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Author Topic: Young Man Seeking Shaman  (Read 3372 times)


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Young Man Seeking Shaman
« on: July 07, 2022, 07:58:26 PM »
I had a vivid dream this morning.  It seemed similar to a place I had dreamed of before like the main quadrant of a college campus.  I was so eager to write it out that I went to my notes app and began typing.  I wanted to retain as much of the dream as possible and thought that I might forget some details in the process of logging in to the site.  So here's what I wrote:

I begin climbing a small tree. One of my older brothers is there.  The brother I've always looked up to. Once I reach the top people take notice and begin taking pictures of me.  They seem impressed and everyone is in good spirits.  I descend the tree and a young, handsome black man is standing there and with the sincerest intent says he is looking for guidance, looking for answers.  My mind immediately goes to a shaman that I've been following on and off for the past few years. I tell him I know someone but I wake up before I can show him. 

To me the young man seemed so powerful.  I actually remember saying to him "you seem a bit suspcious" because he had this knowing glare but still I was compelled to help. 

Tony Crisp

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Re: Young Man Seeking Shaman
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2022, 12:12:00 PM »
Dear  Aristocrates - I feel you are still under the influence of a powerful Paradigm.

 There is an huge influence that millions of people are in the grip of in a way that controls them, imprisons them, and denies them their full potential. It is generally called the paradigm of the western mind. It could also be called the worldview or even the religion of most western people – religion because actually it is a belief system. However, if you asked most people in the streets of western cities about it they would not say they believed in what is being called a paradigm, they would insist it is reality.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines a paradigm as – “A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline.”

Recently a feature about near death experiences appeared in New Scientist – (issue 2573 of 17 October 2006, page 48-50). It examined the subject and attempted to explain it all by brain chemicals or REM dreaming, still seen in the light of physical brain activities. To remain in this narrow paradigm (set of beliefs or theories), it left out any phenomena such as people who were apparently without any brain activity, and so completely unconscious, being able to report events at a distance from their seemingly dead body. This is typical of how this paradigm limits individuals within its grasp. It literally controls personal perceptions so that the subject actually sees the world, experiences it as reality, exactly as it dictates reality to be.

Richard Tarnas, in his book Cosmos and Psyche, says of this paradigm of the western mind, “As with all powerful myths, we have been, and many perhaps remain, largely unconscious of this historical paradigm’s hold on our collective imagination. It animates the vast majority of contemporary books and essays, editorial columns, book reviews, science articles, research papers, and television documentaries, as well as political, social, and economic policies, It is so familiar to us, so close to our perception, that in many respects it has become our common sense, the form and foundation of our self image as modern humans.”

So, to your dream. The tree represent what you have grown of yourself in this life. It shows you that yes you have done some work on yourself but it is still a 'small tree'. It doesn't matter, we are all small to start with, but the tre can be a sort of place that is a 'home' in your inner world - i.e a place that is your real entry into the larger life.

You climb it exploring it, your brother, that you have looked up to, is there. Remember this is a dream so your brother is not actually there but is a mental and emotional figure that always brings a feeling maybe of reaching up or going beyond what you feel you are.

You get to the top of the small tree and feel that what you have achieve will make people notice you and maybe admire you. It seems you actually want this. This is because you are still a small tree, still vulnerable, but when you have grown more and are the wonderful ancient tree you will not need anybody to lookup to or desire to be noticed. See https://dreamhawk.com/interesting-people/ramana/ 

The young black man is yet another mental figure who represents or id you self more connected -  it suggests one’s natural drives, urges, longings and emotions uncluttered by intricate social taboos. So what are you without your social paradox?

My mind immediately goes to a shaman that I've been following on and off for the past few years."That is an attempt to reach towards the greater growth by integrating your own inner guru/shaman. This constantly tries to tell you - "The Many Ways To A New Life, The Simple Secret of Them All Is, Open all of yourself to the unknown and invisible force that Creates You – Life. That means dropping all you present expectations, beliefs, and ideas – for you are allowing the Unknown to enter your life, for at present you obviously do not know who you are fully..

This change is not a state of mind you can create or develop. It is something beyond any change, outside of anything you can develop. After all, development suggests change.

