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Author Topic: Meetings a Man in My Dreams  (Read 6204 times)

Tony Crisp

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Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« on: January 15, 2019, 07:22:13 AM »
I ran across your site while looking for an explanation as to what has been happening to me.  What I'm experiencing, in fact, isn't on any of the websites I've found.  Perhaps you can help me - I could be calling my experiences a dream meeting when in truth, they may be something else. 

Years ago, I dated a guy and we used to have dream meetings frequently (as you describe them.)  Things didn't work out but since the last time I saw him, I've had (and I assume he has too) numerous dreams in which him and I talk.  In these dreams, we are both in a white, cloud-like room, standing face to face, and talking.  This is what my dream meetings are - they do not have any symbolism, vague meanings, etc. 
Anyway, the last one I had (of any significance anyway) my ex-boyfriend  told me (in the dream) that he was divorced.  The next day, I jumped on the net, looked at the local court's website and found what he told me to be true. 

Am we having dream meetings or are we having something else?  There's no doubt in my mind he's having the same experience.  Is there a way to stop them?  Is there a way to encourage them?  Not sure which way I want to go on this. 

Thanks for your time, 

« Last Edit: January 15, 2019, 07:23:51 AM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 09:54:24 AM »
Hi Nicole - What an interesting experience. Thanks for writing to me describing it.

You ask three questions - Is there a way to stop them?  Is there a way to encourage them? Are we having dream meetings or are we having something else?

I will try the last one first. What is it you are experiencing?

This question itself defines your difficulty. Our education and culture gives us an almost unshakable view that the only reality is what we see through our eyes, hear through our ears, etc. Obviously you are not totally locked into that viewpoint or you wouldn't have written to me. But I think you haven't completely accepted the alternative.

Excuse me for being a bit wordy, but I am trying to set a scene here.

The so called normal world is one where you and I are separated by space, by awareness of what each thinks and feels, and all the body things. In that world it is impossible to do what you have actually done except using telephones, speech, etc. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-paradigm/

However, there is another world that doesn't have limitations like that. There is actually no separation between people in that inner world dimension of experience. Quantum physics has demonstrated this. They call it non-local. In other words you are not in a particular place in time and space. That part of you is beyond time and space. No limitations. See https://dreamhawk.com/news/there-is-a-huge-change-happening/ - https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/

But there is a mid way place between the two. This is the imagery and experience of dreams or lucid sleep such as you experienced.

In sleep we enter more fully into the dimension of no limitations. Most people do not bring back much clear awareness of this. It usually reaches waking consciousness as dream imagery and feelings, a blending of waking images of how things are, and something of the non-or formed-local experience.

Because our conscious self thinks in words and images, the formless experience of the non-local unlimited experience - I call it 'naked awareness' - takes on the garb of images to be understandable by your waking awareness. So you see yourself in a cloud like room. Can you see why? It is as near as imagery can get to describe the fact you have moved beyond the limited mental world of sensory experience. It is like a mime to describe something. You can move beyond those images into direct knowing once you see them for what they are.

Okay - so this now helps to explain your other questions.

Is there a way to stop it? Yes, by diminishing yourself as some people do with alcohol, cigarettes etc. Alcohol diminishes that level of awareness. You might also be able to stop it simply by deciding firmly that you don't want to do it again. However, unless that decision is complete it will continue, egged on by curiosity.

I don't think you are having 'anything else' but a meeting beyond the limitations of body awareness.

Is there a way to encourage them?

Nicole, what you are experiencing was probably normal for human beings in past ages. Gradually, throughout hundreds of years, people have been told it was wicked and abnormal to have more awareness of what was going on than church leaders and rulers wanted them to have. Remember how many people were burned at the stake for claiming or demonstrating such abilities? It was a program of domination and segregation to maintain control and wealth. The early Christians, before the Catholic church began, saw it as a part of their life. This was quickly squashed out though. 

What limits it in you at the moment is that you have not realised the possibilities of it, or know it as a natural and healthy part of human life. The wider awareness led you to experience what you did because - I guess - you had a powerful emotional link with your ex. See https://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-next-step-criticisms/

However, opening to the unlimited has enormous possibilities. If you want to find out more get hold of the books Breakthrough to Creativity by Dr. Shafica Karagulla; and There is a River by Thomas Sugrue, or see https://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-next-step-criticisms/.

If you want to use your ability in practical ways come back to me and I can hopefully guide you. The wonderful world of the unlimited is part of your being, and without it people are blind, deaf, and often almost dead inside.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2019, 10:24:58 AM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2019, 09:44:19 AM »
Hmm - where to start... 

