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Topics - Jordan

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Dream Interpretation / Crab/Lobster
« on: October 19, 2014, 08:58:22 PM »
Last night I experienced one of the most vivid and bizarre dreams I had ever had. My belly button had been raised and looked bulged. I was uncomfortable and confused as to why it looked like that. There was so much pressure that I poked it with my finger and it popped! When this happened I saw something and decided to pull. First I grabbed/pulled a long green thing and it was attached to a crab leg! I was so scared and tried to tell my dad what was happening and then my mom spoke saying it was probably an abdominal aneurysm. I started freaking out saying I wanted to go to the hospital and during this moment I had coughed. When I coughed I tasted salt and felt something down my throat. I pulled on this as well. When this happened I had grabbed a lobster tail and it was pulled out of my mouth until it stopped where the head and claws were still stuck with the tail hanging out of my mouth. I looked back down at my belly button and pulled the crab leg out to then see a lobster head, and then I woke up. I am so confused as to why, or what this dream may mean...   

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