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Topics - Akaine

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Dream Interpretation / A Haunted Video Seen At Boyfriend's House.
« on: November 19, 2015, 02:48:54 AM »
Hello! It's been quite awhile, hasn't it? I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated with any of my recent dreams and that I don't reply to the messages given on these forums! I'm quite the busy person and I hope that you don't see this behavior as disrespectful or uncaring, because I certainly don't want to seem that way. I mean, I just saw that one of my posts made in September got a reply and that was around two months ago! My most humble and sincerest apologies.

But enough about that. Onto the dream!

It was a nightmare, to put it bluntly.

In the dream, my mom had driven me over to visit my boyfriend's house(he lives in a completely different country) and when we get there, she leaves. Things go well at first, me getting acquainted with his family and talking. I was given the guest room in the house and after I moved everything to my new room, I got nice and cozy. But my comfort soon faded as strange things began occurring. My belongings would be knocked off the table in the room, the bed would shake violently, and the television would turn on and off repeatedly. In my head, I knew this was an act of a ghost. Yet I kept quiet about it and continued to let it scare the daylights out of me. I hid under the blankets and tried to fall asleep.

The second day rolled around and it was as peaceful as the first when it came to interacting with his family and him. We all talked and I tried to avoid that guest room as much as possible. Yet they seemed very persistent in wanting me to get things from there or wanting me to do something in there. I'd refuse politely and I didn't explain why. The second day ended and I tried to sleep on the couch in the living room. My boyfriend approached me and said I was acting silly, and shooed me back into the guest room. It was dark in the room, so I went to flip the switch, only to realize that the light in the room wasn't working. I left the door to the guest room open and I crawled back into my bed and hid until the blankets once more. Once I began to doze off, I heard a loud slam. My eyes slowly widened and cautiously peeked over at the door. It was shut.

The night continued. The television flickered on and off. The bed shook. The windows pulled themselves open and slammed themselves shut over and over. I new source of light had gotten my attention. My laptop was now on, and it was on my Skype account. Someone I didn't know had sent me a link to a video they supposedly made themselves. I clicked the link and it brought me to a poor quality video of a guy I didn't know, reacting to something. His commentary was quite boring, so I skipped to near the end, only to see him with this strange face. Staring directly into the camera with these inhumanly wide eyes. His mouth opened, revealing nothing but darkness deep within him. He just stared intently at me as I did with him. I tensed up heavily, my hands shaking. I slowly reached over to turn the laptop off and as I pressed the power button, the face leaned in closer to the camera and the mouth grew wider, showing something deep in his throat. Luckily, the laptop finally shut off before anything else in the video could happen and I was once again in darkness. I laid back down and everything was quiet. I fell asleep.

Day three, I woke up and heard my phone ringing. I picked up the phone and heard the calming sensation of my mom's voice. She asked if I was okay and if I needed anything. I told her quietly that she needed to get me out of here as fast as she could. There was a slight pause and she answered with that it was only a couple days left and I should just try to make the best of it. I begged her to take me back, and she said that she'd give me a muffin when I get home in those next couple of days, to make me feel better. With that, the conversation ended.

That's also where the dream ended, and I'm unsure of really what to say. Though, I will add that every time I have a nightmare, it always seems to be related to ghosts and I even had a recurring nightmare of ghosts for awhile.

Dream Interpretation / Long Legged Spider Scaring Faceless Rats.
« on: September 16, 2015, 07:08:23 PM »
Hello! How're you all doing today? It's been quite awhile, hasn't it?

Finally, a dream has yet again been brought to my attention. Well-- I have dreams frequently, however, this one was interesting enough to address. Here is what the dream was, though it started rather abruptly;

I was riding an indoor roller coaster that was made into some kind of odd game. The main track had several other tracks that were connected to it and you were able to switch onto those alternate paths to try and collect things with a net you had in order to get points. I was awful at this game, unable to turn at the right time and I kept missing the things I was meant to be collecting. After missing yet another chance to turn onto an alternate track, the main track took me to a part of the room that was nearly pitch black. There must have been spiders at that dark section of the room, because I kept hitting webs while zooming around. Once the ride ended and I didn't win the game, I noticed that there was some webs in my hair and I pulled them out. I tossed them aside, also realizing that there was a long legged spider in the webs I had just thrown and the ugly creature stands up. As soon as the spider had regained its composure, I distanced myself from the horrible thing, and I observed as rats entered the room. Three rats to be specific. I couldn't see their faces. Actually, I don't think they had faces at all. Every part of their bodies, including their tail, was black. They were incredibly agitated by the spider and started scurrying all over the place.

That's where the dream ended. I'm unsure as to what this dream could mean. Could someone help me out?

Dream Interpretation / Ghosts playing twister.
« on: March 29, 2015, 07:54:40 PM »
Hello everyone. Thank you for the wonderful feedback for the last dream that I posted the other day. It was very interesting. However, there is one that I had just last night and it woke me up at like, five in the morning. It was pretty scary. Mostly because it was around five in the morning in my dream. I've also had this dream multiple times before. Like three times. Twice last year and once the year before that.

