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Topics - lukeandersen

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Dream Interpretation / aliens
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:05:57 PM »
This dream happened to me about 2 years ago and to shorten it, because it is the longest dream I have written down I will only state a small portion of the dream that I need interpreted.

I am immersed by beautiful worlds all connected by this one "room" not so much a room but a place. These worlds do not present them self's as round nor are they in space, but rather terrains from dessert lands all the way to jungles and oceans. It's as if in this dream I had to go into these different levels and accomplish something in them. I can't remember that well about going into any of them other then the dessert land which I had to travel across the lands and find something.

Every now and then when I would complete a level I would be slung back into the "room" or I would go into another dream. In the middle of one of these intervals I was walking with my mom in a forest that was very foggy and I asked her something, something that would give me and her the answers to all the problems we had. The problem is before she got the time to answer I was slung into another dream.

In this dream I was at a familiar place my house. I was being chased by two people who needed information from me I had to hide it from them at all costs. I hid the small like Cd in my game cube. ( A gaming device ). In my basement, once I hid it I knew they were comming for it or me, so I quickly looked behind me and saw a coffin that was a dark red color that I hid in.

Somehow I ended back in this dream again after going through the "room" possibly. I had to do something I made sure that the disc was still there and  I don't remember if I took it with me or not. I went out side from my basement door and noticed a very strange thing. There was a space shit, light blue I new at once it was an alien device. I don't know if the people chasing me were aliens, but I suspect they took on a different form. I hopped into the device and tried to turn it on. It turned on, but as soon as I could do anything with it my dream ended.

This strange blue device is very important, because I had a dream in that same year about a strange blue spaceship in the sky at night. This one was the mother of them much larger then the one I saw. That dream was very sketchy in my mind all I can remember is seeing this great big spaceship in the air. It was the same exact color as the smaller one I saw so I made a connection. I remember it had a spike going down from the bottom, I found a picture online of an alien spaceship that has the exact same spike, figure is off from what I remember in my experiences, but close enough. I remember being inside this spaceship, because I was abducted and was hooked up to stuff. I woke up and started to freak out and tried to get out of the spaceship the aliens didn't seem like they wanted to harm me they would run weird up to me but I smacked them away. The aliens didn't want to harm me which I realize now, but I think they want me to come back to them for them to show me something. I think I went to the aliens for something, something that i forgot on the way that I need to reclaim. As I slapped the aliens away there were 3, but only two tried to jog towards me I quickly started typing into a keyboard with a square almost looked like a particle device that would distribute your body in small sizes to almost teleport. As soon as that happened I was back to earth I don't remember how I got down here. Most of my dreams happen before I wake up that I remember, but this one I knew happened at night.

The first dream was the first dream I have ever written down. It was the start of my subconscious really showing me the greater side of the mind. The day after I had a dream where the whole world was destroyed and I went to heaven, but for now I'll leave you with the dreams I presented.

Thanks a lot for reading If you read it all.

Dream Interpretation / Dream within a Dream
« on: August 11, 2011, 08:15:56 PM »
So basically I was going on a trip with some people I don't know. Most of these people almost resembled people I know, but they were changed enough I couldn't call them that. I was in the car in the back seat and took glimpses at the mirror in the front of the car. I saw a very beautiful girl with the most amazing eyes starring at me. This made me uncomfortable so I looked away, but as soon as I looked again I saw her there just starring. Then I noticed she was just starring at the girl on the side of the car as though she was never looking at me. We headed off on the trip now I was in a white bus. We kept almost crashing because the bus would tip over and we would have to re balance the bus. We made it to the stop and I had to go to the bathroom when we were going up, but i fell asleep during this time up to the stop.
  Here is the dream within a dream part:
We had tipped over the bus and we all had gone out to check on it. I was thinking well I feel different I think I can fly? I started to flap but nothing happened, I felt loaded down. I took off my shirt and began putting all my strength into the flaps of my arms thinking if I got the birds technique down then I could fly. I started going up in the air it was amazing. I woke up and we were riding down somewhere else and the girl was in the car sitting next to me. I was trying to describe to her the dream I just had ( I make this a practice I will tell people I know my dreams and this will help me remember them ). I don't quite remember if she said anything but I felt good sitting with her and describing the dream I had.

