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Author Topic: Dreaming of myself with Red Eyes..  (Read 5917 times)


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Dreaming of myself with Red Eyes..
« on: November 09, 2012, 09:23:16 PM »
I just awoke from a nap, and had quite an interesting dream. Now keep in mind, usually I don't dream at all. Since I've stopped with burning energy candles, meditation, and wiccan healing rituals, I have had not one dream. It's been almost a year since I've dreamt, and a year since I left my hometown.  I just recently moved back to my home town, and just started to have dreams again.

In my dream today, I was at an unfamiliar house, yet I felt very comfortable with the people I saw, as if they had been family or friends. I could not recognize any of them. My friend had told me "I had another squatting dream today." ( I am not sure what he meant. yet in my dream I felt scared for him.) At that point, I had begun to feel sick and dizzy. I took myself to the bathroom, where I looked in the mirror at myself to see my eyelids swollen, and my eyes bloodshot. As I continued to look at myself, I watched the whites of my eyes turn completely red. As this happened, I felt my body tense up, as if it were a charlie horse all over my body, every muscle. I was pinned against the wall, and when I tried to scream, I couldnt. After what felt like a few minutes, the bathroom door opened, and I watched from my own eyes as I floated throughout the house, as if I was looking for someone. The house was empty compared to the decent amount of people that had been in there before the bathroom.. As I floated, I couldn't stop myself, and I could feel this burning in the pit of my chest. Along with the burning I felt angry. Very Angry. I wanted to hurt someone or destroy something. At that point I had awaken from the dream. When I awoke I felt a sense of urgency, as if I needed to know the meaning of the dream.

Can anyone help me?


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Re: Dreaming of myself with Red Eyes..
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2012, 02:12:30 PM »
Hello Alissa,

Our dreams are very often filled with word play and metaphor that reflect our deepest feelings and emotions and your dream seems to be no exception.

A bit cliche but so true, is the saying, that the eyes are the windows to our souls and when combined with your recent  homecoming there is information being brought to consciousness in your dream. Think of the symbolic aspect of all of the facets of your dream and you should find questions that have been raised and awareness of how you feel in waking life relative to changes that you have experienced.

It appears that you have returned to a place that you have known well, yet it so much is different these days. Yes, the eyes give it away. Red in the context of your dream reflects mounting anger (from deep within) and symbolism that shows that there is much emotion that you are revisiting, as a result of your new/old environment.  Going  further, the anger that you feel is not simple anger but but an increasing amount of deep seated anger (residual anger from unresolved past issues.

As a result of this dream you may wish to meditate or think back for the purpose of identifying the source of anger and anxiety left unresolved, from the previous station in life that you are revisiting. Address your emotions and you will find resolution and inner peace. You dream is one of acknowledgment so that inner healing may begin. It is time to search, find, and heal.
