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Topics - Tony Crisp

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Hi Tony,
Twice recently, I have fallen asleep within a dream. The first took place while dreaming I sat on the shore of the ocean. The water was crystal blue and it was as warm as bathtub water. I was so content sitting on the edge that I fell asleep. I felt an intense sense of depth and blackness. I awoke.

The second dream, I entered my old bed. The one I slept in as a youth. I lay down and immediately fell asleep. I immediately felt my “self” lifted out of the body. I felt a deep sense of self, depth and blackness. I felt myself sink and hover. I hoped to see the beings. Once I had an experience that was not out of body. I could sense my body as I was in a different state. In the new state, all my senses were combined. Sight, sound, feeling was one sense. My eyes were closed but I could see.

At the same time, I could sense my body lying on the couch asleep. I was aware of the feeling of the couch pressed against my side, the pillow. I knew that I was there but I was aware of the other sensation of not being there simultaneously. I was aware of these things simultaneously. In this new state there was no physical mass. I was aware of three beings. I say beings because they had a human like form but had no arms, legs or facial attributes. They stood at my periphery. I became fearful and immediately went back into the body awareness. It was as vivid as my waking state. I wrote it down immediately. This happened during a time of transition in my life.

Kristen R.

I had a dream last night that I had feathers inside of my skin on one of my shins, with the pointy end sticking out of my pores. The other shin had plants growing out of the pores. No matter how many I pulled out they just kept multiplying and pulling one caused many to come out.


In the dream, a friend has a terrible accident where the glass cabinet and all the glassware break. There are pieces of glass all over falling like rain and his hand is damaged badly by a shattered glass bowl .In the dream I get the feeling that time has been turned and that it’s the same day again when the accident occurred and this time we can prevent the bowl from breaking and prevent the accident from happening. The man, his wife and I are all together that day to prevent the accident from occurring if possible.

I would like to understand this… Since nothing can actually hurt us in dreams then why should we bother trying to prevent the accident?

Why would time have turned back to before the accident in the dream?

Thank you.

Dream Interpretation / Water Meditation-Imported fro Queries
« on: April 24, 2018, 08:16:00 AM »

Dear Tony,
Thank you! I’m so great-full for your explanation! Yes, a lot if it makes sense and as you said its coming from my childhood and I know this! Still its so difficult to be aware of it all the time! I try to meditate every day and Keep awareness of how I feel and what I think but it’s so easy to lose that when I become too involved with my daily life!

I have read some articles on your website about the “LifeStream” and became very interested in it! I did the practices (not all of them) and two days ago I tried the “water” exercise! In my mind I was thinking the first time nothing will happen probably and my mind will be in control and I will end up standing there doing nothing! But surprisingly after couple of minutes my arms started moving, than my body! It was moving slowly and I was fully aware of the movements! I was also scared because it felt like somebody is moving my body and I don’t have control! There were moments I was thinking of moving in a certain way but than something else was happening!

What was very interesting is that the movements were showing me exact points in my body were I have tension and normally I’m not feeling it! However I didn’t do 30 minutes, my fear stopped me! But I’m going to try it again!

Do you know if there are any places in the Netherlands where you can do this with group or with a couch? I couldn’t find anything on Internet!

Thanks again for the reply and this great website!

Dream Interpretation / Robbing a Supermarket-Imported from Queries
« on: April 22, 2018, 12:05:04 PM »
Thank you for answering, I have been picking through your website the past few days after stumbling on it searching for a little more depth in dream interpretation, and this site has been nothing short of an ocean full of insight into the past 6 or so months of my life! Your response has had me thinking hard as well – I have recently had a longing to discover these hidden aspects of myself, and while I have had many vivid dreams lately, this particular dream seemed deeply symbolic, seemed…like something of me I was hiding from myself, and you have provided a meaningful perspective. I am in the very beginning stages of creating more spiritual awareness, and my dreams seem to be offering me plenty of help! As a result, I will definitely be picking up your books! Any recommendations are definitely welcome - Jonathan

Dream Interpretation / Robbing a Supermarket-Imported from Queries
« on: April 18, 2018, 08:50:02 AM »

Hello Tony,
I recently dreamt that I was in the middle of robbing a supermarket.
A female security guard appeared and I immediately started to run from her.
She pulled a black handgun out and started to run after me whilst firing the gun. I was hit by a bullet in the back of my head on the right side.
I managed to escape.

