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Author Topic: Sleeping spider  (Read 5854 times)


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Sleeping spider
« on: November 10, 2014, 04:17:47 PM »

In my dream in one part there were a lot of spiders, some looked fierce and in attack mode but not directly at me and others looked harmless, a right mixture. I was trying to avoid them and get out of the building without touching them and had to exit through a type of window with another. As I was climbing out I saw a large spider up close which was a beige colour, looked kind of old and it was sleeping in a leaf. I can't find anything online about sleeping spiders  :o
This particular spider has captured my mind and would love some idea as to what he symbolized.
(I am in a situation where someones true colours and intent have become unpleasantly clear to me and know that having many spiders in my dream means I feel someones being manipulative on a large scale, it fits whats happening)
It's just this old aged beige sleeping spider I'm intrigued by!
Thanks for reading  :)

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sleeping spider
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 10:09:26 AM »
Dawn - I had difficulty in understanding the sleeping spider, but it is in a leaf that I take was not on a tree. So it suggest a past thing that was alive, and so the spider is a past experience that still is the centre of what you are facing - but it is asleep. In other words it is a memory in your unconscious that is still influencing how you react to certain situations. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/conditioned-reflexes-or-responses/

I see the many small spiders as what arises from the original experience, much of its impact having been dealt with, but you still do not want to ‘handle’ what you felt. I think it would be helpful if you actually explore the sleeping part of you. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

Obviously you may feel that you in no way want to ‘be’ the spider - but that is the point - because it is not facing difficult feelings that keeps us trapped in them like a spiders web.



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Re: Sleeping spider
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2014, 11:12:46 AM »
Thank-you Tony. Yes it stumped me! As soon as I read what you wrote big bells went off in me. I have been having a lot of dreams in last wk or so including when I was younger, I felt it was a kind of I am working through old feelings or issues I had, guilt mainly over not being good enough type thing.
My guides are highlighting in dreams that my confidence should be stronger than what it is so it all knits together.
(yes not in a tree but a lone leaf)
I'm having to accept things that are to do with my soul, who I have always been, what I carry into this life, abilities and am in the process of accepting it. (no offense to anyone who does not share my understandings and beliefs!)
I guess even though I felt my issues of my younger past were dealt with some are clearly still lurking in me and having an effect. Work to do!

Many thanks Tony I believe you are spot on  :)

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sleeping spider
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2014, 09:48:10 AM »
Dawn - Thanks for the feedback.

Spiders are often linked with mother is some way. And even if I am not right it is worthwhile looking back at things said to you by authority figures. Especially things that undermine your confidence - so reprogram them.

Something told to me that was hell to remember was during anaesthesia. I had fought desperately with the nurses - for my life because it felt as if I was dying. While I was fighting for my life I kicked and struggled so much I had kicked the bottle of anaesthetic out of the nurses grasp and it broke. Then I was held as a fresh bottle was used and the anaesthetic was poured into my rectum – it couldn’t be given by nose because they were doing to operate on my nose – and I have a memory of the nurses saying, “Don’t do that!” To me it was like a hypnotic command saying, “Don’t fight for your life. Give up!” That was kept in me till I relived it. 

Anyway it sounds as if you are doing well.
