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Messages - Mandivb

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Sad dog nightmare
« on: February 10, 2011, 02:25:43 AM »
I was really upset by this dream....

I was at the airport with my friend we were all leaving on a trip to paris. My dog (a beagle) came running out of no where and went chasing after me in the boarding tunnel thing and all the sudden he feel through the floor. I looked through the crack and it seemed to be like a mile down. I ran down there after him and my dog ran away. He jumped up on some random guys lap. And my friends aunt picked him up he wad bleeding and whining. My friends aunt told me to get on the plane and she would take him, so I did. When I got to Paris I was in tears and my friends aunt called and told me that my dog had broken his ribs he was confined to his bed for awhile and wasn't suppose to move. The whole time I was in Paris I didn't do anything but cry. Then I woke up. 

Any idea what this dream means??? I'm really disturbed by it. :(

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