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Dream Interpretation / Re: Immolation. Protection money.
« on: January 05, 2016, 10:18:41 AM »
Thank you Tony

Dream Interpretation / Re: Mirror
« on: January 04, 2016, 12:15:00 PM »
Thankyou Tony, this really helps me the way you have talked me through the dream. Yes the gondola was great, I didn't even need water! And the city was really exciting a kind of 'New York New York' vibe 'I'm gonna be a part of it..'

This insight on the girl and the man, only came to me as I reflected on the dream characters - I have been surrounded by domineering self-pitying people all my life - who bullied me by telling me to 'stop feeling sorry for myself' if I tried to challenge their behaviour. I'm just figuring this out now in mid-life!! For a long time I believed I had a major 'victim mentality' issue but it turns out I'm the opposite extreme!! What a surprise. I mean I'm totally gobsmacked that I could spend my whole life believing I am the opposite of how I actually am. Doctors have told me that my main problem is suffering in silence and being too stoic. It's like a big joke has been played on me!

I'm not sure about my mother being a connect to the great inner world. Could she be an 'inner mother' rather than the actual mother I experienced? My actual mother was always a destructive force.

I was abused by a man as a child, not my father, so I feel the stage represents that experience, the abuse, like that man shouting at me - cut  me from having a role in life, it basically nullified my 'being/belonging in the world'

So this dream really crystallises that.

(Next day.. Last night I had a dream where I am dancing on stage with a black girl, we are kids of an indeterminate age. I seem to know the dance but don't know how I know it. There is rapturous applause, but it must be parents of people in the show as the dance wasn't that good. Still it's a nice feeling, a feeling of freedom instead of trapped. But then a courtroom scene is coming up and I don't know my lines, a lady runs off to find a script for me)

Dream Interpretation / Mirror
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:21:54 PM »
I'm steering a gondola outdoors,it's sunny, and then down corridors of an old rich pretty public building, it does look Italian. Then I'm with someone looking across water at a western island I know, it's pitch dark. A city suddenly appears on the previously empty island, it looks pretty though I am not a fan of cities, it's beautiful all lit up at night.

I am being driven around by a man, I do not know him. He drops me back to my mother, I pat him on the back in a loving kind way. (When I wake I don't have a nice feeling about him- but in the dream I don't sense this). My mother and young brother wait somewhat impatiently for me to go to the beach in their car, I go to the bathroom, I'm a young girl, my hair is split in the middle like I had it then, I'm running my fingers over a small scar/dent in my forehead (which I do not remember nor have I now) I'm looking at my image and I'm thinking I like my hair but the face is not nice at all, it's old and something weird about it, it's like a stranger, definitely not a girls face. I feel sad about this. I'm about 8 or 9 years old.

An older dark haired girl is coming on stage for a performance, Im viewing from somewhere overhead, a really abrasive and loud male figure shouts she's not wanted any more 'not even for the backing vocals?' The girl asks very meekly, 'no you are cut' he shouts. His anger is totally out of proportion and she is this gentle, mild character, quite young maybe late teens. He seems to be cutting her from the show not because of lack of ability but because her meekness annoys him, he likes assertive winner types. He's a nasty powerful figure and is in fact actually motivated by very self-pitying feelings, though he wouldn't generally be seen as as that, while she, despite her meekness and being bullied is not at all self pitying. But she is indeed hesitant and not assertive, accepting his treatment and attitude.

The mirror part of this dream intrigues me most, it just felt odd. I wonder what you make of it Tony?


Dream Interpretation / Re: Immolation. Protection money.
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:09:37 PM »
Thank you Tony.  :)

I have been exasperated by this advice in the past, it's very scary to be told to stop and wait, especially when you are in great pain and you need to make choices and earn your living ..but that's exactly where my life has brought me.. but it has meant taking total time out.

 Looking back I would say all the effort I put in to 'solving' myself was in equal and opposite proportion to finding insight.  Yoga definitely helped me get through very difficult emotional times, but it also functioned as yet another form of busyness, in my case, it was a block to real silence and self nurturance, more 'pushing' myself.

Yes your words remind me of the true the violence of the child's world which is so often ignored, I guess the violence of the world the adults live in, just pours in without the right protectors.

So while I wouldn't have grasped this before, I do understand what you are telling me & so I must continue to cultivate my weakest trait - patience. Patience with faith.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Immolation. Protection money.
« on: December 28, 2015, 12:12:24 PM »
Thanks so much Tony, I've been reading the linked articles. I'm not sure I saw where you 'got-rid' of your mother if you could describe that for me, maybe my brain is not so clear today but I couldn't quite get it from the text. I definitely need to get rid of mine in my inner world, I regularly felt as if my life was not worth living as a child.

