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Messages - stevec

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Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 12, 2011, 04:23:30 PM »
Thanks Tony for the interpretation.
I did not feel anything sexual with this dream - it seemed more about birth or a new dimension. I know symbols do play tricks on us and are layered and the hawk is so very clever for sure. The image has really stayed with me - the vagina was painted and very colorful...could this have another meaning?
I will read the link again and ponder this.



Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 10, 2011, 05:42:02 PM »
I tried the re-entering technique and I think it will take some practice.
How long did it take you to achieve results?
Looks as if Tony skipped over the female hawk dream.


Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 07, 2011, 07:22:00 PM »
I have not specifically worked with this but I read the link you provided and will have to study it more...the reentering of a dream -
I have many animal dreams and most often they speak to me.
I felt the Hawk was a guide.
I appreciate your interest and enjoy writing with you.

I hope Tony looks at the dream.....

Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 06, 2011, 04:02:23 PM »
I looked under "search" Horse by stevec - it was posted about one year ago and it popped up w/ Tony's comments.

Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:56:59 PM »
I just looked and found the Horse dream under my nane and posts - it is #6.
Yes I do dream mostly in color. Is that unusual?
If you know how I could send it to you I will...


Healing Dreams / Re: Meeting Dakota
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:04:04 PM »
I am speechless for a while...

Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 05, 2011, 04:00:10 PM »
Thanks Dakota -
As I was reading your post I had to go out on my balcony as there were Crows screaming and what do you know there was a Coopers Hawk flying around. The Crows were chasing the hawk off. Good timing I would say!!

I will look into the dream lodge - healing dreams for sure. Your words are inspiring and provoking.
Look up my horse dream posted under stevec in December I think and let me know what you think of that!
I felt this hawk was a guide for sure. I wish I could remember what she was saying but really the imagry was sufficient - yes?


Dream Interpretation / Re: female Hawk
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:31:07 PM »
Thanks for your comment - very much
I am definitely exploring new sides of myself and there is no woman in a romantic sense in my life but in other areas yes there could be that element. I have had numerous dreams of animals talking to me, taking me into their world but this caught me by surprise indeed. I understand the beauty of the hawk symbolism and the vaginal as well but to put it all together is daunting so i sought out Tony who gave a great reading of a Horse dream I had a while back. I felt it very positive in relation to what I am trying to achieve on a spiritual level and a earth level as well -


Dream Interpretation / female Hawk
« on: October 04, 2011, 06:14:06 PM »
In a wild dream experience right before I woke a Hawk flew through a window and sat on the arm of the chair I was sitting in. So it was right next to me and very friendly and talked to me. This Hawk had long brown hair along with fearhers. I don't remember what the hawk was saying per say but it was talking about herself to me - very friendly - nothing threatning - there were jewels about some of the feathers...then she raised some feathers on her breast like a flap opening and a vagina was there - very Georgia O'Keefe like - if you will. Colorful and as she spread out her wings I woke.


Dream Interpretation / Re: horse
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:55:52 PM »
Thanks for your insightful interpretation of this dream. It was an important dream for me as it affirmed alot of what I am going through now and trying to do in my life - which you basically explained. I realize that I must step forward or i am being pulled forward to some other realm through consciousness or physics. We transmit reality. Does reality behave in the expectation of the observer?
So it is all about evolution for sure.
I have many dreams about animals and birds. Owls, hawks and dogs...but this tan horse took me somewhere else and showed me something collective exists.
That person riding the horse - he was in a dream the other morning. I was running up the steps of a University and he was screaming at me from a yard across the street to call him - just screaming. I had a cell phone in my pocket and knew he didn't have the number but in the other pocket I had a phone with a broken cord dangling and I pulled it out and held it up as I was running up those steps - when he saw the broken phone he turned and walked away. I think he represents what I am trying to leave behind.

Dream Interpretation / horse
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:52:51 PM »
An old friend was recklessly riding a tan horse. He seemed drunk and was running the horse into fences and trees. The horse would look over to me as I was standing near. Then the horse came over to me and calmly nudged me and I took the reins and we walked away - the I slipped effortsly on its back, bareback and we rode off. As we rode I turned and rode side saddle and then rode backwards ( the horse slowed everytime I moved) then we rode off normal and I told the horse to turn left and I could hear people laughing and pointing saying that the horse wouldn't understand but the horse took the left and the people were amazed.
We rode up to what was my house( never seen it before but in the dream I knew it) and my father was there at the door and he was upset that I had a horse and wanted to put it in the yard. I watered the horse with a hose and a bucket - it drank alot of water. I got very mad and told my father off. The yard or field had a chain length fence with barbed wire at the top. I told my father to flatten the wire and cut holes in the fence so the horse could jump through if it wanted to. Suddenly it was done  and I put the horse in the field and it ran happily around and jumped through the holes but then stayed inside the area content.
I went upstairs and my my great friend Ann was there and we were looking at these amazing sheets, very expensive, actually the label said Chanel. The bed - formally a while bed mattress turned clear, like glass and a pure white light glowed in the center. We laid on the bed. I got up to check on the horse and it was running and galloping and playing. Then it pissed clear water and got into a huge white trough and bathed itself. Then many friendly dogs and a goose were in the now large pasture and the horse was leaning down to them. I was going to speak but the horse raised its front leg and a hand appeared and a finger raised up to say quite and the horse said Hold on I am listening to them and I woke up.

Any thoughts - sorry so long.

Dream Interpretation / Re: butterflies
« on: December 24, 2010, 03:27:15 PM »
Thanks for responding. I felt the same as to the injections - like proding me forward. I often
dream of butterflies and birds are frequent guests in my dreams but these butterflies were a bit more demonstrative, if you will, so I thought I would see what you thought.
I look forward to posting more here and have a happy holiday.


Dream Interpretation / butterflies
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:22:55 PM »
Hello Tony,

This is my first post here,
I had a dream this morning:
I was waking through a wooded area and butterflies were flying around me and they would
land on my arm and then a few began to lightly sting me - it wasn't a bad sting but a little prick, this was not really frightning to me but I was sort of amazed. They looked similar t monarchs. The stings were on my forearms
and hand. Then they left me alone and still flewabout.

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