Whilst firmly pressing the bullet wound with my hand on my head to stop the bleeding, I was thinking, why did she have to hit the right side, now I am not going to be able to spiritually connect with source energy (Cosmic energy, God, The Devine… whatever you want to call it).

I felt stuck in my logical left brain, helpless.
How does one begin to interpret this kind of dream?
Thanks Tony, its amazing work you are doing

Dream Interpretation / Little Angels
« on: April 18, 2018, 08:47:14 AM »

I had a dream that someone who I didn’t know was taking me to an important place. I had looked down at my arms and noticed how extremely tan I was, like I use to get as a kid. Then as we made it to this little house I saw 3 little naked toddler boys walking to the house. They looked like old drawings of angels but they didn’t have wings & all 3 were identical with blond curly hair, light skin & blue eyes. Then I went into small house & this person brought me up a short stair case & to the room on the right. It was extremely bright in the room & there were mirrors everywhere. The walls & floors were white & there were bars of lights everywhere. I covered my eyes & ran out of the room to the steps & I got very upset with this person. I told them I wasn’t holy enough to be in the room & then they said that God wanted me to see this room & be in this room. Then I was sitting in the room & my co-worker Peter brought me a credit card to run.

Dream Interpretation / Levitate or Not
« on: April 10, 2018, 09:02:29 AM »

I have had constant and more reoccurring dreams that I am able to levitate. I am NEVER aware that I am in a dream, maybe because my mind has always been open to any possibility. My levitation always requires deep concentration and effort beyond any natural ability that I am capable of. Over the years, my (literal) heights in levitation have increased as well as the effort and concentration needed to reach them. I have notice that my ability to control my direction of movement is very obscure, and often leads me to lose the concentration needed to maintain a constant height. (I often zig zag across a room even though I know where I am and where I want to be, most recently holding/ carrying someone I love.) Livid dreams are not something I’m able to be aware of, but most often I am more happy in the dreams than reality. This also makes it hard to want to be awake. I would much rather explore my growth of consciousness than to be burdened by the sick reality that we must experience. I am begging for guidance and mentoring. I first experienced this over 20 years ago (33 now). And I am now realizing that I must learn if I am ever to grow from it. It is BY FAR the best experience I have ever felt in my entire life, and I truly wish to embrace it. I am here and waiting to further myself before “I pass into another realm”. All suggestions are welcome.

Dream Interpretation / Meeting Cancer
« on: April 08, 2018, 10:16:15 AM »
aniram17@yahoo.com – 2018-04.04

I would really appreciate it if you could help me understand my dream last night. It was fairly disturbing. I was in my bedroom and looked out my window and saw a little fox. Further on in the next window I saw a second fox. I called my kids over to see them. They started to quarrel. All of the sudden things quickly escalated and out come coyotes or wolves and they started attacking and killing the little foxes in front of us. They were ripping them apart and blood was everywhere. Then, I noticed part of the pack was eating a golden retriever. They were ripping off its’ fur, skinning it and eating it. It was covered in blood. I was in shock, it started to move as they were eating it. It was still alive, being tortured. What is this dream about? I have cancer, it is progressing and I am very hurt by friends and family who have not been there to support me at all. I assume it is related? Thank you for your time and insight.


Dream Interpretation / Effortless Being-Imported
« on: March 31, 2018, 04:46:03 AM »

I was floating on the very tender tips of a tree in a sort of effortless levitation. The tree was about 40 feet high and was standing in what looked like walkways near a shopping mall. One walkway was rising so it came to about halfway up the tree. A few people gathered to look at me and wonder how it was possible for me to maintain my position. At first they thought it must be a publicity stunt and were wondering where the cameras were. But as nothing happened in that way it led them to question further. Suddenly one of the people watching – I think it was a woman – suddenly realised it was not a trick or to do with publicity. She realised that this meant it was possible for a human being to do this, and was immediately floating beside me. Shortly after that another person was with us, floating effortlessly. Then there were several more, until there were about six of us in a circle at the tree tip. We reached out to each other and held hands, then we lifted upwards, climbing to an enormous height, leaving a trail of smoke behind us as a sign for people to see from miles away.

Dream Interpretation / Beckoning me to peer into a void-Imported
« on: March 30, 2018, 02:28:02 PM »
Peter L

So what I am wondering, as I mentioned in a general site comment that your resources have been profoundly helpful to me. I had a recent dream, as in I just woke up from it actually, which was extraordinarily powerful and stayed with me. In it there was some external entity, it might have been my subconscious speaking directly to me as I have often felt in my dreams a peculiar sameness between “actual” interactions with other people and my own subconscious, if that makes sense, where in I know I am talking to another voice which mirrors myself but in the same essence it feels like I am listening to someone talk to me. Though I usually don’t need to respond verbally to interact with this voice, I am often able to hear the words spoken to me aloud.