These are some thoughts I have after reading the links - as I try help myself grasp what this idea of creating my world means to me and my life experience. (Apologies if it's a little long).

In my childhood - I believed my family and I believed who they told me I was, I accepted my orders. I experienced abuse and I could only understand the world - from my experience of the world - 'this is how it is, this is who I am and what I deserve'. Conflicting with this was an inner sense that I was good and beautiful because I could feel that in my child's heart and felt that the world was wrong - but I was simply no match to the forces against me.

Since then I've been replaying these original patterns of abuse - while trying to gain control of that by being positive and being stoic - neither of which helped in any way, only perhaps to keep me alive til I found something that did work. The patterns lay underneath unresolved and again and again the dangerous characters and events would jump out like wolves and grab me. 

So now in my dreams and in my meditation - I'm doing all I can to 'feel' these emotions, make them conscious, give them the sober acnowledgment that a child's pain and despair deserve. (I have been having lots of dreams that are of childhood sexual abuse). I feel this process is slowly slowly creating change - it's acknowledging the truth of my experience that has always been denied and invalidated despite my efforts.

But it feels slow and I wish I could have more consciousness as the me in my dreams, I'm never aware of choosing a response - though at least my responses do seem to be getting a little bit stronger and more empowered. How do I get this message through to my dream self that she needs to fight more? Is it a matter of willing it? I do do carry the dream forward - but I feel I'm on the mental plane with this and struggle to feel it. Is it a matter of 'calling' for it as you mention in the dream yoga article?

The one thing I feel is helping is that I am diligently trying to treat myself very gently and with kindness every day - as I've come to the awareness of how violently I have been treated and subsequently treated myself.

However it's very important for me to remember my patterns are still active in my daily world, despite all my work and healing, I still attract dangerous situations and characters, that focus on me and pass other people by.

So the key is 'coming out of their power over me' and that's a deep pattern not a 'thought', if anything I've always denied my pain and vulnerability, in fact I often wouldn't even feel fear when I actually should - it's something that manifests as people who do not have my best interests at heart or even have intent to harm.

It is fear at a certain level, but based on many many experiences of powerlessness, but most fundamentally on my life experience as a child and how I was treated when I could not protect myself - where my powerlessness was not a 'perception' - I was in fact completely at the mercy of my care-givers. Is this what some people would call a soul contract?

So with self-transcendence I meet my fears, trauma, death.. and try and take them into myself and though the larger more powerful aspect of my being. There will be no one to run from and no one to manipulate or take from me. Those energies just won't function like that anymore. So is it a question of just removing the dirt to reveal the light beneath? Hence my question on another thread 'how can I have more joyful dreams'..

Then I'll be free to fulfill my potential in this world and shine my light and love.

Well just wondering what you think of all that - if it holds true for the most part?

Thanks Tony.

Questions about dreams / I want joyful dreams
« on: December 27, 2015, 12:36:55 PM »
Hi Tony, often my dreams are agitated and are full of difficult emotions, sadness, loss, vulnerability. I know I have a lot of emotion I was never allowed to express or feel and there is a lot of truth that was denied me.  I can see how it is good for all this to be released from my unconscious, but I'm getting sick of it and it takes me most of the day to recover from a strong dream.

I have had dreams in the past that were full of beauty or awe, but they are so rare. I really would like more nourishing dreams, dreams of joyful things and loving encounters. I'm so tired of waking up every morning and piecing together the scraps or mapping out another dream journey of being mistreated or abused.

I do meditate and that definitely gives more clarity to the dreams - but any other suggestions you might have would be appreciated.

Dream Interpretation / Immolation. Protection money.
« on: December 27, 2015, 10:41:05 AM »
Hi Tony, after a period of intense dreaming my dreams seemed to drop off for a while. Here is a new one id love your insight on whenever you can.  Hope you are having a lovely holiday

Backdrop In general I'm a bit lost in this dream, not sure where I'm staying, my phone battery running out, asked to cover a waitressing shift when I haven't done that type of work in ten years and really don't want to, but feel I'm being guilted into it for other people's convenience.

I'm driving quite a good car through country lanes. I pass a caravan, a young girl comes out, about 10-12 years old she covers herself in petrol stamps her foot to create friction to light it, it hasn't lit yet when then a woman comes out, the mother perhaps, the girl throws petrol on the mother & throws something at her, a piece of wood and she goes up in flames her body disappears, the clothes remain, seeing this, the girl dives into a sort of pool of water she's stsnding in and under a guitar case and saves herself. (Actually a thought just came to me of the Wizard of Oz where the wicked witch melts, but her clothes remain behind).

