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Author Topic: WAR  (Read 3657 times)


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« on: January 23, 2019, 01:02:38 AM »
Last night I went to sleep listening to a mindfullness meditation.  It was a video clip that encouraged the user to have compassion on the body and where the imagination is to be engaged.  She asked the participant to imagine that their torso is a large candy sweet with a hard outside but flowing with honey on the inside.  She asked us to imagine the shell softening up and the honey beginning to flow.  As she spoke, I imagined honey and golden light flowing through my belly and all through my organs and then flowing down the arms and legs.  It was for the purpose of relaxing the body and beginning to love the body.  I was really quite relaxed and as she finished I went to sleep very quickly.

However, I had a dream.  I dreamt that I was in the middle of a war.  On my side, there were all women.  We were coming and going into battle and in between battles we were hiding in a secret building.  We would sneak in and out of a tiny door.  One day the entrance was breached and a man came in with a knife.  He began sticking his knife into every woman's belly, striking them dead.  I went up against him with my own knife and struck it into his belly but I could feel or at least imagine his pain. I don't know what happened after that but I awakened feeling quite anxious and upset.

Tony Crisp

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« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2019, 11:13:39 AM »
Aranlass – Yes, you are in the middle of a war, a personal conflict. But it is a secret, so has not taken control of your waking self, but like many secret traumas we have it is only viewing in your dream self which is aware of your whole life and self.

The conflict was probably caused a long time ago and was probably about a hurt you experienced by a man, most likely your father. It left an unconscious decision in you to hurt the man/men, for it seems the hurt was to do with either your childbearing function or an emotional wound of being left/deserted. Obviously they are just guesses from your dream events.

The mindfulness meditation was dealing only with one aspect of you, the light. But we are all dual in nature – the darkness and the light; female and male; waking and sleeping. Even Genesis starts with the darkness, and then the light was created. The Big Bang started with darkness, and it took 300,000 years before light began. So your dream was a balancing up of yourself. When you move toward the light it reveals things you hide in the secret darkness of your unconscious.