(This first part is going to sound so cliche..) 

I've had psychic experiences my entire life, but because of my religious upbringing, dismissed them.  I find that I doubt my own abilities, but not necessarily the abilities of others.  I often ignore my gut reactions because they're not logical, unless dealing with first impressions - those I usually go with and they're dead on.  My brain is logic, not emotional based (odd for a female) and if I can't explain it, I dismiss it. 

I also have a spirit that travels with me (supposedly my father in a past life who feels the need to stick around.)  I choose to ignore him because I'm afraid.  He has made his presence known several times (I levitated once - witnessed by my mother.) 

My friends say I have "witchy woman mojo" meaning that after making a smart ass comment (in teasing) towards me, they've suddenly dropped their coffee (or whatever) and turn to me and tell me to knock it off. 

I've taken a meditation class, and have started to practice, but I need more training.  Silly as this sounds, when I meditate, I experience extreme sinus pressure, which stops when the meditation does.  I have monkey mind - and it keeps me up at night.  My dr. prescribed Ambien, but I only sleep for about 4 hours when I take it. 

Sometimes, when faced with a difficult situation, I'll ask God for a sign.  Lately, I hear my own voice (in my head) very loudly state, "How many more do you F'ing need?" 

I wonder if that voice is my own, or someone else's message in a voice I recognize. 

I'm currently a junior at a liberal arts college.  I'm an old student - I'm 39.  For the past year, I've worked as an administrative assistant at a company I hate.  I stay because it's a paycheck.  Prior, I was an assistant at a company I loved (it was sold to a large investment firm.)  My new boss was a ass, so I left.   

Although I can get very passionate about certain issues, I'm not particularly passionate over any hobbies.  I've been a single parent for the last 15 years.  Since no one in my childhood made sure I was the best I could be, I've made sure I was an involved parent.  Thus spending all my free time (and even some of my work time) parenting. 

To summarize, yes, I believe there are people with gifts and abilities.  I also believe they can be developed.  It is the belief these things happen to others, not me, holding me back.  I think I'm afraid if I go to far within myself, I'll be forced to deal with things long buried. 

Tony, I really do appreciate all of you insights.  If you haven't noticed, I'm a very direct communicator, so please, if there's something you need to ask, don't be afraid to do so in a direct manner. 

Kind regards, 


Tony Crisp

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Re: Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2019, 09:56:49 AM »
Hey - It's good to meet you. Thanks for being straight forward.

 Let me know what you do to meditate and what you hope to get from it.

 What we are dealing with in going forward is consciousness. Sometimes we are taught to think about that in a sort of mechanical or psychological way, but in some ways it stand beyond those things.

 It may help to think of consciousness like a mirror without images or reflections in it. Then in that mirror appear the things we are more used to like thoughts, emotions, body sensations, sight, sound etc. This may be stuff you learned at school, but I need to set the scene or foundations, so we can build on it. Ask questions if I am not clear about anything.

 So each of us have our 'mirror' filled with different things. You say you have had a religious upbringing for instance. So part of what you have taken in and filled consciousness with is certain ideas or beliefs.

 Whatever is in the mirror of consciousness can become very real. I liken this to when we walk into our home and think we see someone standing in the hall or room who shouldn't be there. Our heart pounds. It turns out to be a coat hanging on something. As we see a different view of it our whole feeling response to it changes.

 So I want to look at some of the basic ideas you may have taken in about psychic experiences and Christianity.

 Christianity is old and has gone through a lot of changes. The early Christians were very different to those today. Their original format was completely different. They didn't go to church and listen to a talk about what they should or shouldn't do. Their earliest way of worship was Pentecost.

 They got together and surrendered their being to the invisible God to move them. They then prophesied, saw into each other's character, etc. This was considered normal and was called gifts of the spirit. To quote from the Bible they are:

"To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines."

 Gradually the way Christianity was organised changed. A group of people took over as authorities and stopped the practice of opening to the Spirit. They also only wanted people to know God through the chosen priests, and not to have any direct contact. This gave them immense control. So they taught that 'gifts of the spirit' were evil.

 Unfortunately that has passed down to us except in a few churches.

 What you experience is a natural part of spiritual life. All early Christians experienced it, and if they didn't they would have been considered lacking in their openness to God. All of that is verifiable. A few years ago I was showing people how to be moved spontaneously, as in Pentecost; several people got it but two seemed to experience it deeply. The one of them, a woman, stood up and in a loud voice said, "I am going, This is against my religion!" and walked out. The poor missguided woman was actually experiencing her basic religion.

