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Author Topic: A dream of red eyes.  (Read 5412 times)


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A dream of red eyes.
« on: January 10, 2013, 03:56:50 AM »
I was telling my son(I currently don't have a children, so what does that mean) to come in from playing because it was getting dark. Once he came in and I was closing the door there were two vicious dogs growling to come in. I closed the door and starting closing the blind to windows. While doing that I began to pray, it seemed like it turned into an argument with the devil and suddenly I became possessed. My eyes turned blood shot red and he was saying something through me but I couldn't remember what was said. I tried to wake up but for like ten seconds he  just kept talking and finally I woke up.

Tony Crisp

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Re: A dream of red eyes.
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2013, 09:25:09 AM »
A Cox - Recognise that every part of your dream is an expression of some aspect of yourself such as sexuality, creativity, ideas, fear, and so on. In the world of dreams our most intimate fears and longings are given an exterior life of their own in the form of the people, objects and places of our dream.

So your child is the vulnerable parts of you, that is why you feel things are getting difficult and so call him in, close yourself up and close the blinds. Literally you are closing yourself to outside influence and also to you inner being.

The argument with the devil is the conflict you have with the urge to live and love – devil is lived spelt backwards. Literally it means that by being anxious you have stopped your growing self from really living and so you face these turned back life urges in you into an internal argument. Living means facing and feeling everything, the dark as well as the light. You cannot have light without darkness, or darkness without light. If everything was light you would not be able to see. We gain form and colour because of shades of dark and light.

So instead of arguing with the devil, give him some real love and he will transform.
