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Messages - Jimmy

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Dream Interpretation / The Wooden Elephant
« on: March 01, 2016, 03:12:24 PM »
Hello Tony,

Had quite a powerful dream with rather interesting imagery. I would really appreciate your help in understanding it. Thanks in advance.

**The Wooden Elephant**
New job in a cafe in the C. shopping centre. Well actually it starts as a body test in specsavers (as if an eye test but full body). Apparently some calf muscles or something aren't the best and the lady is taking me to check out the rest of my body in the back. I start thinking in psychology and philosophy about helping this lady.

Next thing I remember it's like me J. and Br. (or maybe Ba. or B.) anyway the three of us are working in this place maybe more. There is the husband and wife who own the place. It feels like it's beside where Subway used to be. Anyway lunch time comes and we go off walking. We go over to the railroad maybe I'm the only one who goes behind the fence to the actual railroad [in real life it's an abandoned railroad track which has grown a bit wild]. It is part river part railroad. I am following it along it is black water.

This rabbit as if amphibious comes out from under the water and goes up to what I think is an otter or something and then this thing attacks the rabbit and it runs back in the water and dives under again. Then this thing turns on me and tries to bite me so I kick it and he goes a good 20 or 30 feet away from me. I come out of the railroad area and go back to the lads. I have returned with treasure one is a Capri-sun juice drink which I offer up and jay takes it without hesitation insisting it'll be fine. The other is this wooden elephant it is gorgeous though it is dirty. I take it Into the cafe and clean it. I thought about giving it away perhaps selling it but decided I am going to French polish it and make it look super gorgeous. His tail is kind of flimsy. Otherwise he is perfect and beautiful. The wife starts talking to me she's on the till and asks me what I think of the place I say I love it and it doesn't feel like work I love the dynamic etc. She says it's either the best thing in the world or the worst I tell her I can handle the worst I am the chef and am thinking of my experience in my old coffee shop job. She starts explaining some really complex arsy meal someone ordered.

Next thing I remember she is outside on top of her husband as if he's having a heart attack he is kind of obese but it seems to be playful in some way. Then M. and their daughter are running around and they start kissing against the window of the cafe and the parents look on shocked and then M. and the daughter keep running around like fairies I think they are partly just committing to the act now it's done. The dream ends.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Gandalf and the Dragon King
« on: January 04, 2016, 07:54:03 PM »

Thank you for your response. I am curious about what you say about failing the test. I mean I get that I failed it by running away but I do not fully understand what you mean by fearing the dream can hurt. I mean had it been a Lucid Dream I would see the mistake but in a non-lucid state surely I am not aware that I am dreaming and thus it is not the dream but life I fear can hurt me? Does the dynamic of running away not symbolise an occurrence in my  real life? Otherwise it would seem inconsistent for my non-lucid dream self to react differently to my real self in this incident. Am I missing something? Dreams can only have no effect or harm if I am aware that it is a dream surely...
In my own dreamwork I have found wisdom in the Juliet character. In fact she is a very helpful figure and I think I know what actions she wishes me to take and I endeavour to take them of course I do not always succeed but I am not perfect :)


Dream Interpretation / Gandalf and the Dragon King
« on: December 30, 2015, 03:25:58 PM »
Hello Tony, Anna (and everyone else :))

This is my first time posting here and I am certain far from my last. I've long been a fan of this site and have had great use of the dream dictionary. I only discovered last week that there was a discussion board in accidentally clicking on the link on the home page. A very fun realisation! Anyways I had this dream a few weeks ago and its full of fascinating imagery (one thing that does not emerge in the dream text is that the setting is the central area of my old school which was a central hub through which all things pass and a round well octagonal big room which put me in mind of a mandala but I could be mistaken I'm still learning what exactly these are)

**Gandalf and the Dragon-King**
Gandalf is sitting at the base of a cliff/outside of a cave wall. I had been frozen and it seems I (as Frodo) grab Gandalf’s hand and this later had the knock on effect of awaking him. Perhaps I loosen the ring from his hand or something. He awakes and he challenges the beast. The dragon of stone on top of the cliff whose place this is. He's like a super smaug he is more voldemorty though and pure evil like the dragon from Jackie chan adventures.
 Gandalf has been learning dark magic like fire casting. I guess in such testing times he is learning all he can like Dumbledore I guess. He does some fire casting. The dragon mocks him and is like ‘oh you learned that on some cave wall studying yet you are infinitely behind me’ and shoots one massive double fireball. But then to instruct at how much better he is he shoots a double at us which sends us running opposite ways the fireballs chasing each of us. I am running up and down one of my old school's corridors. The fireball follows me.  I run back and it turns and doubling back on it it turns again on me.
Gandalf is doing the same. The case is hopeless it will follow us and destroy us each fireball for each one of us. Yet at the end it was not me and Gandalf but me and Juliet that had been running opposite ways and back.
There is another scene after like an interpretation talk. It feels like the examiner is an evil woman or a female teacher. So she asks what the dream means I suggest that it's a correlation and I start explaining why and Juliet is like ‘oh yeah!’ and starts to explain it but perhaps I disagree or cut her off then the woman stops me and is like ‘she's about to explain how your ridiculously vague wrong answer is right’. It's kind of a teasing and this is all a bit light. It ends here. The feeling on awaking is a bit heavy not like fear but hmm I know I'm being tested perhaps nervous.

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