 Moving on from that, is there any way you can describe how you get to the cloud like room? Do you have anything that you understand about it? This is important because it is your doorway into that wider life.

 Don't struggle with this as we can throw it around a bit. But if you do have any insights let me have them. It seems to link with feelings you have about relationship, but maybe you have more to say.

By the ways, the voice you heard, in my opinion, was your own wider awareness speaking out of its frustration.  :)  ;)

 As ever – Tony 

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Re: Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2019, 10:25:41 AM »
Good to meet you too!  Finally - someone who doesn't think I'm half nuts. 

As far as meditation goes - I'm stuck on the assisted kind - can't seem to move past it.  When I try, I end up doing more deep breathing than anything else.  I use the feather in a tube method.  My last instructor started us out with the feather, and then moved us to a mountain.  I have tried using meditation as a communication tool between me and my guide, but once again, the voice I hear answer my questions is my own. 

As far as the room goes, I am just there.  I have no idea how I got there.  I know when I've related my story to my friends, I've used the phrase, "and then he showed up" and a phrase meaning he made me show up (can't remember my exact words)  The first phrase implies my conscious mind thinks I was already in the room,  while the second implies the ex is calling me to the room. 
I think the room is the way it is to eliminate any "noise" or clutter, thereby making it impossible for me to convince myself what I experienced is anything else than what it is - a dream meeting.  In the meetings, we stand face to face and our faces are inches from one another.  There's nothing else in the room, no other conversations, no other people, and absolutely nothing else to focus on. 
If a cloud like room held any significance between him and I, I can't recall what it was. 
I have no understanding of the room, or how I get there other than this. 


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Re: Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2019, 11:32:11 AM »
OK - I know I am ignoring some of the things you have told me, but I am holding them in the background while I clarify what you are doing at the moment - for me and you.

 At the moment I need to be clearer exactly what you do with meditation. Is the feather in the tube method the one where you breathe slowly and imagine barely moving the feather? If not exactly what are you doing, and what is the mountain meditation?

 There are two things here maybe I need to explain.  If you were unconscious, or if conscious were taken away, there would no longer be anybody else, or the world, or even yourself. Without consciousness nothing exists. So to put it another way everything you experience rests on consciousness and what you do with it.

 Last time I said about the mirror and what is reflected in it. But when the mirror is clear of images and emotions, sometimes things come out of it - such as your dreams and the voice you hear. In the biggest sense there is nothing in there except you, so don't worry about whose voice you hear.

 Also remember that when you dream you are existing in a world of virtual reality that can be anything. In that world people, animals, places seem very real - are real at their own level. What creates that virtual reality can present to you devils, angels, or God himself. Whatever it is, it is a world that can change from one moment to the next. But behind it is something else other than the images and people we experience in the dream. There is something creating those images and experiences. There are levels of you.

 You have seen that in the 'psychic' world of dreams you can either experience normal dreams that are probably expressing dramatic versions of what you feel and fear deep inside, or you can experienced a symbolic presentation of something verifiable or real in the waking world. In fact what you can draw out probably an infinite manner of things. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/dimensions-of-human-experience/

 The big question is what are we doing to allow or repress what appears in our dreams or waking?

 If consciousness is everything, and I am not being rigid about that, only saying it to provide a way of understanding how to work, then what you experience, or what you don't experience, has something to do with what you do with consciousness, your mind and emotions. Meditation can therefore be likened to tuning a radio to get different stations. So in meditation you might be aiming to reach a certain goal, and you rearrange what you feel and what your body is doing to see if you can get a different thing happening in consciousness. But consciousness at that level is an immense ocean and hold Everthing.

 Through the ages ancient peoples have tried all sorts of things such as fasting, banging drums, taking herbs,  repeating words over and over, doing rituals, dancing, praying, etc, on and on.  And there is a saying in the East - The finger pointing at the moon.  What it means is that people sometimes forget the finger is pointing for them to look at the moon and stare at the finger. In other words we often get tangled up with banging the drum, repeating the words, saying the prayers or controlling our breath, and miss seeing what those things are producing in consciousness. What is important is how are those things rearranging what you think and feel inside to produce a different experience, psychic impressions, or an awareness of the divine?

 This is why I need you to look at exactly what you are doing in meditation or dreams, so you can learn to consciously direct the process instead of thinking it is the 'finger' doing it. In the end it is you who are doing it.

 I want to help you undo the knot that brings the extreme sinus pressure, and that can enable you to release and direct your power more consciously.

