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Messages - bbyrooo

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Dream Interpretation / wet cell phone
« on: August 10, 2011, 06:15:29 PM »
i usually don't remember my dreams, but for some reason i have been lately.
i feel like my home life has a big play in this and in what I've been dreaming about, but i wont go into that.

last night i dreamt i woke up in my apartment as usual but when i went into the kitchen it was rearranged. For some reason we had a stove/microwave combo, but the stove was moved next to the fridge, and both the fridge and the stove were in between cabinets. i remember saying something to my roommate about how pointless it was to put the stove and fridge next to each other. For some reason we had a vending machine our kitchen, there wasn't a back to it and wasn't much food in it, and someone in the house hold had eaten half of a honey bun and put it back inside there. i don't even think it was turned on. After that i remember going outside and seeing a pastor walk out of the house with my roommates water bong to take it to a yard sale or to dispose of it. i ran after him and begged him to have it because it meant something to me. He put it on a yard sale table and my manager was studying it. She asked the pastor for it and he gave it to her. I remember swimming in an above ground pool with her afterwards. After swimming for a bit i remembered my phone was in my pocket and was submerged underwater, i paniced a bit and i do remember there ladder was outside the pool. i grabbed it and put it back in and climbed out to check on my phone. it was soaking wet, it worked at first, but after a while it started lagging and i remember feeling sad about it. My manager got out the pool, sat for a bit, then we took the bong to her garden. She pulled out the slider of it, which was shaped like a mushroom with a gnome on top, stuck it in her garden as a decoration, then gave me the remainder of the bong. i think from there i left; that's the end of my dream.

I've been having reoccurring dreams of my cellphone getting wet. i would like to receive any insight and interpretations on that, that i can.

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