Dream Interpretation / Strange Mushroom dreams
« on: July 08, 2011, 08:27:13 PM »
I have had mushroom dreams all of this year. What is boggling my mind is how they react with me in my dreams.
I will put them in order of how they have happened so far.

1. This one had happened I think the night before I did magic mushrooms I believe. Now most of my dreams have these over whelming feeling that are indescribable which plays a big role in a dream as i know so i'll do my best to describe it. I was for some reason at a farm sort of place inside a massive house just filled with dirt? Many things were there and you had to pick everything you wanted in the farm, anything you got you could keep because i guess you payed the fee's to get in? So i was wandering around and suddenly looked at the ground and saw a bunch of mushrooms grow up out of the ground instantly it was almost like they were there before my eye could see. Once i bent down on my knees to pluck some of them, they dissapeared as soon as I could pick them. I was confused. I saw many fruits, vegetables, and probably many other growing things. The one thing i do remember is some "fruits" that were the most amazing of color's, but as soon as i looked they died and got rotten. I fought over some of the mushrooms, as I was not alone and many other pickers were eager to get their hands on some. I finally got some over my speed to get some. This is when I went to the counter and they were giving me a number of how potent the "fruits" were. Some insane number was on the back of the plastic bag. It didn't say the actual psychoactive compounds within a magic mushrooms but instead stated something that you should not operate heavy machinery on them. Needless to say I crammed what I said to my self was 1.25 g's of them. If you know anything about them that would be a dose for dry, not wet. Suddenly I was sucked into a whole new realm this realm was my backyard. In my backyard I looked up and saw literally floating dirt, as soon as i looked up I was up there. I was thinking wow these are strong, but aren't i am supposed to fall down if the dirt is floating and a heavier material is on it? I was correct suddenly I feel straight through the dirt and saw these most amazing swirls or colors and what not.

Please forgive me if these are to long, I love to get the best description out and have been very eager in my dream writing to find out all of what these mean.

2. This dream is shorter. It started with me in my elementary school and I know this dream was massive as I have fragments of other parts. I know this by when ever I think of it I get teary eyed and get a over whelming feeling of love. Anyways I was there for mushrooms and saw these mushrooms and I said hmmm these seem like liberty caps man! and I pick them but when i go to pick them they die. After awhile you get some it is strange almost some of them don't want you to pick them, but some do. This dream was stated that I have multiple dreams congruent with the first.

3. This dream started with me and my church going up on a moutain hike. We were at the top I think and I looked to my right and saw these mushrooms and I thought oh my god there are mushrooms! I must take a picture to identify these. My leader said come on lets go, but I said wait let me pick these giant mushrooms! He said alright I'll wait. It was strange I would go to the mushrooms but I some how couldn't pick them I was denied by them or something?

Time for some dreams that have really boggled my mind even more then a simple mushroom complex.
This dream was the pinical of all dreams on a level of intensiveness that I have ever had in my life.

In this dream I thought I had reached the doors of consciousness and sleeping REM. Basically I felt super heavy which is a key factor in knowing that your about to fall asleep. As I kept floating into the mind pictures passed by as if they are real. Suddenly I saw a very vivid face almost shadow'y blue. It was a lady mid 30's? She or it I couldn't tell that well would not move their face, but look to the right in my perspective. The picture would change into a twin door. The door would open up and suddenly I could feel it in my mind the most power I have felt in my life. A SHOCK, or an electric current pulsated through my mind when the door would open up and show me a strange machine like cyborg that had electric currents all over it. All of this happened 3 or 4 times each time more intense before I would be emerged into a full fledged lucid dream. Literally no words do what I had witnessed justice.

My question for that last paragraph is did I really reach a Plataea witch I possibly use to initiate a REM state?

Thank you very much for reading what is only a piece of my dream writing. I have tons more to write, but would have no motivation if no one responded.

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