Sitting at a bar, a bit lost, my phone has died I don't know where I will sleep this night if I can't get in contact with anyone, jazz music, a man comes in, he knows my name flirty invasive style over familiar stands too close, then he's kissing a woman right beside me.

Then I'm talking to my father, he' tells me he's paid this man money. I can't believe it, it scares me. He admits the police can't protect us, so he has to pay the money, protection money. I feel really lost and fearful, this man seems very arrogant and nasty, and I doubt the protection money will do anything other than assure him of the power he has over us.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Anxiety versus premonition
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:52:21 PM »
Thank-you for your reply Tony!

 I guess what is confusing me about the dream is that 'elements' are definitely manifesting, another part of that same dream I didn't mention the lady had a false leg in the corner of her room and it since turns out she's getting an operation on her leg soon, so that's now two elements of the dream that have manifest already including the car. So who are these three gunmen.. I will try more 'being the thing'

When I think about standing up to a fear, I think about willingly enduring pain and death. Better to fight and lose than to give in.. Because we can't know that we are stronger than the forces inside/outside of us..?

I guess with the rescue I wondered had I somehow crossed dimensions to help someone. With the sick child I wondered was it rather than premonition but maybe a tapping into a metaphor for the emotional experience of a country and its people.

I feel really moved by the final example where the woman walked in the beach and the being 'just a bunch of thoughts'.  So the pivotal aspect are my own anxieties and fears. I mean what a powerful powerful thing to be able to do, to integrate them and prevent them manifesting as attacking forces. That gives me solace and something to do other than worry  :). Thankyou!

Dream Interpretation / Anxiety versus premonition
« on: December 03, 2015, 12:07:02 AM »
Hi Tony,
I have read that premonition dreams have a different quality or feel, but I have not found that to be the case with my own dreams that contain future information. So I find it very hard to know how to process categorise dream information.

Im pulling together a few strands here, just to clarify why I might have a bit if concern right now..

Nov 6th I had a dream that I am running with some people over desert rocks at night, we decend onto the desert and three very tall women in burqas try to trap us, they are very powerful and scary. I am like a child, I scoot round them, others are confused and don't react quickly, I grab a guy by the sleeve, he's an 'office worker' and pull him and say come with me hurry. I'm now pulling him running across an expanse of white smooth flooring in darkness away from the desert and danger. Dream ends with me facing a man with a gun, a terrorist type, I have an empty shopping trolley, I imagine what a bullet will feel like hitting me, then somehow I get away.

Nov 13th I dreamt of a dark skinned woman in a black shawl, she looks like a refugee, she is wailing crying,she has a very very sick child , a boy of around 8, lying on the street. The depth of his illness shocks me and really effects me.  I wanted to help and gave her money, only to find the money was counterfeit, just photocopied money,  and I was upset I was not being of help to her.
Next day I heard of the paris attacks.

Previous to these dreams, I had a dream that on Christmas Eve, three gunmen in balaclavas, came to the place I was moving to and were powerful and threatening. I've since ended up with the same car as was in that dream, which I knew nothing about at the time. So my active concern, is that I will have more than Santa calling that night!  :-[

Edit: of course I was not physically present at the paris attacks. It's the placing of that car in the dream of Christmas Eve that seems to place me there. However in the dream I was more concerned with locking my car than running and hiding. I was quite calm. There was another man present too an artist, also unafraid. Though my sense was 'this is actually a dangerous situation'

Eargh.. I often have premonition dreams and they are a total pain, no information is better than bits of uncertain information!

Dream Interpretation / Re: Healing dogs
« on: December 02, 2015, 11:49:04 PM »
Thankyou so much Tony. Actually, that makes total sense in terms of the journey I have travelled since then, and things I did not know about my own issues at that time.

As everybody has limitless potential, I guess these window dreams are just showing I'm starting to get in contact with a bit of mine.. Even if it hasn't  quite manifest in the me that walks the earth yet!  :o

As ever, thank you so much  :)

Dream Interpretation / Healing dogs
« on: December 01, 2015, 05:50:54 PM »
Hi Tony,

I remembered a dream I had earlier in the year, before I discovered your amazing site. I would love your insight into it.

In this dream I'm in what looks like a huge foyer of a period mansion, it has a tiled floor, and floor to ceiling windows, maybe some potted plants..bright, beautiful, though it may not be summer so perhaps cool.

