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Messages - Tony Crisp

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Dream Interpretation / Re: An old dream that I still remember perfectly.
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:37:48 PM »
Pixiestick – I see where I went wrong, I assumed that that there was a good side to your mother. I should have taken the story as your dream told it. The mother was a death of part of you.

The little blonde boy with a balloon – it shows a change of mood, a change from all that preceded it in the dream, becoming a child and so a new life.


Greetings / Re: Hi All
« on: August 16, 2011, 10:39:41 AM »
Jane - Thank you for being with us and your comments.

What you say exactly reflects my own findings. A dream journal is an excellent way to check on all the changes that are presented in your dreams years in advance. I often point out that the changes the dreams point out often do not appear until months or years later. It isn't like they are predictive dreams, but about changes and growth you are going through or are about to meet.

If you feel like writing anything about this I would love to see it and might use it on the site.

Anyway - welcome in.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dr. House
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:38:21 AM »
Christine – Your dream starts of in a religious atmosphere and probably community. I feel that a black community are a more honest expression of feelings, more direct. And the obese woman appears to me in your dream to suggest an attitude of being religious as a means of medication, and over doing it. You see that as something that maybe you recognise in yourself and wish to move away from.

Dr. House is someone you see as a great and loved man – so he represents a guiding principle in your life. But his turning away appears to be saying, “You should not follow me/the principle any more. It is time for you to move on.”

An then your dream shows you a big journey in front of you, one that you will not be in control of, a sure sign of giving up your will to something bigger. I am not sure what David Bowie represents for you, but maybe someone who went a different way and succeeded.

We are all on that big journey, even though each person’s journey is different, we can all support each other.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Dream within a Dream
« on: August 15, 2011, 08:34:23 AM »
Luke – I have a sense of your dream being about going along with the crowd and this ends in the ride being out of balance. Of course you are also attracted by a beautiful woman, but you are uncertain of how she feels about you.

Then the second half of the dream is about learning self confidence. Flying in our dreams is usually about either escaping from something or directing our life by making an effort to go our own way. It is a way or learning to do things without our parents permission or going our own way despite what others want.

We usually learn to fly by a lot of physical effort – flapping your arms. I learn to fly by swimming motions. But as you get the feel of it you realise that it is an act of decision and confidence. Then you can take of time Superman.

The girl then was close to you because you were more confident and so you were not, as it were, keeping her at a distance by your feelings of uncertainty. A good feeling. Fly on!


Dream Interpretation / Re: dream interpre
« on: August 14, 2011, 01:13:30 PM »

MickeyMouse - Yes, I go alone with Dakota's insights, but I wanted to add some lovely examples:

As this occurred I had a wonderful sense of being a lovely bird that has been in some way ill all its life. This meant it never flew when the flock took flight. Instead, to deal with its own difficulty it felt feelings of not wanting to fly like the others, of not wanting to be like them and do the meaningless things they do. But with the healing came the realisation I could fly, and I took wing and joined the flock. Now I am a creature of spirit, which I have always been, and I asked the Light to help me learn the ways of ‘flying’ in the spirit. 

And this is a wonderful dream that explains the spirit of your exotic bids and fish - for a fish is a beauty from the depths of you, and in your waking life you must have felt yourself growing and having flashes of such beauty, beauty that always brings greater insight.

To quote J. B. Priestly from his book Rain Upon Godshill: ‘Just before I went to America, during the exhausting weeks when I was busy with my Time Plays, I had such a dream, and I think it left a greater impression on my mind than any experience I had ever known before, awake or in dreams, and said more to me about this life than any book I have ever read. The setting of the dream was quite simple, and owed something to the fact that not long before my wife had visited the lighthouse here at St Catherine’s to do some bird ringing. I dreamt I was standing at the top of a very high tower, alone, looking down upon myriads of birds all flying in one direction; every kind of bird was there, all the birds in the world. It was a noble sight, this vast aerial river of birds. But now in some mysterious fashion the gear was changed, and time speeded up, so that I saw generations of birds, watched them break their shells, flutter into life, mate, weaken, falter and die. Wings grew only to crumble; bodies were sleek, and then, in a flash bled and shrivelled; and death struck everywhere at every second. What was the use of all this blind struggle towards life, this eager trying of wings, this hurried mating, this flight and surge, all this gigantic meaningless effort?

As I stared down, seeming to see every creature’s ignoble little history almost at a glance, I felt sick at heart. It would be better if not one of them, if not one of us, had been born, if the struggle ceased for ever. I stood on my tower, still alone, desperately unhappy. But now the gear was changed again, and the time went faster still, and it was rushing by at such a rate, that the birds could not show any movement, but were like an enormous plain sown with feathers. But along this plain, flickering through the bodies themselves, there now passed a sort of white flame, trembling, dancing, then hurrying on; and as soon as I saw it I knew that this white flame was life itself, the very quintessence of being; and then it came to me, in a rocket burst of ecstasy, that nothing mattered, nothing could ever matter, because nothing else was real but this quivering and hurrying lambency of being. Birds, men and creatures not yet shaped and coloured, all were of no account except so far as this flame of life travelled though them. It left nothing to mourn over behind it; what I had thought was tragedy was mere emptiness or a shadow show; for now all real feeling was caught and purified and danced on ecstatically with the white flame of life. I had never before felt such deep happiness as I knew at the end of my dream of the tower and the birds.’


