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Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: Fran on January 04, 2012, 01:17:03 AM

Title: Dream about a child
Post by: Fran on January 04, 2012, 01:17:03 AM
Some days ago I had this strange dream. I saw a friend of mine looking for a child in a dark place. He would walk a lot but could not find her. I just could watch this scene, but he could not see me. I was not part of it.
It is strange because I knew this friend who appeared in the dream had a similar dream. He did not tell me, I heard it from someone else. In his dream, he would see a child, a little girl, and he missed her so much. He also could see a woman standing next to this girl, but he could not recognise her face. He thought that the little girl was his daughter.
And some months ago.. I dreamed about a little girl. I believe there is some kind of connection between this dream and the other two. In this dream, I held a little baby blue-eyed girl (my friend has blue eyes) in my arms, and I could realize she was not alive. I saw a funeral, too.  I can remember clearly that I was very sad.
I am not really sure what that all means, despite I thought about, and it makes me feel very bad.
Title: Re: Dream about a child
Post by: Tony Crisp on January 05, 2012, 12:44:28 PM
Fran - A dream portrays each part of us, such as our ambition, as being exterior to us, because a thought or an emotion is something we experience, not something we are. By showing our urges or fears as people or places exterior to us, our dreams are able to portray the strange fact that while, for instance, the love we have for another person is intimately our own, we may find such a feeling difficult to bear, as when one is married and falls in love with someone else. While we dream, the subtleties of such dilemmas are given dramatic form. To observe our dilemma as if we were watching it as a play, has very real advantages. The different factors of our situation, such as our feelings for our marriage partner, our love of the new person, and social pressures such as our family’s reactions, might all be shown as different people in the dream.
One of the tragedies of adult life is that you may have forgotten your childhood. You may still remember events and dates, but the intensity of feelings, the real insight into the world of childhood may be lost. And your dreams are certainly about your own inner child. You are searching for it, and the man is your dream is the active enquiring you. And then you find that your inner child has died through neglect. Usually we forget or ignore our inner child because of pain it felt when vulnerable, pain we drown or repress in one way or another. The sadness you felt is an expression of seeing that dead part of you. Of course through the magic of dreams the dead can be brought back to life. If you imagine that dead girl and hold her with love you will do a miracle and you will feel the pain that was felt in your childhood. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/active-imagination/