 I am away for a while so don't worry if I take a while to answer next time. Maybe read http://dreamhawk.com/news/summing-up/

 Press on,

I guess all my intellectual stuff isn't doing the trick.

 No matter. But some of it is important, like a map, as you are travelling into new lands.

 So, lets get to you more directly. The pain you feel when doing the feather meditation, and the voice.

 You must know from what you have experienced that what lies beyond your waking awareness of yourself is a vast and strange country. Part of that 'country' are things buried in you from the past - childhood for instance, and when you open to it some of that past will surface to be healed. That may mean you re-experience it as it discharges. So the pain may be due to that.

 The voice - well in the sense that everything you experience in your dreams, while experiencing your spirit friend, or the voice, is subjective experience. Nobody else can see or hear it. Your brain, or mind, like a radio, is translating signals or impressions into what you can understand consciously. So your voice is being honest in a way - it is all you. That does not demean it in any way.

 In your own time I would like you to try a couple of things to see what you experience. The first is to ask your voice what is the best way for you to allow your abilities to unfold. Doesn't matter what the hell the reply is, tell me.

 Also try this and tell me what happens. 

I have called this the Keyboard Condition. In other words you learn to hold your body, emotions, imagination, sexuality and memories like a keyboard that can be played on by your inner self. In this way you are holding your body free to move spontaneously; you are letting go of any control or resistances you might have in connection with your emotions; you are relinquishing your thoughts and goals, and you are leaving the stage free for your imagination – all to be able to respond to something other than your conscious will – all ready to be moved spontaneously. 

Remember that when you go to sleep another will creates dreams, body movement, emotions, and all the phenomena of dreams without your conscious will needing to be active. You are creating the Keyboard Condition so this inner process, or inner self, can  have the chance to expresses while you are awake. Stand for a while and let anything happen.   

As ever – Tony 
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 11:46:47 AM by Tony Crisp »

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Re: Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2019, 08:52:15 AM »
I'm a step by step (i.e. how do I do this exactly) kind of person - sorry.

Anyway, I asked the question, the answer was, "Listen."  That was Sunday night.  Last night, just as I was about to drift off to sleep, someone shouted in my ear, "Hello!"  It wasn't my voice, this time it was a man's voice. And it was definitely from outside my own head.   For the life of me, if I had to describe the person behind the voice (although I saw nothing) I would describe him as vibrant blue.
I think I'm losing my mind  :)
For the keyboard part, could you give me a little more direction?  Like I said, I need instructions.
Thank you very much,

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Re: Meetings a Man in My Dreams
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2019, 08:58:58 AM »
Hi Nicole - OK.  We have to go back to a few paces.

You said that the voice was definitely outside your own head.  But every character and voice you hear in dreams is outside your own head.  If you are going to find your way around in a inner world, you have to recognise that your being has the possibility of creating people, places, sounds, smells, all outside your own head as it were. They all appear outside you.

I know this is difficult because we are raised with the belief that such things as ghosts and psychic experiences come to us from outside.  If that is so, how is it that other people can't see or hear those things?

You are definitely not losing your mind, you just have the ability to hear and maybe see things at the level that most people are unaware of.  There was a survey recently about people hearing voices.  In the past it was believed that if somebody heard voices that were apparently outside of themselves, or there was some psychological problem.  However, the survey showed that many people hear voices, only very few of them have a psychological problem.  That percentage is about the same as one would find in any group of people.  Most of the people who heard voices gained a lot of information or support from them.  They felt it was a positive ability.

But, the belief system you were raised in, has a lot of disadvantages in it, one of them being that if what you are experiencing became even more active, then you might really fear and believe you were going mad.  That would simply be a result of what you believe and fear. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-paradigm/

As for the keyboard thing, your voice summed it all up when it said "listen".  That is exactly what it is about.
What I am trying to get you to learn is to listen, not just with your ears, but also with your body, your emotions, your sexuality, your imagination - all of you.  Until you get some ability to do that we can't move on.  I use the word keyboard because keys can be moved.  They can be played.  The idea of listening is that you get your whole being ready to be played by something other than your conscious thoughts and impressions coming from outside of you.  So, your body would be ready to be moved, your emotions could be played, your imagination and images fired up as happens in dreams, and in fact you become like a musical instrument, but not played by your conscious decisions. See https://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-keyboard-condition/

It doesn't matter if nothing happens while you are doing this.  What matters is that you learn to take on the listening attitude so it turns your attention away from what is going on outside of you, and your conscious thoughts and feelings.

Don't hesitate to come back at me with this if you still haven't got the idea.  But do try to have a go at it and tell me what happens.

As ever Tony