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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Turning into a wolf...
« on: March 11, 2012, 12:53:38 PM »
Jen – It seems that you have felt trapped by men at some time; trapped because you were not strong enough to fight them, because your social connections were not such that they would not be able to touch you.

But that confronted you with a situation that provoked your good strong anger. It is a part of our animal heritage to feel that strength of anger, and so you transformed into a wolf, who has the instinct to fight and maim anyone who gets in the way. Wolves are incredibly a family, and take care of their family.

The man says let her go because you would be too hard to hold on to as a wild wolf – as woman who would be like a wild animal when cornered. Don’t ever lose the feeling of the wolf. In fact practice it so when confronted by an ignorant man you could show your teeth and even bite his nose.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Confused
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:43:14 AM »
MK – I have had troubled understanding your dream, so I have had to wait for sunshine

And in your dream it was bright out, suggesting that it is time for you to get on with your life. But you are troubled by unwanted sexual feelings – the dopey guy – and they seem as if they are completely irrational. But don’t forget that we are all largely animals, and we have survived this far because of the irrational sex drive pushing us on. I don’t know what you did to yourself to deactivate it, but of course it is only knocked out and will recover again. So try a different strategy. You could try opening up your genital self to the highest in you. That is like a quicken route to evolving that area.

Then you find what you really want, the inner man who is a helpful friend. And that connects with your next dream, the tidal wave. This indicates that you are facing very big changes in your life, helped by the new relationship with yourself, one that is active externally in the world. The tall building is the ‘highest in you’ – the influence of a higher self. And there are many things that despite the huge change, you wish to give life to and keep alive. The stars indicate that you can see clearer the light that guides you, even though it is raining – and that probably means a release of feelings, a release from too much thinking.

Being in the nude – interesting – and it can mean that you are honestly showing what you are, and not hiding under all sorts of attitudes and show. And of course it is the same person with you; he is the masculine side of you, which balance you up. With that you can make a better connection with an actual man.  :)


Dream Interpretation / Re: Strange dream about a beautiful white cat
« on: March 09, 2012, 01:31:36 PM »
CM – This seems like an important dream. It starts where you are lost and in a place in your life you haven’t been or explored before. The surroundings are both beautiful and even treacherous. So it suggests that it a new and challenging phase of your life. But the difficulties do not discourage you. The others with you are the many thoughts or feelings you consider but decide against acting upon.

The beauty of what you feel encourages you, even though the going is often rough. Then you see a beautiful grey mansion, and that is a step you have maybe not taken before. Because the mansion represents your past, and as it is an old building it suggests a long past; it is strong and it/you have a history. As you begin to realise/see your history it is a shock because of the state of the first room. Each room is simply an aspect of your past, maybe a past you cannot recall, because we all come into this life with a past. No seed is planted that doesn’t carry its history with it. And the dirt can mean that at some time you lived a life that was very depressed or uncaring, and you recovered from it. But yet it is important for you to see it.

The white shining cat is the exact opposite, and at some time you must have touched this outpouring from your very centre – a light that heals and yet is slightly threatening. The light and the cat are the strength of your own womanhood, the light that lights everyone, though it may be hidden. It frightens you and yet you stand and face it – and that firmness took you on the next step of your inner journey, a journey that is what life is all about, the discovery of who and what you are.

Of course the journey has begun for you, facing the crash of the plane ad the difficulty of carrying on, but you are well on the way.

And of course it matters that you are a 28 year old woman, staying to create a home for your children. Having lived through the war as a child, without a mother at home because she had to work, I know what it is like not to have a mother always there.

As we age I believe we come to different levels of maturity – spiritually and materially. And I feel from your dream that you are reaching toward something important. From twenty eight to thirty-five, for instance, is a period where the creative process of mind becomes most active. Researchers and inventors seem to make their greatest advances during these years. It is interesting to note that physical science finds evidence of the reason for this in the fact that the association centres of the brain come to their peak efficiency at about thirty-five years of age.

And here is a man's comment about the inner journey.

I was led to go down on my knees and kept repeating the words, ‘Withered flowers, withered flowers’. I thought it applied to myself, yet as it developed I saw my partner and other people who had not connected with an awareness of their inner life. So they became as they thought - limited. Then I felt my child speak from within. The words that arose were, “I have had to live through you (the adult). It was not safe and I would have died if you had not opened to me.” I then felt like a shoot had been buried deep inside me. I felt it struggling to grow through all the obstacles that the experiences of my childhood had put in front of it. Now I could feel it was nearing the surface. This was such a joyful experience I cried out, “I am alive! I am getting old with age yet I am filled with life.” K.


