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Author Topic: Long Legged Spider Scaring Faceless Rats.  (Read 5031 times)


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Long Legged Spider Scaring Faceless Rats.
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:08:23 PM »
Hello! How're you all doing today? It's been quite awhile, hasn't it?

Finally, a dream has yet again been brought to my attention. Well-- I have dreams frequently, however, this one was interesting enough to address. Here is what the dream was, though it started rather abruptly;

I was riding an indoor roller coaster that was made into some kind of odd game. The main track had several other tracks that were connected to it and you were able to switch onto those alternate paths to try and collect things with a net you had in order to get points. I was awful at this game, unable to turn at the right time and I kept missing the things I was meant to be collecting. After missing yet another chance to turn onto an alternate track, the main track took me to a part of the room that was nearly pitch black. There must have been spiders at that dark section of the room, because I kept hitting webs while zooming around. Once the ride ended and I didn't win the game, I noticed that there was some webs in my hair and I pulled them out. I tossed them aside, also realizing that there was a long legged spider in the webs I had just thrown and the ugly creature stands up. As soon as the spider had regained its composure, I distanced myself from the horrible thing, and I observed as rats entered the room. Three rats to be specific. I couldn't see their faces. Actually, I don't think they had faces at all. Every part of their bodies, including their tail, was black. They were incredibly agitated by the spider and started scurrying all over the place.

That's where the dream ended. I'm unsure as to what this dream could mean. Could someone help me out?

Tony Crisp

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Re: Long Legged Spider Scaring Faceless Rats.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2015, 09:23:50 AM »
Akaine - The roller coaster with alternate tracks is the game of life, during which we have to face the ups and downs of life. The alternate tracks I believe indicate that we have at least seven ways of responding to the situations we face - for example we can respond in a very intellectual way, with our emotions, with sexual responses, with fear, with our intuition, with fixed habitual ways or with a quick ability to response from your many options.

So your dream is showing you that you could play the game better with more options.

The webs in your hair represent your thoughts and the way you see your own self image which is caught in a web of ideas and beliefs. A self image is not a fixed thing and can be changed by imagining yourself back in the game and learning to move with more ease. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/

The spider and rats are images you created to give you an idea of the things of the things 'I distance myself from'. In other words the thoughts and feelings that you cannot face and so are faceless - things you probably respond to by repressing them.

But your dream shows you have an active imagination and so if you imagine yourself as the spider or a faceless rat and observe what you feel - not what you think - then you will discover what was hidden. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/the-magical-dream-machine/
