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Author Topic: Dream interp.  (Read 5038 times)


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Dream interp.
« on: February 08, 2014, 07:03:16 PM »
I had a dream about my sharpei dog, Buster that I loved with all my heart and he was the best dog I ever had. He died about 15 years ago. He died suddenly before I could get him to the vet. He had not been sick and we think he was bitten by a brown recluse spider. I was with him telling him what a good boy he was and was wiping his face and eyes with a wet cloth and just simply loving on him til he died. My husband wrapped him in a big blanket and buried him in his favorite spot in the backyard. We no longer live in that house and I feel bad about leaving him there.

In my dream I saw him running to me and I was calling his name and was so happy and excited to see him because I miss him so much. He was licking me all over my face and hands and I was petting and hugging him and he was just wiggling and just as happy to see me.

I have some issues going on in my life right now and I am trying to figure out what this dream might mean. Can you help me?

Tony Crisp

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Re: Dream interp.
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 08:39:22 AM »
Vivian101 - A beautiful dream of meeting you lovely dog again. Even if you do not believe that dogs have a life after death your dog still lives in all the memories you have of him, Also loved dogs become a part of our inner life and safeguard us. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/brain-levels-and-dreams/

So I think your dog was coming to you giving you love and support - which you need at the moment.

And here is a remarkable true story - Greg was driving with his family and dachshund dog across an area of the US he had never been before. They were passing through farming country, it was fine, and the dog had its nose out of the window sampling the new smells. Suddenly the dog became agitated and leapt out of the window of the moving car. It recovered from the fall and rolling, and ran headlong across a field toward a farmhouse. Greg stopped the car and immediately chased after it wondering what was going on, as the dog had never before done such a thing. On arriving at the farmhouse he found his dog, still excited, trying to get into an outbuilding. He explained as best he could to the woman owner of the farm, Kath, why he was there, and she opened the door to the barn. The dog immediately ran to a ladder leading to a hayloft. Despite its shape, the dachshund climbed the ladder, and whining, ran around the loft sniffing and searching. Then, having searched it became quiet and from there on was normal again. 
Kath, having witnessed this, told Greg a strange story. Some years before, her son had owned a farm dog, a bitch, whom he loved. He had trained the bitch to climb the ladder in the outbuilding, because it was fun to see her running up and down. One cold winter when she had her first litter of pups, the place she chose to give birth was up in the hayloft. Perhaps she felt it was a safe place for them to be. Shortly afterwards a phone call came reporting an emergency with a family member. Kath was upset, her son was away, and she rushed out of the house, only realising later that the dog was locked in the house and couldn’t get to her pups. When Kath got home three days later and opened the door, the dog streaked out of the house to the barn to feed its pups. It was so frantic that it fell from near the top of the ladder because of the ice, and died from the fall. What Kath felt that she and Greg had witnessed was the return of that mother to satisfy a frustrated need to find its pups. Even death did not end that love. 