Questions about dreams / Re: Same dream for months
« on: March 09, 2012, 11:46:23 AM »
Tammyw – I weep when I read what you have said, because I can feel your loss. But honestly dear woman you are focussing on the wrong thing. Please do not focus on your loss but on the wonderful glowing angel you have actually given birth to.

The proof is there before you in your dreams – the wonderful Garden, the amazing glow, and his green eyes looking at you. They are all describing the baby that you actually gave birth to, but not in the body. For children who are not given life in the body, there is a place where the little ones are cared for until they are established in their new life.

So talk to London and say how beautiful he looks, and tell him all the things a loving mother tells her child. Believe me he is there with you. I know because I have been there and know how it seems impossible. So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dreaming-of-death/#Talking

I wrap you in the peace I feel.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Same dream for months
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:10:40 AM »
Tammyw – I weep when I read what you have said, because I can feel your loss. But honestly dear woman you are focussing on the wrong thing. Please do not focus on your loss but on the wonderful glowing angel you have actually given birth to.

The proof is there before you in your dreams – the wonderful Garden, the amazing glow, and his green eyes looking at you. They are all describing the baby that you actually gave birth to, but not in the body. For children who are not given life in the body, there is a place where the little ones are cared for until they are established in their new life.

So talk to London and say how beautiful he looks, and tell him all the things a loving mother tells her child. Believe me he is there with you. I know because I have been there and know how it seems impossible. So please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dreaming-of-death/#Talking

I wrap you in the peace I feel.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Apocalyptic Dream
« on: March 08, 2012, 11:50:24 AM »
Aristocrates – There are so many sections in your dream I am not sure if I have a clear picture of it. But I will try to express what I got from looking at it.

It starts with you going to the Air Force recruiter; which seems to me to be a difficult thing for you. So I wonder what is going on for you with that. Is it difficult because of it being such a new type of activity; or is it a reaction to the whole thing?

Then the scene changes to a more everyday scene, and it feels okay, and the children are a part of your pleasant memories, even though there was some teasing.

Considering this started with the Air Force and some tension, the middle bit was an attempt to get back to normal feelings. But the last part was an intense confrontation and conflict. The punching the guy is an expression of childhood feelings that you never acted out before. And your world is in danger because you are on shifting ground. End of the world dreams often come because we are facing big changes, either inwardly or outwardly or both. So in a way we are facing the death of a way of life.

The running ‘to her’ is a way to get security, and probably means you miss what you had with her, and if you cannot get it back I suggest you look for another woman you can love and be loved by.

The trembling is another sign of enormous changes going on within you. It can also show a tremendous passion or emotions moving you. http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/peoples-experiences-of-lifestream/#Tom Clear


Dream Interpretation / Re: Juniper Trees & T-Rex
« on: March 07, 2012, 02:44:05 PM »
Emmers – The start of the dreams shows you in good health, and because of that you are ready to meet and inner adventure. Such adventures are about your growth, and cannot be undertaken while the person is weak. As far as what growth means, I quote from Marie von France in Man and His Symbols.

“Our dream life creates a meandering pattern in which individual strands or tendencies become visible, then vanish, then return again. If one watches this meandering design over a long period of time, one can observe a sort of hidden regulating or directing tendency at work, creating a slow, imperceptible process of psychic growth-the process of individuation.

Gradually a wider and more mature personality emerges, and by degrees becomes effective and even visible to others. The fact that we often speak of “arrested development” shows that we assume that such a process of growth and maturation is possible with every individual. Since this psychic growth cannot be brought about by a conscious effort of will power, but happens involuntarily and naturally, it is in dreams frequently symbolised by the tree, whose slow, powerful, involuntary growth fulfils a definite pattern”.

I take it that when John comes to tell you about the Juniper trees, it is suggesting you associate him with being a good helper and having some wisdom; this because the Juniper tree has magical connections according to folklore. And also the fire is like the burning bush that does not consume itself. Truly a wonderful sight to see.

The burning bush is a sign – in dreams – of a love that does not consume the body; an ability to move beyond the influence of the changing world. It can be seen as a sign or initiation into the spiritual, a sign of recognition. It is a baptism into the realisation that You Are It – I Am That I Am. So it can represent the beginning of spiritual awakening in you. It may indicate your spiritual purification and preparation or your need for this, with the promise of a great spiritual awakening to come.

What we have so far is a readiness for an inner adventure, and then a full blown initiatory experience, or promise of it. Then you glimpse the T-Rex.