I am in the foyer with my hands outstretched and I'm healing a few different dogs one after the other. (I'm not involved in healing in normal life) then I get to a dog that is really really ill, it's so ill, I sit with its head in my lap comforting it as there's nothing else I can do, but it doesn't have a dogs head, it has the head of a seahorse and it's really really black. It's kind of mysterious black. The message is that I could heal the other dogs but not this one, I don't have the power, the illness is so deep and old. I feel sad powerless and so sorry for the creature which seems close to death. This left a very powerful impression on me, staying with me when I woke.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Healing
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:29:17 PM »
Thank you for such a clear explanation Tony, I didn't really get the co-operative nature of this process.
I tended to think without really thinking - bad boring conscious mind, amazing mystical unconscious.. but not see them as parts of a whole.
This is most helpful.

Thank you!

Dream Interpretation / Re: Toothbrushes
« on: November 24, 2015, 12:23:18 PM »
Hi Tony, thanks so much for your answer.

I have had so much conflict about the 'competitive' aspect of life - mainly the covert nature, being told by religion, school, family to 'love', gladly doing so, then realising I'm the fool as everyone else is competing no holds barred, while paying lip service to not competing. Exhausting until I finally became aware of the mechanics of the game.

Then I discovered the inner competition going on within aspects of myself, and finally, I had something I could work with! At least in this dream I'm getting a reward! In being the thing, the bracelet was the importance of the material world and the joy it can bring, pretty girl things that are not just shallow but energising, also the white stone was calm emotions and peace, infinity, the carvings were the energy that art can focus into a small space. So my sense is this part of the dream is saying I get what I desire, by not rushing, by letting the others do what they feel they need to do and by I myself doing what I need to do. (However I have just started setting intentions for dreams and this night I set an intention to meet an angel or guide - so this seems to be that request being answered).

The mental exhaustion and effort of cleaning, is a quandary - I find it so difficult to get the balance between focusing on healing and then just switching off from that. Sometimes there's no choice as dreams or emotions push to the surface, but when there's a break I usually feel that now is my chance to get ahead. I know I need more nourishment and less everything else..

At this point in my life I'm keenly aware of trying to let go of goal setting, even in relation to healing and be receptive to life energies and see where it takes me..

Thanks again for your reply, it's most appreciated.

Dream Interpretation / Re: Healing
« on: November 23, 2015, 05:48:37 PM »
Just thinking..as horse is related to vitality...I had this dream two nights before Coeliac dream:

Excerpt: I am told my horse is outside and it would do me good to ride it, that I'd feel better. Reluctantly I go out, I see no horse. I go down the road searching, I meet two loose brown horses, but I know neither are mine. I go back and see that 'my' horse is right outside the house. He's huge, blond, very shiny and strong, but I see his hooves are severely overgrown. Well I can't ride him like that it would hurt him I think. Then to my surprise he jumps up and starts filing his hooves on a stone pillar and does so with speed and dexterity. Which makes me wonder why he suffered such discomfort, when he had that ability.

Dream Interpretation / Toothbrushes
« on: November 22, 2015, 10:35:17 AM »
Hi Tony, I can't quite get a message from the toothbrush symbols in this dream

(Thought I'd just add the start of the dream: The dream began with me walking through underground pathways by huge boulders. I felt happy but groups of people were rushing by racing, I said something like it's not a competition, a leader of a group turns and says, 'oh you are so wrong, life is definitely a competition' I carry on at my own pace, I don't think I have the physical energy to speed up, even if I wanted to which I dont,  I enter a gift shop that I come across and I'm given a gift of a white bead bracelet, it has the remnants of soil as if it had been buried, I put it in my left wrist, it's a white stone, possibly with a slight green tint, there may be a carving of a leaf and bird in one part. )

I'm in the bathroom of my childhood home, I notice the ceiling is covered in old toothbrushes and at least two toilet brushes, it's like they are magnetised there. There must be 20-30 items.
Later I ask a guy to take his toothbrush if it's there, as I am going to clean the ceiling. I am making soup in the kitchen and he wants to share, I don't like his presence, I feel claustrophobic with him around and tell him in as diplomatic a way as possible that he'll have to sort himself out for food. He asks me where I'm going later and I'm very vague so he can't then pretend that's where he was planning to go.

In the next scene I am sitting on a pavement with a dark purple duvet over my knees, I am completely exhausted. I seem to have just had to stop there. I guess the scene of me sitting there looks a bit like a homeless person. A young woman comes and sits with me, she is so kind and sympathetic, she tells me the body just needs to be allow to rest when it's been over-burdened, I find it hard to believe that resting is allowed or that resting will solve anything. Even though I am doing it at that moment out of the inability to overcome fatigue.

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