Anyway, this voice was beckoning me to peer into a hole, or void, which at first I began picturing as simply a hole on a wall but then I found myself in my room. Strangely not my apartment but rather my childhood bedroom, though with a massive glass window that I definitely know wasn’t there before. Outside of the window was top to bottom, in all directions a wide expanse of stars. Such that even when pressing my face to the glass and looking straight down I could only see stars, as though my room was floating in space. Then the “hole” I was being told to look through began to materialize much like a Black Hole at the center of a galaxy. I have personally been very fond of astronomy, so I was actually very intrigued and excited by what could potentially be a rather frightening symbol.

Soon I phased through the glass window as though it was never there, and found myself floating toward the epicenter of the spiraling stars. Not straight on like a dart approaching a dart-board, but more like an Airplane coming towards a runway, before I started to grow close enough that I was nearly able to put my eye up to the looking glass if-you-will, and see what I am being told to see. Than, if you could believe the timing, my alarm went off waking me up! Before I could see it! I am wondering if this particular scenario provides you with any contextual feelings or knowledge, particularly a few elements about it.

1. The fact that I was being beckoning, and told, not necessarily FORCED but more like, comfortingly almost as though my father was telling me,
“Hey Pete! Come take a look at this”

2. The fact that it was a hole that I was NOT necessarily inclined to, being told to, or seemingly in any way “supposed to” fall into, as with many descriptions of a hole in dreams. That is what seems to different from many situations described around what I’ve read. I was being instructed to look through this hole. I guess perhaps this could’ve been more a chance for reflection and observation than say, physical shifting or leaning towards physically doing something. Such that I could take that knowledge with me when I awake, atleast that is how I interpreted it.

So if anyone could share their thoughts I would really appreciate any and all input. This dream left me with goosebumps waking up, again not from fear or some sort of nightmare, but rather like the feeling you get leaving an amazing movie or live concert. It just hit me very powerfully and I am wondering if there are things in my life that I should look more closely into as it seemed I was being motioned towards some sort of self-reflection.

I have also looked into topics around Astral Projection with the hopes of finding more information related to the meaning and benefits culturally seen for these practices and forms of meditation, though as you can imagine the internet can be toxic and its hard to get genuine information on esotericism online.


I am a white woman. I have a black woman appearing in many dreams. She takes many different forms — sometimes American, sometimes African, sometimes old, sometimes young, beautiful/ugly, intellectual/uneducated, fat/thin. But she is always the same person, and she always has the same role in the dream, namely to reveal me to myself. She acts as a mirror which allows me to see myself as I am. And the particular quality she has which enables her to act as a mirror is that she herself is completely free of judgement. Interestingly, my grown son had a dream last night in which a black woman, different again in form from all those I have seen, revealed him to himself.


I recently had a weird dream about my deceased mother breastfeeding my youngest son who is 5 years old. After which she drove off in a white car. The dream abruptly ends after that. I’m not sure what it means or the significance. Any thoughts??

Dream Interpretation / Why Did the Guy I Was Dating Leave Me?
« on: March 14, 2018, 09:55:37 AM »

Hi there, I dreamt about this guy who I was dating but lately we’ve stopped contacting and meeting up as much as before. In my dream, he was dragged away by some bad guys. Any idea what this could mean? Thanks.

Dream Interpretation / I am you incarnate
« on: March 09, 2018, 11:14:15 AM »

I was on a bed in the large upstairs room in the house I lived in while in London. It was a big bed. Next to me was a girl baby - mine and my wife’s. It was still very small. Lying on the bed looking at it, with my head near it, I said, “Who are you?” I meant, what past soul reborn are you?

The baby replied in a mature male (I think) voice, which astounded me. It seemed to have trouble in issuing the words, but managed, saying, “I am you incarnate.”

Surprised, I said, “What do you mean?”

The baby spoke again, saying, “Even if I explained you would not understand.”

I was then downstairs in the shop. Somehow I knew that the baby had undergone a small surgical operation. This had released male sexual organs from within, which had been there all-time. It now had male and female organs. And I now understood how it was me. My male sexuality had been released through it.

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