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Messages - tsaju21

Pages: [1]
Dream Interpretation / Memory loss?
« on: October 25, 2010, 02:16:42 PM »
So in my dream, I was in a classroom and I think my teacher was sick but anyways, after class was over I was in the airport with my friend, and she appeared to not know who I was for some weird reason. Her memory was completely gone! She didn’t go to buy some tickets to fly home and so I helped her to get the tickets. Next thing you know, I need tickets so I try to buy them but oddly, my memory was also vanishing? And then I hear the airport women talking saying that there’s this really contagious disease and only 3 people have it so far. And then this old family friend of mine came out of no where and I wasn't quite sure if I recognized her and so I started acting like  didn't know her... That’s all I can remember. But I did wake up this morning feel upset, lost, and confused.

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