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Dreams => Dream Interpretation => Topic started by: Patie on January 15, 2014, 08:37:16 AM

Title: Sinead O'Connor (Singer/songwriter) and an incubating Rat
Post by: Patie on January 15, 2014, 08:37:16 AM
The dream is brief.  It is about Sinead O'Connor, our infamous singer songwriter here in Ireland.  As you may know she is a very talented singer and has been quite a controversial figure due to her statements about Catholic Church and her strongly held views about issues such as womens rights, etc. through the years. 

Ironically, I am a musician also and know that people in dreams reflect an aspect of yourself.  Anyway, the dream is..... Sinead is in a hospital undergoing a scientific experiment with a rat.  She has controversially embarked on this experiment herself, to undergo a profound concept.  I am not sure what the concept is but in the dream she is in a semi-conscious state but determined and focused on the experiment, she is attached by a drip to an incubator where there is a rat attached at the other end of the drip.  The rat is lying there in the same semi-conscious state - drip attached to both of them.  In real life Sinead's head is often shaved.  In the dream she has whispy hair, almost like a very elderly lady who has patches of whispy hair loss.  The rat does not have its outer skin covering on but rather is lying there as if like a skinned animal, the outer fur removed.  The experiment, that Sinead has controversially embarked on and is being recorded for the media has something to do with integrating the genes of the rat with a human. 

Would be grateful for feedback on this very unusual dream.
Title: Re: Sinead O'Connor (Singer/songwriter) and an incubating Rat
Post by: Tony Crisp on January 20, 2014, 09:27:29 AM
Patie - It would be good to know what your associations are with rats, human or otherwise. So without that I have to spend a little time wondering.

The hair loss I have seen when a woman has experienced an emotional shock or loss. Also rats, according to searching my mass of dreams, it can be used to represent love that has been betrayed.

I suspect that Sinead is probably someone you would like to have a similar success, and represent the musical you. The skinned rat is obviously in pain, and again makes me think of the animal pain that women and men suffer when their connection with others - usually called love - is torn apart. And the DNA is all our past experience that it is being transferred.

Dear Patie, if there is any truth in what is said, I suggest using these two things to fully understand your dream - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/association-of-ideas-with-dreams/#Working and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/

Maybe also see http://dreamhawk.com/relationship-sex/ages-of-love-2/
