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Messages - Bluej

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Re: Swimming in the pool
« on: April 27, 2014, 09:10:20 PM »
Thanks, Anna.

Tony - I wanted to add that... While submerged, I experienced both diving down towards the bottom and my back sinking to the bottom, arms and legs reaching up towards the surface and eyes looking up. I was comfortable both directions. Thank you!!

Dream Interpretation / Swimming in the pool
« on: April 26, 2014, 06:29:25 AM »
Hi Tony,

I had another dream last night and it has to do with water again. I dreamt that I was swimming in my pool alone. The water was clear, I was submerged in the shallow end, feeling comfortable and wanting to dive deeper. I remember seeing my dad laying on the lounge chair. Can you please help me interpret this? THANK you!!

My parents came to visit me about a month ago, we were hanging out by that same pool from my dream. Within this month, I learned a lot about myself; digging into issues from my childhood, peeling off some layers of consciousness. I feel that I am at going through big changes and transitions, big intersections, and heavy weight on next steps. I am nearing the end of a special journey. Where to now?

(It's been 6 months since I had the below dream about the tidal wave)

Dream Interpretation / Swimming in the pool
« on: October 10, 2013, 02:38:02 AM »
I dreamt of seeing a giant tidal wave coming towards me, it was as high as the eyes can see, I could feel how close it is. I was standing on a specific beach and thought wow, this is what the big waves are like... I need to dive and then swim. I did not panic or fear. In real life, I am not comfortable swimming in the ocean, but can swim fine in the pool. I stood on shore and watched as the tidal wave rolled past me; I was safe. The end. What does this mean?? I don't remember any other parts of the dream. I recently moved from a busy city to an island, and became more spiritual. In the past, I have had some powerful dreams and I think this is another one with an important message. This is the first time I dreamt of the ocean (that I can recall). Can you please help interpret it? Thanks!!

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