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Topics - Mocha

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Dream Interpretation / My own dead body
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:34:16 PM »
Hi, I'm new to forums and have been rather curious about dreams. I've come across this site and am looking for inlightenment regards to one of my dreams.


I only went to bed at 1:00am after working on my classic car, proud to say I fixed the carb issue. The next day at 9:35 am I only recalled parts of the dream I had the night before. From what I can remember, the dream was in my first person view (From my eyes), I saw a square wooden barn of a sort. This wooden structure was only a single story high and had 4 separate rooms all the same size each with their own exterior door and they had no entrances to each other from inside. The barn was situated in a semi forest environment and it was dark at the time. Within one of these rooms was my dead body. I knew this without any prior knowledge as to how it got their or how I had died. I had no worries of being dead at all. I remember entering my room of the barn and viewing a wooden pedestal about waist height. It had a dark wooden coffin on it. Inside lay my body. I had feelings towards my body like it was my ultimate love (Not in a sexual way). It saddens me greatly to know it was decaying and I had urges to touch it yet I had an unknown feeling that it was forbidden. Also I knew that the body had been there for two weeks (The smell was strong), so it wouldn’t be wise to touch it. (I wanted to just feel my hand, make sure my body was still there.)I loved my body and only wished it the best possible existence. The thought if it degenerating greatly depressed me. What was strange was I wasn't concerned as to why I was not alive or how I died. I simply felt very strong about my body. Like I wanted to look after it, it felt as if my body was a very good friend that had passed away and I couldn’t let go. Which all makes sense in an indirect way because every creature wants to live? It would seem I was a ghost who would not lay to rest, but I didn’t relate my situation at that time to ghosts.

This dream created quite a deal of emotion in me and that's why I would like other views on it.


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