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Author Topic: Symbol in the sky  (Read 9265 times)


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Symbol in the sky
« on: April 11, 2015, 06:18:43 PM »
Hey everyone!

This is just a snippet of a dream I had on Thursday night whilst sleeping in my van by the sea, so the sea was present in my dream, but mostly the sky (blue) and the enormous symbol which was drawn in it by an unseen extra terrestrial force. The symbol was of two white rings next to one another. Each of them had a white vertical line like a tail at the bottom of the ring reaching down to the sea. Between the two tails coming from the rings were three horizontal lines joining the two tails together, much like a ladder. The whiteness of the symbol was very bright, shining iridescent like a pearl here and there.
I've never had a dream quite like it before and it was rather beautiful, I'd love it if anyone can give me some insight.
Many thanks

Tony Crisp

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Re: Symbol in the sky
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2015, 12:23:36 PM »
Marianne - There are three aspects of your wonderful dream - the sea, the symbol and the blue sky.

Let us start with the sea. Of course we have the ancient sea inside us as the water within us, which is the same level as salt from when life left the ocean. In dreams I see it as representing the ancient source of Life within us - for we are the very tip of the reaching branches of life - so tender. We are too, all the life that has lived and therefore the sea is all the memories - it is what life has done and remembered. It is out of this our growth occurs.

Then the sky is the opposite. The influence of the sea flows upwards in us as growth - the influence of the sky touches us at the head and flows downward. Is influence is to open us to cosmic life - sharing in the life of many. It is the enormous but unlived potential still to make real by living it.

The two immense forces are unknown to most people but are at work in you. You can become aware of them by trying http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

The two circles are the dual nature of the physical universe and of course living creatures. You are in fact a dual being in many other ways. You have a hidden side of being both female and male; of having a huge heritage of experience gathered from your forebears and the past that you are barely conscious of; and many other aspects of duality you become conscious of as you journey more fully into your unconscious self. In nature the duality is between the male/the sun, and the female/the earth.

The lines dropping down link the sun power, the circles, with female power the ocean. But it is a link between the sea/the unconscious and the sky/the superconscious. And the lines between the opposite circles are a ladder, suggesting a way for you to gain more growth - into the wider awareness. It is like the ladder in which angels descended and ascended between earth and heaven in Jacob's visionary dream. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/the-unconscious-2/ and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/a-personal-view/

They are also the link between the opposites we meet in life. A bridge suggesting a way between the opposites. These shifts, between the dynamic opposites of our nature — tension and relaxation; pain and pleasure; spontaneity and control, are vital for our healthy psychological survival. Factors preventing such mobility are causes for illness and even death. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/healing-action-within-dreams/ and http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/methods-of-awakening/ 

« Last Edit: April 12, 2015, 01:49:55 PM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Symbol in the sky
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2015, 06:47:32 PM »
Thank you so much Tony, that's really helpful. I am reading the links and have begun working with the dream. I have a book by Robert A Johnson - Inner Work which describes pretty much the same method derived from Jung so I do sometimes work on my dreams but often I get flummoxed and need further guidance. This one especially being so abstract had me flawed. I forgot another detail, the unseen extra terrestrial force was telling me that I had been touched by spirit.
This site is absolutely amazing, I love exploring it. If there's an option to donate to its upkeep then I'd be happy to donate.
Again, many thanks
Marianne  :D

Tony Crisp

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Re: Symbol in the sky
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 09:05:26 AM »
Marianne - I am so sorry, I had it in mind to describe the unseen terrestrial force, but so carried away with the dream I forgot.

But I see the unseen and it is only known by its workings as the very highest in you. Some would say it's God, but the word has so many strange associations - like God is a Man - but God is everthing and cannot be contained in the image of a man. It is better described as Universe. But your dream well describes this amazing infinite potential - an unseen extra terrestrial force. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/edgar-cayce-philosophy/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-godgoddess/

Yes, your conscious mind has been touched  by Spirit. But of course we have bee created and cared for all our lives by the grace of that - but you have been born into a new awareness.

I am thankful for your offer of donations - but I have doubts about doing so. Everything I have received and written about was given to me in one way of another, and I am aghast at those who make a business of it.



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Re: Symbol in the sky
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2015, 10:47:55 PM »
Thanks again,
Yes, that's how I understand "God/ess" too-  as Universal Consciousness - it is everything to my mind as well and has been for many years, but I agree also that I am being born into a new fresher awareness at present. It's good to have confirmation of that.
I'm glad (and very grateful) you don't make a business of this, I feel that spirituality should not be a business either, although, having said that I do pay to partake in workshops that interest me and for yoga, in order to acquire knowledge and delve deeper into these unknown mysteries and practices. With this site you are living that Pablo Picasso quote; “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

Tony Crisp

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Re: Symbol in the sky
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2015, 09:32:56 AM »
Marianne - Exactly. I didn't know the Picasso quote and it is good to have.

Also I have often thought that anyone who gives advice to others about how to live their life, and yet charge for it, haven't actually got the message of Life. If they know how to live they would have plenty and would share it.

Or maybe I am just a silly old man.  :)



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Re: Symbol in the sky
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2015, 07:54:05 PM »
 Tony , of cause you are not silly  :)

In my opinion ,it all depends on the form in which this advice is expressed.
There  is a phrase "The stick has two ends"

If for example person have to rent a hall and pay for it and give advice to others , then I think that person must take a fee , the same applies to the advice written in the books . As concerns the Internet then it depends if person pay to web designer for his service or not or if person pay rent office and so on. In general, I think it all depends on how much money person  spent on it - to give advices to others.

People often tend to confuse the material and spiritual. Any kind of knowledge is the spiritual and the fee is material  So I think it is very important to maintain a balance between them.

If person did not spent any money for it then he/ she should not take any money from others for it.
The law of giving and receiving.

Just my opinion  :)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 08:04:22 PM by Irina »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Symbol in the sky
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2015, 01:55:13 PM »
Irina - I say I am a silly old man because often I am - but as you said, there are two ends to a stick

I think often I am funny when I can't stop falling over, or forget words. I don't think of that as awful - for getting old is often a great laugh - and I laugh often. That is why I put old man on the end.
