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Topics - Georgina

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Dream Interpretation / three wolves and three tornados
« on: April 25, 2015, 10:03:15 PM »
I had a dream that I felt was significant.
I was on a campus with a co worker who I work with co managing some projects in my career (in reality). We walked down this steep levy, at the bottom of the levy was a wooded tree line. Above the treeline the sky was dark with storm clouds, three tornados were descending from the cloud. The trees were swishing in the circular winds.
I saw orange glowing eyes in the under brush in the edge of the woods and brought it to my co worker's attention. He looked at it and as he did I saw movement to the left, I turned and saw a black wolf and a gray wolf stalking towards us, I turned back toward the tree line and the orange eyes emerged stalking us too, she was a white wolf. My co worker was not alarmed and told them to leave and the white wolf listened and  turned and walked away occasionally looking back at us. She was the leader the gray and black wolves followed.
After walking up the levy, my co manager left, and my (deceased) mother and (deceased) grandmother (her mother who I never met) were throwing my clothes in the dumpster. I told them i liked the blouse she was throwing away and she told me it looked trashy on me and I should get rid of it. That's pretty much where the dream ended.
I keep thinking the symbols were too strong to ignore but I don't know what it all means. Someone else's opinion is welcome.

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