbering up in it and getting past restricting feelings such as shyness or feeling stupid. Those are the walls of restriction.


Hi Emma - It is good to see you and yes, I too am from the UK.  :)

We do not bite, and I think if your read the things at the top of Dream Interpretation it will give you lots to find your way with.

So - Welcome.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream about Mind Manipulation
« on: April 02, 2012, 12:00:26 PM »
Cas – This is a very interesting dream, and it leads me to think that you are an unusual person, and very strong in ways that may not be obvious to many. Your dream reminds me of the biblical phrase, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

When we consider the world of our dreams, we have to leave behind the view of the world we gain through our senses. We are open to a vast world where human and cosmic forces are shown. And I say you have courage because I see many people who run from anything that threatens them in their dreams – and here you are leading a battle against forces that are strange. Our dreams transform our inner world of thought, of belief, of what we feel with our inner strength, into the images of great battle, of thought manipulation, of a huge journey to undertake.

And of course these things are an everyday part of our life. Think of all the advertising and pressure by huge companies and even governments, to influence us. These are the principalities and powers in high places. But they are almost, to many people, invisible – except in our dreams, where the real battle ground takes place.

I do not think you are normal. You must have strong feelings about what goes on in the world, but you probably haven’t really let it surface, that is why it is recurring. It wants to break through and take action.

There are also some conflicts going on in you that need to be felt and allowed to be cleared.


NightOwl – It’s good to meet you again. And your dream starts of in a good place within you- your grandparent’s old house. I am guessing it is because of that positive background in your life that you can begin to face the negatives. It helps to have a strong ego sometimes – underneath it all.

The threat to your grandparent’s house is most likely that it is about your feeling that any good feelings you have could be stolen or taken. And trying to get help to deal with that can seem as if you are not making progress.

The emergency person is most likely an aspect of yourself that has gained the strength to deal with what you face – a life rescue person – and that is what we do when facing our difficulties, we rescue our own life from the horror it has lived in. That is what it feels like as you see yourself emerging.

The gifts given were a twisted relationship that promised so much – and some fragrance. It sounds like it is the fragrance that made your emotions surface. In every bad experience there is usually something that adds to our strength and wisdom. It is worth seeking it out as difficult as that may be.

Your feelings have put you fully in his apartment, where you are cleaning up the mess inside you from the relationship – the jealousy and anger. Then you get to the place of death – and you meet yourself – an image of yourself – looking frail and sickly. That is an image of the way you feel sometimes. I suggest that you can get a lot more out of your dream by using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/


Dream Interpretation / Re: A dream of a Kriya yoga master
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:42:12 AM »
InfiniteVision - In a sense everything we meet is only a representation of the real thing. I try to explain this in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#SymbolDream

But some things/beings we meet are so obviously not just us dreaming about them. But language here is not the things to express these things, because at the level where such beings exist there is really no difference between them and us. But as with our impression of God, we are tempted to see everything as outside us and separate.


Questions about dreams / Re: Dream about red roses?
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:41:26 AM »
Ivanita – This is about dreaming of what you would like to happen to you and feeling let down. Someone driving off in your car probably left you feeling doubly let down, but you regained your good feelings when friends turned up. The huge red roses were a promise of love that you didn't get.

But the important thing is that this is your dream and you reacted to it very passively, when it could be any way you want it. That is because dreams are mirrors of our feelings, and your dream mirrored you feeling left out. And you could develop another dream strategy by using See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/peer-dream-group/#carryforward


I often find it difficult to work on someone else's dream. Usually because the descriptions are so short and leave out comments that only the dreamer would put in – and these often give vital clues.

So I think this is a subtle play on your husband responses to you and that he has false teeth. You see, the comment changes when you enter the room, then he is putting his false teeth in – whereas you were apparently talking to your child saying your husband has not teeth – in.

It could be a memory of seeing your father and his false teeth. Other than that I do not know. You could try finding out for yourself using http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/


Zubaida – I love your explanations and the way you are looking at your dreams.

Yes the baby represents all that you have learned and summarised into a new you that needs to be cared for. It is vulnerable and needs care and attention, but usually such babies grown up quickly.

The beautiful body is a way dreams often show us an inner characteristic – that you are a beautiful woman – no matter what you think of yourself – and you should feel that feeling and let your body respond to it. The part about the strong feelings when you fed the baby are a normal response to breast feeding. It brings the womb back into shape and is also thrilling – more so as you continue feeding. It can become a wonderful experience. So your dream is showing you something true, and is a sort of thumbs up that the baby is important to you. And it is, as you say, your baby, born out of your essence and strength.

