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Author Topic: Cat/Golden Eagle dream  (Read 5265 times)


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Cat/Golden Eagle dream
« on: October 29, 2017, 10:36:35 PM »
Hi, thanks for this amazing site. I had a dream last night which is puzzling me. Love to get any thoughts/feedback. I dreamt that my pet cat and another cat had managed to get hold of a golden eagle and were slowly pulling it down onto the ground. In the dream I was upset by this as I never like to see animals or creatures harmed. So I interfered with the process and suddenly a sharp pincer (like a long thin skewer) shot out of the eagle and stabbed my pet cat through the centre of its chest (the heart) and I could feel an open wound under my hand as I tried to stop the bleeding and could hear the screams of agony from my poor pet. I feel responsible for this. I try to put tissue over the wound realising that this is no way to treat a serious wound and that it will probably become infected. The pain of my cat was so vivid for me I could hardly contain myself and eventually I screamed "mum" at the top of my lungs! Although she didn't come and a friendly, easy going man who is well known in the U.K. media came instead. I have no connection to this man other than a sense that he is a straight forward easy going type of person which is something I sometimes crave for in my adult relationships.

So grateful for any thoughts. I have read that eagles normally symbolise majestic powers but this eagle was not as I expected and was a graceful, silent killer. I feel that the cat represented my high achieving drive and ambition (punching above my weight). I feel that I am disconnected with that drive nowadays yet I'm conscious that that same ambition led to some stress problems, poor health and I am probably happier and more content now than I was albeit slightly lost career wise

Tony Crisp

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Re: Cat/Golden Eagle dream
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2017, 09:58:45 AM »
KateUK – Your dream describes a strange double conflict in you.

Remember please that you cat does not signify your cat, for all the people, animals, places you see in your dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images.

Remember also that your cat – dream cat – was also silently killing the eagle. But you were terribly influenced by seeing the same thing done to your pet.

You describe your cat as “my high achieving drive and ambition (punching above my weight). I feel that I am disconnected with that drive nowadays yet I'm conscious that that same ambition led to some stress problems, poor health.”

You seem to me to be so attached to that image of yourself – for that is what your cat in the dream is – and it left you feeling bad to have it killed out in you.

The eagle represents the ability to achieve a much more inclusive view of your life, ambition and actions – and of course this view allows you to see or feel the outcomes. To me is seems a much better possiblity than the “high achieving drive and ambition (punching above my weight.” That attitude I can see leads many people to burn out, depression, a sense of failure and even suicide. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/mountain-path/

Strange that it was the 'cat' you that had brought down the much better 'eagle' you. 

« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 10:01:29 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Cat/Golden Eagle dream
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2017, 08:49:35 AM »
I thought that eagles symbolize freedom more than anything else, although they also have to do with the inheritance of material goods or something associated with money like business...  :( :( :(

Hi, thanks for this amazing site. I had a dream last night which is puzzling me. Love to get any thoughts/feedback. I dreamt that my pet cat and another cat had managed to get hold of a golden eagle and were slowly pulling it down onto the ground. In the dream I was upset by this as I never like to see animals or creatures harmed. So I interfered with the process and suddenly a sharp pincer (like a long thin skewer) shot out of the eagle and stabbed my pet cat through the centre of its chest (the heart) and I could feel an open wound under my hand as I tried to stop the bleeding and could hear the screams of agony from my poor pet. I feel responsible for this. I try to put tissue over the wound realising that this is no way to treat a serious wound and that it will probably become infected. The pain of my cat was so vivid for me I could hardly contain myself and eventually I screamed "mum" at the top of my lungs! Although she didn't come and a friendly, easy going man who is well known in the U.K. media came instead. I have no connection to this man other than a sense that he is a straight forward easy going type of person which is something I sometimes crave for in my adult relationships.

So grateful for any thoughts. I have read that eagles normally symbolise majestic powers but this eagle was not as I expected and was a graceful, silent killer. I feel that the cat represented my high achieving drive and ambition (punching above my weight). I feel that I am disconnected with that drive nowadays yet I'm conscious that that same ambition led to some stress problems, poor health and I am probably happier and more content now than I was albeit slightly lost career wise

Tony Crisp

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Re: Cat/Golden Eagle dream
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2017, 10:37:39 AM »
Vanessa - Such thoughts about what eagles represent in dreams are often written by people who have never explored their dream eagles by becoming them. So they think up possible meanings.

The great things about eagles in dreams is their amazing eyesight covering in detail a huge landscape. This integrates with a function of the unconscious - there is also an action of the unconscious level of mind that scans our life experience, and in doing so syntheses what it finds and links it with a process we cannot understand with our conscious thinking. It acts as a feeder of informatioin for a cosmic awareness, and yet keeps the sense of being an individual as well. It is a huge paradox that we cannot grasp with normal everyday awareness.

Such is dreams - not usually about personal belongings, which are all in the realm of personality.

See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/exploring-a-dream-2/ and http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/what-is-the-unconscious/