You may not be aware that dreams are much like computer games; you can be killed a hundred times, eaten my monsters and even be consumed by flames – and yet no harm comes to you. Each time you emerge unscathed, although perhaps a little wiser. And like a game you can continue to fail, through fear, through not learning the rules of the game, until hopefully you get past the things that wiped you out – figuratively. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-we-need-to-remember-about-dreaming/

Therefore you can continue the adventure, because you went into the unconscious, where all our inner growth occurs – the basement – and the unconscious is obviously older than you are with its stone walls. You have not been in this area of you much because it is still very dusty. And you are being chased by the ancient part of you, the T-Rex. It is important to meet it and come to terms with it, otherwise your inner adventure will be stuck.

You are in the unconscious because you meet your dead grandfather there, and you got there via the Escher type stairs.

Remember the T-Rex is not in the outer world but is a creature of your dreams – a virtual reality.

What this may mean in your everyday life is that you feel confused by what is happening.


Greetings / Re: hello from new york city
« on: March 05, 2012, 11:27:22 AM »
WarriorQueen – It is so good to hear of another copy of my book. I often wonder what they get up to out of my sight  :). And in NewYork too!!

What you say about menopause touches me. I too have had a hard time with it because of what it did to my marriage. Also I entered a dream from a woman that really taught me so much. Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions/#Meeting Menopause

If you wish to learn more about interpreting your own dreams I would suggest starting with the entry as follows, and slowly work through the other chapters/pages/sections. http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/practical-techniques-for-exploring-your-dreams/

Having so many dreams to look at and ponder upon I have learnt a great deal that was not included in the published book. So I would also suggest reading http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dream-yoga/

Sorry – if am putting too much in front of you. I was quite moved by what you wrote – “I sensed the depth of trust in the world of dreams that I share”. So I am like a little boy rushing around trying to show you all my new toys. (I know I’m silly. I get worse the older I get).

As far as or dream is concerned, I feel it is a step toward meeting the difficult feelings you are in. Phillip is not someone you know, but is a part of your emergency medicine course. So it suggests that he is a part of you that is needed to meet the emergency you feel you are in life.

He was low on the list because you didn’t feel as if it was so important for you to meet and kiss him. And kissing can be many things, but I feel it relates to the fact that a kiss is always a merging with the person or creature that is the dream character. Because we are always, inside of ourselves, male and female and also everything we dream about, it may therefore be show you merging more fully with these other sides of you; or in your case a more full meeting with the male side of yourself. It is possible that although we may be born a white female, we also have within us the characteristics not only of the opposite sex, but also of the other racial types, animals, plants, and even minerals. So meeting Phillip is important way of becoming more whole.

The doctor aspect of you is also about healing. Her swinging stethoscope tucked into her chest pocket is, I believe, showing you that she is looking into you, into your heart, where you will find the answers to who you really are – not an ageing female.

Then the journals – Phillip can never leave you unless you kill him out, because he is your male self, and can be called on whenever you need him. Also he may appear in many guises – such is the nature of dreams and of course your own real nature, for you are a shape shifter.

You can find your way to a vital life by living your true self, and not all the illusions we usually take as truths. The truth is that you are a projection of Life itself in a body. Look around you at the flowers. They like you were young and showed their sexuality in all its colour and beauty. But then they changed and that is what Life wants us to do. It is your true nature to age and change as you get ready for your next journey. And believe me, it isn’t awful when we are in touch with Life that grew as and knows what it is doing.


Greetings / Re: dreamer
« on: March 05, 2012, 08:55:19 AM »
Midnight - It’s good to meet you.

I see I have already commented on one of your dreams. Quite an amazing dream, I am looking forward to meet you in more dreams.


Midnight – What a wonderful gift you have.

It seems that your presence brings comfort and help. And it is good to realise there are many forms of healing, and while you are ‘a spirit’ you should ask for those helpers who have a sympathetic link with you to take part in helping others. Then all sorts of wonderful things can happen.

It sounds as if it is just one dream where you were helping others, but it is often we dream about using our abilities but cannot remember the dreams. So it would be good to remember that you can help others, and as you go to sleep dedicate yourself to that.

Also you could visit others in hospital and simply hold their hands with the intention of being there for them.

Well, if the dream about your son in law was prophetic, then at least you have been warned and it should not be so much of a shock, especially as you know there is survival after death. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dreaming-of-death/#Talking


Dream Interpretation / Re: could someone please interpret my dream?
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:01:45 AM »
Kenblade – Well, here we go on another adventure of exploration.

I honestly do not think that flying in dreams is us aiming too high. I remember learning to fly as a 9 year old. It took many dreams, all taking place in the grounds of St Pancras church. At first I could only skim the ground in a long jump. But as I learned concentration and confidence that I could do it and not fall, I managed to really take off. It is so clear to me that flying is about confidence and ones growing sense of independence – except when one uses it to escape from someone or a situation you cannot face.