“Is it "just" a dream?” I believe that dreams are a half way meeting between our Core self, the part of us that grew us an now continues all the work of our body and mind, and our tiny little yet precious self. I often write to people saying that we ride upon an ancient creature, our body, which is an uninterrupted flow of Life from the beginning. And behind that is the Great Life that grew us from seeds.

So a dream is a part of that great river from the depths of our being. When we understand our dreams it doesn’t often produce an immediate effect, but it more like how we grow, little by little, until we can look back and see how we have travelled.

Yes, sometimes we do see what we call the future, but I like to think it is our Core self which exists beyond time, and so can advise us. This is especially so when we learn to really talk with Life by entering our dreams as described in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/

Your dream was a wonderful example of that.

As far as your ex is concerned, remember your beauty and let it shine out of you.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream meaning help
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:52:43 PM »
El – I feel that before we can talk about being possessed, although have dreamed about it an explored it in my own dreams  and other people’s it always ends up being a hurt, frightened or anxious part of the dreamer. So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/possession-and-dreams/ and  http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/autonomous-complex/

In our dreams we are anything we can image – a wild animal, a murderer, an angel, the devil – and the list is endless. Fortunately I have been exploring – not interpreting – my dreams for about fifty years, and this has enabled me to experience many things – like waking and finding that I was barking like dog. Then I found it linked with a past sexual experience.

So it can occur that any part of our massive stream of energy that is not expressed can lead to tension and to weird dreams or even visions – especiall8y the sex drive. And, if we cannot accept consciously that we have held back such enormous energies they emerge in our dreams as monsters, aliens, or feelings of being possessed.

We are all Possessed. When you sleep and dream your voluntary muscles are switched off. This can mean that any dream activity that not only originates the spontaneous images of dreams, but also gives rise to all the muscular impulses that are part of the dream movements, would seem to the dreamer who becomes lucid in this state that an alien force or being has taken over. In other words because it is spontaneous, and because we do not believe that anything other than you can originate movement, it feels as if something other than you has taken over.

Also dreams arise from a very deep part of us, the Core, from which all the impulses of existing, growing and surviving originate. Even when you are awake such processes control you – for instance your breathing is only partly under your control, but all the vital things are purely unconscious and you are thereby controlled all the time. Try holding your breath and see how strongly you are possessed by Life itself.

But of course you are used to those everyday massive controls. However, sometimes our Core wishes to make us move, to control our movement, usually in sleep, but sometimes while awake. These movements are in fact as natural as the urge to breathe, but because in our culture we are so out of touch with how life works we are often terrified of spontaneous movements. Such movement are about growth of some part of us that we have not allowed before. If we can allow these and not react fearfully, then we will be shown the wonders of our life and how it originated – what is usually called the unconscious. For a fuller description see LifeStream.


Dream Interpretation / Re: dream with lots of animals
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:14:41 PM »
WarriorQueen – It is good to see you trying to get deeper into your dreams. Yes, and the Key Words are a good start, but I think you should have added questions to what you found. So to give you instance, you wrote “searching-climbing-stepping over-sheep and cows sleeping-try not to wake-tent over-afraid of being caught here-trespassing--step over sleeping bodies--rip the tent open-furtive for having trespassed--blue coat-intercept-run away-she follows--run away--runs into rat-runs off. Woman calling me-I can give you another cart--out of breath.” So you could have asked yourself – with a little thought – what have I been searching for? What animal – instincts – was I using to get where I wanted to go? What did you feel about trespassing on someone else's things they do not want anyone else to touch or be a part of? What is it that you have been hiding from and feeling furtive about?

If you could answer any of these it would give you a road to travel. If you string those together you could end up with your dream explained, such as in the example:

"I have lately become aware of the feeling that I am ill at ease with myself. This connects with my lack of confidence about how I feel when talking with other people. The strange thing is that I know how to help myself with this. I was talking with a friend the other day, and the advice I gave them about something similar really applies to me. What I need to do is to stop apologising for myself and positively use what I know will help. I can see from the dream that I have a lot to share with other people, so I don’t need to feel I am preaching." See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/key-words/

So my thoughts are that you are in your natural feeling, yet you are under cover, maybe you are not confident being yourself. In fact you are using your instincts as stepping stones – quite domesticated ones. Then you have the courage to break through the cover you were under and feel straight away that you do not have the right to be you, to be seen and acknowledged as the owner of this whole area – it your dream! You own it!

Then you run because of your own feelings of not being worthy. The cart is an offer to get things done. And you are out of breath because of the anxiety that led to running away – the anxiety about being caught for something you feel accused of.

Just thoughts strung together.


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