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Author Topic: Field(freedom/healing) & Pig (concern/care/fear)  (Read 4192 times)


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Field(freedom/healing) & Pig (concern/care/fear)
« on: October 22, 2017, 11:06:10 AM »
I dreamt I was in a field.  It seemed I was out of town, traveling.  I observe my father walking with my brother's father in law.  During their conversation it is revealed that the father in law had been unwell; he told my father he'd been depressed, laid up in bed for months, to the extent that he had bed sores.  He seems better now though, recovered, and mentions he wants to go hunting (with my father), perhaps to make up for lost time.  I'm not a fan of hunting, and don't know how I feel about my father going off to hunt with him.  I'm not a fan of hurting animals.  But I understood it was important for this man in relation to his being immobile and depressed for so long, it was like he wanted to do something to make up for all that "time out" he endured.
His story to my father of being sick seems to spark something with me, and I remark to my father later that I'd suspected something was amiss with him, as he'd been uncharacteristically out of the picture for some time.  Part of me is like, "See, I told you! I felt something like this was going on. Do you remember what I said?"  As if I wanted credit or acknowledgement of my intuition proving correct.

Still in the same field, I start to wander off by myself, walking through the green grass.  I like this, the open field, the open space, nature.  There are lots of little pigs with free range of the fields.  I watch and admire them, Enjoy being around them.  Some of them go out of my sight, just over the hill, and I wonder if there is a beach there, and want to follow, explore the landscape with them.  However, I don't go far, as my father? and some other man he's talking and walking beside who's associated with this land (owns it or runs the restaurant nearby) exclaims that "J fell."  I assume "J" is one of the pigs.  I look around me for a hurt pig, and see one laying in the grass nearby.  He'd been there all along, I just hadn't seen him, as he was down and my eyes followed the other pigs walking about.  I'm gripped with worry as I approach it, checking to see if its okay.  I fear the worse based on what the man said about "J fell", plus its prone position in the grass.  Also, the previous mention of hunting made me worry about an association with guns or injury to the pigs (although this was more subconsious, I didn't feel the man/men would hunt their own pigs/pets).  He had a name for it for goodness sake.  The pig is near me, but I get closer to see if he's hurt. I worry he's dead when I see him laying in the grass.  But when I get closer I see it move its eyes to track me, perhaps it even lifted his head in my direction.  Relieved, I back off.  He's just sleeping.  Just resting in the grass.  I tell myself.  The other pigs are roaming free, walking.  It's different that this one is laying down, but it's okay.  Its just resting, I reassure myself. I am so relieved!  Yet, I am quick to assume its okay. Perhaps I just wanted to reassure myself. 

Then I am summoned away from the field and the pig because my sister and I are being called into the restaurant nearby to join the rest of the family/people.  It feels like a vacation type place.  Where different people/groups go to dine and enjoy on their way to someplace else. 

The dream ends as we head into the restaurant.  I am just sort of following my sister in.  I don't have any inclination of my own about dining or joining the others.  I'm just following my sister.  We're heading in. Dream ends before we get there.  There is a sense of heading towards joining others.

I should note that the name "J' is significant, however only after the dream did I make the connection between real life "J" and the baby pig "J."  When I awoke I wondered if it meant I should be worried about the real "J" in waking life.  He hasn't really been in my life for awhile.  I keep seeing him in passing.  "J fell."  What does that mean?  I actually awoke worried about the real J.  Is he okay? Is it too late? Is he recovering or dying?  I just don't know what it means, but it felt important and instilled concern and worry.


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Re: Field(freedom/healing) & Pig (concern/care/fear)
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 07:53:13 AM »
Well, its a day later.  I told my father about his part in my dream; the conversation he had with the father in law.  Turns out that came to fruition later that afternoon.  He told me they did in fact walk about in the grass at the party, having the long conversation I described.  He told my father he was going on a big hunting trip with his other son in law; they will travel across the country to Colorado to hunt big game.  He described how much he really needed it and was looking forward to a trip like this.  No mention of being depressed of course, but he's not the type to bring that up in conversation anyway.  When my father returned and relayed the conversation they had to me, I did basically say something along the lines of "See? I told you this would happen and it did!"  Also just like in the dream. 

Since the first part of dream was a foreshadowing of actual events that played out in the very near future...what does this indicate for J?  The second part of the dream wasn't as literal as the beginning; with the pigs symbolizing???  So I'm not confident it is foreshadowing (although I worry it is). But it did have a literal message that was shouted out to me "J fell!"  I don't know what that means.  I worry its a bad omen, yet it could possibly be benign.  But then why bother having a dream message alerting me to it?  If I could dream it again, I would have stayed with the pig to make sure it was truly okay.  I shouldn't have let myself get drawn away by other people's direction.  Perhaps I would have learned more.  The way it ended had me heading toward a sense of joining other family, following what they do..but also worried about what I'd left behind.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Field(freedom/healing) & Pig (concern/care/fear)
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2017, 01:23:37 PM »
Horizen – Well you have solved a problem for me, because I didn’t answer for I could not see any symbols that made sense to me. But now, with your comments it is a lot clearer.

In dreams we often use animals to represent humans and their activities. In the dream you worry about whether the pig is dead and continue to do so. This suggests you are a carrying person. Considering that the dream tended to show exactly what had happened, I wondered whether J fell literally means he will fall, but is not dead but simply lying there.

Time will tell and enlighten us. Meanwhile praying can often avert accidents.