And the stairs one also I remember learning this at about the same time, or maybe nearer teenage. But mine wasn’t falling but skimming down a whole flight of stairs, only nowadays I jump down a whole flight and delight in the sensation. Though I believe yours and my dreams about stairs are based on the fact that as children is was dangerous to fall down the stairs. And as you got older and managed to go down the stairs easily, and even fell down some without damage, your/our confidence grew and so we express that confidence in the stairs dream.

If you get that, then you can gradually change the dreams to jumping/falling down a whole flight of stairs. That is because as we understand the way dreams work, and also actually understand the dream, it actually changes our inner world.


JJ – Many years ago I cam across a book – The Organism of the Mind by G Heyer – which was a close look at the findings of depth psychology. It said that any family ties means that it creates a situation like fingers on a hand. The fingers feel they are all single and capable of their own independent movement, but they are all connected to the hand. And within us  when we have such a connection is the ability to share dreams, and we are very much more a single being. I remember once when I had started a relationship with a woman, and felt deeply connected, I was at work with my mind on other things and suddenly felt something had snapped and hit me. I felt sure it was in connection with our relationship, so phoned up and found she had dropped me because her previous boy friend had returned.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Shared Dream... Different nights.
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:29:23 PM »
Pixiestick – The shared part of the dream is easy to explain. Anybody who shares a degree of love with another begins to share their inner world. Mostly we cannot realise this because we are so limited by our physical senses. But when we are in the enlarged world of our dreams or meditations we can realise the connection. It can also mean that this sharing is not a new thing, and you have been connected in other lives. Lots of marriage couples to this a lot, not necessarily in dreams, but  while awake.

The dream itself is more difficult to pin an explanation on. It can be an apocalyptic feature you both fear and so create in your dreams; it can be a situation that you are living in that is dramatised by your dreams; or it can be a future that you sense is ahead of you.

I have seen quite a number of prophetic dreams from people, and usually they show very trying times which then they come through to a good and better situation. But with your dreams it doesn’t have those qualities. So I wonder which if any of the alternative you can relate to.

Also any differences in the images are natural. That is because the eye receives reflected light from an object that is translated into nervous impulses, which is then received by the brain which translates what are formless nerve impulses into what we feel we see. So in dreams we tend to put pictures or images collected from everyday experiences to put an interpretation on our formless dream impressions.


Dream Interpretation / Re: dead grandparents
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:36:56 PM »
Bobo – It is difficult to give you a clear picture in words of your dream. That is because when we dream we received a message that is without form, but to make it understandable we give it the form of our own images, understanding and beliefs. So just as your eyes do not directly allow you to see, but nerve impulses are sent to the brain where they are translated into living pictures, so thoughts are also translated into images as in our dreams. Nothing we sense in the world is directly known, but it is all impressions that are translated into a sense of smell, sight, hearing, etc. So with dreams of the dead we are picking up their thoughts and then use our own imagery in an attempt to give us an idea and understanding of the communication.

So your dream of your grandmother in the house where she lived because that is what you associate with her. The place being owned by another person is probably because where she is at the moment isn’t owned by her, but is like the saying, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you”.

And your grandfather was also images you put together to make them understandable to you. He wasn’t that close to you, so you put him in the role of simply passing and waving. But that doesn’t mean that it was not real contacts you had with them.


Healing Dreams / Memory before I was Born
« on: February 28, 2012, 11:27:13 AM »
Here is a wonderful dream sent me.

I too have had a prebirth experience I have spoke about this only to a select few do to ridicule when I tried to talk about it to my family, I remember being in a open area there was a round marble seat that circled a round dome shaped glass, I remember trying to look out it and all I saw were fluffy clouds,I remember a spirit guide talking to me in telepathy and I too did this as well i remember being told I was to come to earth to be born, I did not want to do this however I was told I had no choice,I was given the option of two families and I was told the first one would have alot of money and I would need for nothing the second one was a young couple who i was told would offer love and family, the other would be lacking in love I remember reluctanltly choosing the young couple, the spirit guiide told me he would help with my transition and at some point in my early years I would lose all memories of this, I remember begging him not to take away all of my memories and that is why I believe I am able to remember what i do. - Julie A Stearns

Julie – Thank you for sending such a wonderful dream/memory.

I see the ridicule of the many as a sign of not wanting to stand out when faced by the authoritarian statement we face in daily life. Anybody who is strong enough in their own life direction will face such criticism. Sometimes it also means that you take a different path to others.

The reason we forget all the past is that when we are born we develop new memories with a new physical brain. The new brain then is a new life for us, and usually shuts out any contact with our spirit in which all our memory is stored.

Do you feel you have something to do in this life? Usually this is a theme or interest that while it does not fit with what your outer life demands of you, is something that bubbles up again and again.


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