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Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: infinitevision on April 07, 2012, 02:08:33 AM

Title: Flying in my dream
Post by: infinitevision on April 07, 2012, 02:08:33 AM
I have a lot of dreams where I'm flying around in different places - I'd appreciate any comments/insights on this one -

I'm walking down a very gradual set of stairs on a very long hill.  To my left there is a narrow strip that is not stairs but more like a very thin road or pathway going downhill that is good for bicycles maybe.  To my right I see an entrance and a pathway into a courtyard with a building at the end of the courtyard on the right.  I think of maybe going in there but then I see that there are some people coming out of this place and so I decide not to do it.
Then I step to my left onto the narrow road and start moving very fast down this long gradual road.  Then I am flying effortlessly at a high altitude.  Not too high but maybe about 40 feet to 60 feet off the ground.  I continue down the hill and turn right onto a short but busy city street.  Then I turn again and am in a series of very busy city streets. I am just effortlessly flying along. For some reason many people start noticing me.  In fact it seems as if everybody is noticing me.  I make sure to keep good altitude.  There are a few extremely tall people who are much taller than most who try to reach up and touch me but I am too high for them.  The streets are very crowded with people.  I cannot tell what city or country.

After reading some of Tony's material on this  site, I feel that the building in the courtyard and also the crowded streets are perhaps aspects of myself that I am in some capacity flying over.  But I don't understand whether this means I am seeking to avoid, or alternatively if I'm expressing a deeper more inclusive part of myself by flying over these parts of myself.  And what's the meaning of the bicycle path?  And why all the right turns and  the few really tall people?

Thank you!
Title: Re: Flying in my dream
Post by: Tony Crisp on April 09, 2012, 10:10:40 AM
InfiniteVision – Lucky you to be flying so often. It is said to often show you are heading for lucid dreams.

I feel the bicycle path would be a fun and daring thing to actually ride down, and was something you used as a launch path, gathering speed.

As for the flying it is not an attempt to escape. Those dreams are so obviously trying to get away from attackers or people trying to trap you. But your dream is a flight into pleasure and ease; an uplifting experience. It seems to me that it expresses an urge to rise above the viewpoints and interests of the crowd, a not to get lost in them but to view them from a different angle. The tall people would obviously have a higher view, but one that was still earthbound. Such tall people would get a lot of interest, but not as much as you, and they would reach out for you to get your secret and pull you down.

I believe that the right turns would take you in a circle – a sign of wholeness. Turning right can also signify doing the right things and keeping in the outside world.

So yes, you were gaining a more inclusive view of yourself. I wish I could take you beyond these words into the glory of the unconscious experience of flight. Please try it in http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/

Title: Re: Flying in my dream
Post by: infinitevision on April 10, 2012, 09:15:52 PM
Thank you for your insights Tony,

I am going to practice the methods you've indicated in your link.
And I really hope all these flying dreams will indeed lead me to lucid dreaming, as that is where I am definitely wanting to go! 
I am recording my dreams every night (averaging only about 3 per night just so far), keeping a dream journal, and also working at recognizing my dreamsigns both during the day (interesting - slow progress) and also at night (very difficult - no progress at all so far!).


Title: Re: Flying in my dream
Post by: Tony Crisp on April 11, 2012, 09:12:50 AM
Don't forget, growth is a slow thing. The bud to open first has to form the stalk and leaves, then it has to form the unopened bud, then the colours, then one day there it is in full glorious colour.


Title: Re: Flying in my dream
Post by: infinitevision on April 11, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
Thanks for your encouragement Tony!
I do think the lucid dreaming will come, and that I just have to keep working at it with the right approaches.
