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Messages - Jordan

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Crab/Lobster
« on: October 25, 2014, 08:04:02 AM »
Thank you both for your replies! They mean a great deal to me.
Anna- The entries in the dream dictionary as well as looking within gave me a better perspective as to what emotions I may have been hiding from. When I was 15 I began college to go after my dream of becoming a nurse, and I actually managed to talk my mom into going with me (I have a strong bond/dependency with/to my mom). After we graduated with our AA it was time to begin nursing school. I got tired of the constant comparison between the two of us, so as she went into the nursing program I began my BS in Health Education. I recently graduated and have been poking at that dream again, but to experience it this time in a new way. To bring back this old wound and venture out into going into the program by myself this time has been weighing heavily on my mind, to the point where I sometimes feel numb or blanked out. It's a very scary thought for me, sometimes I'm unsure why it's so scary. I feel like Tony really nailed it! I broke down in tears after reading his response. I am 19 at the moment and am still dependent on my mother. Lately I have started dating and venturing out into my own way of life and it gets very confusing to me at times. I do feel that  I am going through the end of a cycle and start of something new all at once. All of these new experiences freak me out but yet engage my curiosity. Lastly, I have yet to experience one's "first embrace", so sexual longings and emotions I have yet to expressed make perfect sense as to why all of these intense emotions came to me to dig deeper within myself and acknowledge them. I am extremely grateful for the help and guidance of these dreams and of you guys.
Thank you!! :)

Dream Interpretation / Crab/Lobster
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:58:22 PM »
Last night I experienced one of the most vivid and bizarre dreams I had ever had. My belly button had been raised and looked bulged. I was uncomfortable and confused as to why it looked like that. There was so much pressure that I poked it with my finger and it popped! When this happened I saw something and decided to pull. First I grabbed/pulled a long green thing and it was attached to a crab leg! I was so scared and tried to tell my dad what was happening and then my mom spoke saying it was probably an abdominal aneurysm. I started freaking out saying I wanted to go to the hospital and during this moment I had coughed. When I coughed I tasted salt and felt something down my throat. I pulled on this as well. When this happened I had grabbed a lobster tail and it was pulled out of my mouth until it stopped where the head and claws were still stuck with the tail hanging out of my mouth. I looked back down at my belly button and pulled the crab leg out to then see a lobster head, and then I woke up. I am so confused as to why, or what this dream may mean...   

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