Dream Interpretation / Re: Black Necklace
« on: August 14, 2011, 12:57:00 PM »

Thank you Christine for sharing your dream with me. For me I often feel I share another person's life in some degree when I enter  their dream, and that makes me bigger in some way. I suppose it is because I get a glimpse of the person behind the dream.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Marrage and Adultry
« on: August 13, 2011, 09:56:01 AM »

Your enthusiasm enthuses me!!!


Dream Interpretation / Re: Was it a dream? Weird experience!
« on: August 13, 2011, 09:53:38 AM »

Let us carry on carrying on, supporting each other as we stumble along.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Black Necklace
« on: August 13, 2011, 09:44:19 AM »
Christine – Thank you for telling me the special features connected with your dream. It gives me so much more to build into what I can gather of your situation and dream.

In this dream you are back in the influences that are still active in you from your parenting. And your father coming to you dressed in white is a wonderful drama working out in you. For whatever your relationship may have been in your waking life, here in your dreams is something that is showing a great change.

Your father represents all the values, attitudes and emotional or social responses you have absorbed from him; the acceptance or tensions we feel in relationship with contact with him; the support or pain we feel. From our father we learn most of the positive and negative patterns of relationship and attitudes towards living and dealing with male relationships, which we then carry into daily events.

But in your dream you are not meeting your actual father but all the memories and habits of feeling you carry in you that are linked by the image of him – your inner father in fact. In fact a tall abstract figure, indistinct because we cannot easily see all of what we carry in us.

You lift your head to receive the gift being given, a sign that you accept what is coming from your inner father. We hear a lot about our inner child, but almost nothing about our inner parents.

The necklace is an acknowledgement of the qualities that can now be yours, but black because they are still unconscious and need to be consciously allowed into your life. You can do this by looking at yourself in the mirror and say something like, “Dad, I know we have had bad dealings, but I now accept all that you gave me. To do otherwise would be to deny all that is in me as myself, my memories, and all I learned. If I accept you I realise that there are very positive things to learn from even the hurts, but the positive only emerges as I accept.”

You had been holding back a major part of you that is now available to claim and live. You are naked because you are vulnerable and ready to be seen as you really are. And if you look at yourself in this way, with all the marks of life on you, you will see how beautiful you are.


Dream Interpretation / Re: merits of dream incubation
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:43:51 AM »

That story caught my imagination too when I read it. I had a vivid feeling of only seeing a part of life when there are so many things to know.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Marrying Jesus
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:14:46 AM »
Christine - Thank you for livening up the Forum. It has been quite lonely doing all the replies.

Good to see you again.


Sara – I know growth is a slow business, and I tried several times to speed it up – and here I still am, growing but not full grown!

I see that growth often comes suddenly from outside as a shock or massive life experience. But usually it comes from the roots up from your unconscious. In a dream we are seeing processes taking place within us and they will only gradually become a part of your outer life.

But there are things you can do to help. For instance most of what troubles us are habits, and these need work to change them. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYYXq1Ox4sk   and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/habits/ 

Also you could try http://dreamhawk.com/body-and-mind/the-arm-circling-meditation/ as if it works for you it could open a door to a massive growth experience that allows the unconscious to emerge more fully.


General Discussion / Re: Flying, Night, Afterlife
« on: August 11, 2011, 10:24:43 AM »
Aristocrates - I agree with Christine about the skeletons, but it does depend on what you associate with them. Try http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-in-your-dream/   to see if you can pinpoint it.

But the spirits you describe in the mansion type place are do not seem to be the old trauma type. I believe that because you have expanded your awareness, by flying high, you are seeing spirits of the dead or even of the living.

And that mansion is worth exploring in the same was as mentioned above. With expanded awareness you have a lot more possibilities than an earthbound person.

You flapped your arms because it feel a new ability, but it is simply matter of saying confidently. "I am gong there!"

You seemed to be doing well. Namaste.


General Discussion / Re: Waking Experiences
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:17:07 PM »

Aristocrates - At times when I have been in the very best state of awareness, everything I witnessed seemed to be in time with everything else. It all seemed to be synchronous. So I feel sure - on good days :) - that your owl was letting you know you had touched wisdom or would soon.

I remember once taking a train journey out of London. I was in a rather tense state and was sitting in a carriage that had a long seat opposite. A very motherly woman was sitting opposite and the coach was packed. I felt that if I relaxed just a little I would fall forward and bury my face in her lap and cry like child.

So there I was holding on to my emotions like mad, and as we were passing through tunnels with flashes of light in between, I looked to my left and a massive poster said - Take Courage. It seemed like the voice of God guiding me.


Greetings / Re: New to board
« on: August 10, 2011, 03:03:52 PM »
Well you are amongst lot of avid dreamers.

You will find all manner of approaches her from beginner to dive right in headfirst.


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