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Topics - PowerMad

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Dream Interpretation / Christ figure / mansion
« on: January 25, 2011, 05:35:42 PM »
Hello again, Mr. Crisp!

I think today had one of the most incredible dreams yet. I'm fuzzy on how it started, but eventually I'm with this Christ figure and a group of people stepping out of a door in his house.

This door led to a rocky cliff overlooking a pool of lava. To one side was another big cliff, and between the two was a floating rock platform.  I climbed onto it, and for some reason sat upside down on it. Then the Christ figure told me he would check heaven and hell for me to see if anyone I love was there. The crowd shouted names, and he would check them for us, but going to hell was clearly unpleasant (ha).

On a side note, I think hell might be everyday life because he said my uncle was in hell, but he's still alive. (Maybe just personal trouble in his life)

 Anyway, we stopped asking names when he showed clear signs of wear and tear. Everyone started going back inside, but they forgot I was still upside down on the rock. I couldn't get down safely by myself because there was no room to move

Dream Interpretation / Dreamt half a life
« on: December 17, 2010, 06:15:12 PM »
I came across this thing that transformed my hand when I put it on. It was sort of like a glove that gave me the ability to do ridiculously wonderful things that I can no longer remember. But the more I used it, the more my hand began to mutate into a thorny, weird thing that began to slowly take over my body. It did that from the start, but I was always able to fight it and get it to do my bidding instead of vice versa. One day the opposite happened. It was about 50/50, and it wouldn't let me use my right leg or arm....it kept forcing me to lift my right leg and tried to pull it up with the hand to further prevent me from using it.I was right outside a house at this point when some Harry Potter Hagrid type person came along and knew exactly what to do. He kept telling me and another boy I knew (who also had some similar thing going on) that we need to fight to become ourselves instead of just trying to get some quick thrills and let it take over us. That no matter what happens we always have the ability to fight.

Things calmed down. Neither of us wanted to give up all of these supernatural abilities, but we both knew it was for the best. So we all sat down on a big hill with a small cliff on one side, a pond at the bottom, and a forest around us. The Hagrid type person had us look at these birds in the trees, and when I did I saw the most beautiful, incredible sunset I've ever seen in my life through the leaves and the trees. I cannot put into words how utterly amazing what I saw was, including the birds he mentioned. One was owl-like, except it had radiant red feathers and was nearly dead. Hagrid knew this, and wanted to point something out to us. It actually flew over to us, almost to say goodbye, then died right before it got to us and fell toward me. I tried to catch it, but my dog caught it first. That kind of set me off--I wanted to help the bird, but I knew I couldn't hit him on the nose to make him let go because it would crush the bird.

Something led to the bird changing location, and as soon as it touched the ground a gigantic tree bubbled and sprouted out of the ground like it was straight out of a Dr. Seus book. Hagrid knew all this would happen and was happy the whole time, and tried to show us that we should be too. He made the dog go get some tentacle thing from the bird in the place it moved to, and take it on some strange pathway. Doing this would somehow show us something that would make each of us very happy. Then I woke up.

I know what I wrote is long, but the dream was even longer. It had countless details that seemed to go on and on until I felt like I was dreaming for years.

Dream Interpretation / Lots of eyes
« on: November 01, 2010, 07:26:22 AM »
I had a dream the other day where I was looking through a tunnel at an eye. I did what I could to make as many eyes appear facing as many angles as I could until a geometric room with eyes in triangle-shaped sections stared at a person meditating.

I had a panoramic type view where I could switch between any eye I wanted, but was never seeing through them all at once. The 'camera' spun around until my eyes locked with this person's, and that person's eyes became black holes that sucked me into them and merged the person and myself into one being.

I'm curious what that's all about. Any ideas?

Dream Interpretation / A visitor from beyond.
« on: October 20, 2010, 07:53:28 AM »
I recently had an extremely detailed dream in which the spirit of a certain plant (at least that's who I believed it was) visited me.

First of all, I try my best to become as spiritually aware as I can... and one method of doing so is to partake in something known as Salvia Divinorum. I do not condone the use of drugs. In fact, this particular plant is so intense that I highly recommend you do NOT use it unless you know full well what you're getting into. Anyway, this plant tends to remove you from reality and put you in a very physical other reality that seems like the 'true' reality. It's like visiting another dimension, and you will truthfully believe you are there, and that you've left normalcy behind forever. On to the dream.

The dream started with a school program for students to study abroad in various oriental countries of our choosing. I, along with several others, traveled to China to study among the monks (Whether they were Buddhist or not, I have no idea). However, after arriving, many students came to find that the monks would use certain hallucinogenic drugs in a religious, spiritual context to achieve personal enlightenment. Among these was the drug Salvia. Several of the students got very excited, claiming that they had never even heard of Salvia, so they would 'definitely have to try it.'

After trying this plant myself, I grew worried for them. I began trying to talk them out of it, recalling how it is the most unpleasant sensation I've personally ever experienced in my life...and that while worth it, it is not the kind of thing you take without any knowledge. That's asking for trouble.

However, one of the monks disagreed with me. He was roughly the same age as myself, a young adult in his twenties, but his more distinctive features were that he was entirely bald by choice, and his eyes had a radiant white light to them. It was the most pure white I've ever seen, almost holy looking. I also got the notion that he either was, represented, or was the voice of the spirit of Salvia (an incredibly knowledgeable entity quite possibly possessing the knowledge of the universe). Anyway, he started talking to me about Salvia, and how it was 'lots of fun'. I vehemently disagreed, to which he replied with, "But look at what you can learn from it!" and began to distort reality directly in front of him. He seemed to create a white ball of energy that functioned similar to a black hole, sucking in everything and at his will spitting it back out to its proper place.

After this, the dream takes a more fantasy-based turn with me befriending a gigantic skeleton and jumping hundreds to thousands of feet high in the air around the world with him. Eventually the world took notice and began hunting us down, fearing my friend. I decided that we needed to find a place to hide, and took it upon myself to kill anyone that tried to hurt him or discover our hiding place. I remember only one actual killing where I stabbed a man in the side, and then I woke up.

Sorry for dumping all of that on there....nice big wall of text. But it feels good just to get it off the chest, even if nobody has a clue what I'm talking about. Thanks in advance to any attempted interpretation, and I fully understand if none is received.

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