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Messages - mariageller

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Dream Interpretation / Bear and the other world
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:23:28 PM »
I was with my family in our house (I live in another country now, far from them) and my friend's dog was with us to take care of her for a couple of days. She was so excited and playful and didn't listen to us. I ran after her, because I worried and I saw her playing with a black bear. I feared and went back home. After a while, I saw her running toward the house and the bear was chasing her (the house had glass walls). I opened the door for her, she jumped in and I closed the door immediately. The bear broke the window and came in. I had a pistol, shot the bear 4 times but it wasn't killed. It just dropped on the floor. There was a TV show that time and its sound could be heard. There was someone talking: "All of us should leave this world behind someday and go to the other one. It would be a good place if you were a good one in here ..."
I started talking to the bear: "You hear? It's time for YOU to leave this world ..."
The bear looked at me, closed its eyes and died while I was talking.
P.S.: It was a very clear dream (I see such dreams very rarely).
I'm not a religious person and I don't believe in another world at all.

 I have feelings for someone, but I'm not sure of his reaction, so I haven't told him anything so far.

And my dream:
"I was in a group meeting and he was there too. He had black suit. We didn't talk to each other at all.
I was in another meeting another day and he was there too. He had brown casual pants and creme jacket. He sat beside me. We started talking about everything. At the end he put his hand on my shoulder around my neck and kissed me on my cheek.
Another day -it's been a while- I and one of my friends wanted to go to a party and I knew that guy would be there and I had the feeling that we'd been in a relationship for a while. We sat in the car and right before starting the engine, I took out a pair of new white high heel shoes from its box, wore them and then started driving."

Does this dream have any meaning, or it's just because of my feelings? And just to mention, the dream was so clear, bright and colorful. I don't have clear and bright dreams usually.

Please help me,
Thanks a lot, in advance

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