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Author Topic: I almost feel like I am loosing my mind  (Read 5888 times)


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I almost feel like I am loosing my mind
« on: May 24, 2015, 07:17:49 AM »
When I was in high school  I had an innocent crush on a boy.  I never got to know him I'd just smile at him in the hall way in passing. Once he randomly hugged me and his wool coat scratched my chin. He passed shortly after we graduated. I did not know till a few months after the funeral, because honestly I did not know him.

 Nine years have passed and periodically he appears in my dreams. The fist time he was a brief appearance. He said "I know now" as he hugged me. He was wearing that wool coat that scratched my chin. When I woke up I felt happy.

 Hes made random appearance since. Sometimes I can speak to him, others I can see him but can't reach him.
I often feel like I am living two lives when these dreams happen. They get more frequent closer to the anniversary  of his death.

 I once read that a dead person can't rest if your dreaming of them and since Ive seen that I have heavy guilt when he appears.

I guess I am just looking to tell my story to any one they maybe able to give me some insight on this.

Tony Crisp

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Re: I almost feel like I am loosing my mind
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2015, 10:19:35 AM »
5u623r0 - People say the silliest things to make them feel okay. For instance many so called dream books say things like dreaming of bleeding to death is a sign you will be lucky in love. They are to make people feel there is no harm coming to them.

To say that a dead person can't rest if you're dreaming of them, is a way of trying to stop them dreaming of the dead or death because they are scared.

Your dreams tell a different story. When a person dies they experience a massive summary of their life - it is a way of seeing in what ways their life can connect with Life itself. I am talking about the Life that grew you from a tiny seed in your mother, and continues to beat your heart, digest your food and generally keep you alive. We think of all that as an automatic function, and we think of sleep as a way of resting, and there is nothing beyond our everyday self, our personality. Yet your dreams come to you from the very deeps of you. There is a Life that comments on your life.

Life treasures any act of love in life and death. But also because you had a crush on the boy and he died you never managed to live out any sort of resolution - especially as he kissed you. That left you with an open connection to the dead boy, a connection that because he too had a feeling for you led to dreams of meeting.

Connections with people are very important and for some is what keeps them sane. How many people would feel lost without their mobile/cell phone? Also people who are kept alone in a police cell for days often become badly depressed through lack of communicating with others. We do not realise how much we are always communicating with those around us - maybe just a smile, saying hello, a frown or not looking at people are all ways we communicate. After death the barriers to communication are almost swept away. After death we share the life of those we love very fully. Thus your dreams.

But dreams are not simple. So to understand how dreams come about  and realise what your dreams are telling you, it can help if you realise that just as your eyes do not directly allow you to see, but nerve impulses are sent to the brain where they are translated into living pictures. Nothing we sense in the world is directly known, but it is all impressions that are translated into a sense of smell, sight, hearing, etc. So the eye receives reflected light from an object that is translated into nervous impulses, which is then received by the brain which translates what are formless nerve impulses into what we feel we see.

So in dreams we tend to put pictures or images collected from everyday experiences to put an interpretation on our formless dreams. We do this because we tend to have an experience of the world based on our body senses, and our dreams and communications from the dead come from a very different environment, so we put it in images and ideas we understand.

So when we dream about a dead person communicating with us it can be distorted by our view of what death is – or our associations with the dead person. So if we believe in ourselves that when a person dies they are finished it creates our own view of death, or one that is a mixture of a real communication and our beliefs.

Your dreams appear to be real communications with him, but obviously put in your own imagery and partly dictated by your own feelings. They are not dangerous, and in no way disturb the dead person. Instead of feeling you are losing your mind see it as an opportunity to explore the wonderful world of the dead - you obviously have the ability. See http://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/rudolph-steiners-philosophy-of-life-and-death/