But anyways, here's how it went;
The dream took place in my old house, the one I lived in before I moved around a month ago. This one shared the same location as the other three, being in that house. My mom and I just walked into the house and looked around. Her and I shared some small talk as we wondered around the living room for no real reason. It seemed like we were looking for something, but I had no idea what it was. I then looked up and saw a blue car sitting in the backyard, right next to the pool. I was obviously confused by this and approached the back door to open it-- only to see the reflection of someone on the TV. I looked at it, seeing a reflection of someone walking across the room. Yet I saw no one there when I looked. I didn't say anything to my mom about this. It felt like I was beginning to zone out, honestly. But the words from my mother snapped me out of my trance.

She was standing in the hallway, pointing at some kind of lamp being dragged into the parents room. She said that she saw someone walk in there and ran after whatever it was. I followed her as fast as I could. But I was too late when I got to the room. My mom (if that was her) looked completely different and she had someone else with her. In my dream, I said in my head that this was my mom and older sister. Yet I didn't have an older sister and this looked nothing like my mom. I came to the conclusion in the dream that my "sister" and "mother" were possessed by ghosts. Then, I looked and saw that I looked different, too. I was an older woman with blonde hair, just like those two. But this didn't seem odd to me. They were twitching severely and their eyes glowed a bright red. I started to cry in fear as they approached me. They asked if I wanted to play a game. I responded with a question, asking if it was twister and they nodded at me. I turned and ran down the hallway, going back into the living room. The whole house was pitch black now. The only thing I could see was the clock, which said it was around five in the morning. I sat on the couch and shut my eyes tightly, feeling those two approach me. I trembled, clenching my fists. I started yelling about how I was strong, how I didn't care about them, how they should just go away and leave me alone. I tried to make it seem like I wasn't afraid. I opened my eyes and looked up, seeing those two just stare down at me.

That's where the dream ended. I was wondering if I could get your input on this, you guys. I've had this dream four times now. Different things happened, but they all involved that house, ghosts wanting to play twister and me being terrified.

Dream Interpretation / Killing an ill bird and crushing a tiny skull.
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:28:02 PM »
Hello. Thank you for all the warm welcomes, with me just joining the forums and such. Also, thank you for all the helpful comments on what my last dream could've meant. It really opened up my eyes. I was wondering if you could help me with this one, maybe.

I remember having a dream around a year ago and a dream rather recently. It happened in my house, where dreams of mine always get a bit crazy. Both dreams also happened in my room and they both had me do rather odd things. I thought that maybe, these dreams were somehow connected?

I remember a small bird being on my desk, in front of my TV. It was coughing and kind of slouching. I went over to the bird and picked it up, wanting to somehow help it. I thought that a great way to help the sick bird was by squeezing it. The bird, from what I remember, was green and red. I squeezed the bird tightly, watching it vomit up all its insides. When it stopped moving, it turned black. I remember feeling very conflicted when it happened. A mixture of guilt and joy. Perhaps a bittersweet feeling?

The other dream had me with someone else. I don't think I knew them at all. But they were in the doorway to my room. I was sitting on my bed. I got up and kind of paced around my room for a moment, not sure of what I was doing. But then, I saw something fall off my desk. It caught my eye. It was a skull, perhaps the size of my fist. I went over to it, as did the person who was with me. It was a guy, I'm pretty sure. He was questioning why a skull was there. I took a heavy book and pressed it onto the skull. I then stomped harshly onto the book, trying to break the skull. The guy just kind of stood back and commented on how the smell was disgusting. That's when I started to smell it. It made me want to gag. It really did smell like death. Yet I kept stomping. I heard a loud crack and lifted the book up from the skull. There was a small brain sitting inside the skull. I only heard the guy's voice, I didn't look up. But he sounded disgusted and confused, asking why I did that. I poked and pushed the broken skull, trying to prevent the brains from touching the floor. I felt incredibly indifferent in this dream, unlike the one before it.

Those are the dreams. What do you guys think of these? I'm really curious.

Dream Interpretation / My dream getting interrupted?
« on: March 14, 2015, 01:40:44 AM »
Has anyone ever had their dream actually get interrupted? I mean, your dream just completely stops and something else happens instead? That's what happened to me.

I remember the dream starting out pretty normal, starting as many of my other dreams had. In my house. I walked around, just examining things and looking around slowly, as if I didn't know the place. It was clearly familiar to me, it was my house. But a weird feeling of unfamiliarity and uncertainty filled my gut as I looked around. Then, the dream completely stopped. It simply faded to black and I was shown a face instead. I didn't know the face. But I knew that it was a man. It was a still image, a photo, perhaps taken by a really old camera; since it was black and white and it was pretty aged looking. I heard the words of a man, but they were incredibly low and I couldn't understand them.

I quickly woke up after that, covered in sweat. I was breathing heavily. Whatever had happened, it really freaked me out. What exactly did happen, though? What did that mean? Any help would be really appreciated. I never had a dream quite like that before.

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