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Messages - delusional1986

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Re: Marrage and Adultry
« on: August 11, 2011, 12:50:30 PM »
Woe! I can't thank you enough! This has definitely opened my eyes allot! I forgot until I think back my Nana was also present in the castle, who passed away 2 years ago, and I always promised her I would wed in a church due to her Christian beliefs, but I had chosen a Quieter Registry wedding for the future! wow that explains it then!

As for the make up and money, I do all the spending! So I figure probably future money worries further down the line as things have become alot tighter recently.

I cannot thank you enough for all your help, will definitely be keeping a regular visit on this forum :)

Dream Interpretation / Marrage and Adultry
« on: August 07, 2011, 03:00:46 PM »
Hi there, was looking for some direction for me and my fiancee, we don't usually remember our dreams but one night we both had quite disturbing dreams that we remembered, it baffled us!

I had 2 in one night, the first was that was that  I was in my old housing estate, but not in a building that is located there, it was like an old style castle with open roofed areas and also some closed rooms all made of stone with big wooden doors, surrounded by my family members who had organised a surprise wedding for me and my fiancee and I was very angry over the dress they had picked (which I had not yet seen) and was arguing with my mother, I also glanced back (we were all walking towards a big room) and spotted my father who in waking life I have not seen for over 4 years and have no contact with, he tried to acknowledge me but I just ignored him and turned back to face the way I was walking.  I entered a room on my own where the dress was when I saw the dress my fiancee (who is my actual fiancee rather than an entity representing him) entered the room, and I fell in love with the dress instantly and was happy with what my family had done. It was a very extravagant white dress, nothing like what I would choose in waking life!

I woke briefly, and upon sleeping again I dreamt that I was in my bedroom and I was checking our bank statement, and we had not allot of money left, I found out my fiancee had purchased a lot of make up for himself! he entered the room and we started arguing about it, I asked him 'Why have you bought all that??' and he replied 'I want to make sure my appearance is good'. and started to apply it, which was quite strange!

on the same night my partner dreamt that I had sat him down in our living room and told him I was having an affair with multiple men, and I had told him it was OK, then handed him a white t shirt with lottery balls printed on it. He said I did not show any emotion and was acting very normally, that the dream was very brief and then he woke up.

We were both very confused and intrigued as to what these represent. We do have a book of dream interpretation and I had a search but I cant really make these out.

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