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Messages - Lenore

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Thank you very much, Tony.
I have enjoyed reading your thoughts about this dream, & it has opened up some new areas of understanding that I was not aware of before. I also read the infos within the links & enjoyed those as well. I'm thankful for having found your web site!

This dream actually happened nearly 3 years ago. I've put it up on a handful of forums, not necessarily seeking a "meaning" behind it, but I enjoy reading how others may interpret it. I personally have not come to much of a conclusion of it other than it being one of the most intensely vivid & bizarre dreams I've ever had in my life, & the way it sort of connects to some other of the same type of dreams (I suppose you call them "Lucid" or "Visionary").

*I am in a long, white dress.
I'm on what appears to be land out in some distant country side. There are hills & fields as far as the eye can see. It's a very beautiful scenery. I'm walking about along the side of a large creek/small river & notice there are fish in it. The water is so clear & as I get closer I can see that these are trout. In real life I love to fish for trout & I know that you can some times catch them with your bare hands if they are still & you are quick enough. So I gently lean down next to the river & set my eyes on a stationary fish that is swimming against the stream. I then reach in & grab it. It feels like a real fish, struggling, slippery.. but when I go to pull it out from the water it magically transformed into an old tattered shoe someone had thrown into the creek/river. I'm looking at it, quite perplexed, as I was so certain I had seen & felt a fish! Then I hear a menacing laughter behind me.

Out of frustration, instead of looking, I reach behind my back to grab tight of whatever it is & pull it over to me so I can ask it "Just what is so funny?!" to its face. Unfortunately, when I sling it to the front of me, I realize it is my pet cat & I have accidentally broken his neck & killed him.

I lie him down on the ground next to me & cry for him, telling him I'm sorry & that I didn't mean to do it & to please forgive me. Then I hear someone's footsteps approaching. I look up & it is a **farmer-looking man. His eyes look so full of life yet very tired & almost heartbroken, as if he's "Seen too much" in his life. He holds his left hand out to me. I reach up, grab his hand, & he pulls me up to a standing position.

He then walks me to an old farm house. The sun is setting as we walk to it. He opens the door, then makes a movement with his hand as if to signal for me to go inside. I tell him "Thank you. Good bye."
He says nothing in return. He just looks down at the ground & walks away.

I go inside & it is now pitch dark outside. There's an old woman there with a beautiful, friendly smile on her face. She has long, flowing white hair. She says to me "Oh sweetie, I'm so glad you're finally here!". I'm happy to see she is happy, especially after all the sad events that had just happened. I didn't know how she was but it was just refreshing to feel like someone was happy about something, because I myself, still felt lost & confused. She says to me "Are you ready to watch the eye open?". I ask her "What eye?" & she says "The Eye of Horus!". I'm confused at to what she means, so I ask her "The Eye of Horus?" and she says "His eye is about to open & we will be able to see it! Come here, by the window, & we will watch together. I hear it is beautiful!"

Still perplexed by what she is talking about, I walk with her to the window trusting that it will be okay & there is nothing to worry about. We look out the window & up into the sky at what appears to be a cluster of stars. I don't see anything special about this & begin to think she is crazy, but I will continue to go along with it just because she seems so sweet & happy. Then out of nowhere the stars begin to move. They start to form what looks like a ***vortex. Quickly thousands & thousands of stars are forming into this vortex & the speed is increasing rapidly, when out of nowhere the center of it forms the most INTENSE light I have ever seen, & it goes straight into mine & the old woman's foreheads (3rd eyes?). This light is so intense it knocks us both to the floor on our hands & knees. We're both blinded by it but over time my eyesight comes back slowly & the more it does, I realize I am no longer in the farm house with her, but alone, on the floor of a friend's apartment, & the first thing I see when my sight is fully back, is a blue wrist watch laying on the floor. The wrist watch has a golden shimmery peace symbol on the face of it & the time is pointing to 3:30. I wake up.

*Long white dress:
I am always wearing a long white dress in vivid dreams where the **farmer man appears (but he is not always a farmer, he takes many different forms & personalities).

***The first dream I ever saw the farmer man in was I was laying on a bed-raft in the middle of a lake looking up into the sky, wearing my long white dress, & a sort of light portal or vortex in the sky opened & out dropped this farmer guy (but he was not a farmer this time) & he landed on top of me. He then kissed me on my lips & when he did it caused some sort of weird electric reaction between us that caused him to transform into an alien that had a very long spiny tail. By him transforming into an alien, his mouth had changed & it hurt for him to be kissing me, so he retreated & flew back up into the portal/vortex & left. I'm not sure if it's because he didn't want me to be hurt or because it was an accident that I saw him in the form of an alien.

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