The frustrating thing about finding this is that the harder one tries to grasp it, the further away from it one gets. The more effort one makes in trying to achieve it, the less one finds of it.

It is the ever present, self existent core of yourself that remains when all else drops away. So the question should not be can I develop the state of mind that is sometimes called enlightenment, but how can I realise this fundamental state?

A classic statement is, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” It can be seen as a warning, but it is given depth through the words of T. S Elliot:

I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope
For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love
For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith
But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting.
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:
So, the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2022, 12:00:17 PM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: Young Man Seeking Shaman
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2022, 11:44:30 PM »
In my waking life my sons' mother is black.  The practice here is to also categorize them as such(black) although I object to that. 

I felt compelled to lead with that.  Perhaps I should've led with a thank you.  Thank you for your response.  I had a rather vivid dream two nights ago.  I'll try and relay as much as I can remember.  I remember floating above the ground and even high enough to look down and see a group of Hawks perched on a dead tree.  On the ground was a group of people all men of similar age and appearance.  I glided down and one introduced himself as "College".  I'm not certain if he's the one who said these things but I was told that in three days a moment of darkness would be followed by a great light.  It is curious that he introduced himself as College as I was on a college campus in the dream I mentioned before.  And then I came back to reread your response and the last line begins with "the darkness shall be the light". 

Also juxtaposed to this dream was an episode where my cousin is attacking a gunner.  He is repeatedly struck by the gunner.  Not the bullets but it's the recoiling of the gun that repeatedly impales him until I look to see he has fallen and where there was a face is a white skull.  In waking life he did shoot me with a pellet gun when I was maybe 6 or 7. He would've been 8 or 9.  So maybe that segment of the dream stemmed from that childhood event. 

Once again, thank you for your response.     

Tony Crisp

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Re: Young Man Seeking Shaman
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2022, 03:24:19 PM »
Aristocrates - I feel from ou dreams that in some way you are hiding from what you are. I know the feeling having once done the same thing. I experienced it like this - Early in the session I started having fantasies about being attacked. Each time it happened I put the fantasy aside because I couldn’t see why I would be having these feelings that I was being attacked.

There were a lot of images flowing into my mind also about the horror of life in general - babies abused, children murdered, men and women shot or tortured. The fantasies returned and several men attacked me and were trying to drag me off somewhere against my will.

As the fantasy progressed, or replayed, I began to realise that it only appeared like an attack because I was resisting the process. In fact the men wanted to show me something that was important to me. They were being quite gentle, but because of my resistance, it felt to me like an aggressive act. I then let myself be carried off by the men, and began to feel as if a great chunk of my nature has been held back since childhood because of anxiety. In fact I had been frightened to ‘live’ this part of me. I had held so much of myself back throughout most of my life that I constantly felt there was something I was missing and had to search for. But it wasn’t an external thing - it was the me I had denied. B.M.

I don't know if tha was just me sounding off - so back to your dream. Floating may appear in dreams where the dreamer is getting close to someone of the opposite sex and some aspect of sexual feeling is present. Or else it can be an experience of awareness expanding beyond the usual boundaries of the persons beliefs or of their physical senses. Also it often happens in flying dreams or in lucid dreaming.

But in fact it leads to you having more inclusive view of something, the group of hawks. I see that as a realisation of you many potentials not being actively used. A while ago you dreamt of a small tree. I added to that - The tree represent what you have grown of yourself in this life. It shows you that yes you have done needs some work on yourself but it is still a 'small tree'. It doesn't matter, we are all small to start with, but the tree can be a sort of place that is a 'home' in your inner world - i.e. a place that is your real entry into the larger life. This dream show it as dead, relating to you several potentials.

College usually suggests an activity to do with higher learning. You will have to explore that to find excatly what it refers to. Maybe it is something you are already involved with.

A great promise is made - in three days. You must see if anything like that happened, but you have traumas the my need to be dealt with  the gunner. This suggest that any feelings of aggression may have been holding you back


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Re: Young Man Seeking Shaman
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2022, 06:55:47 PM »
I do believe the moment of darkness/violence happened last night.  While it wasn't 3 days later it was 12 days passed which is both a multiple of 3 and a number that also reduces to 3.  I just hope the dream continues to be prophetic and that enlightenment will ensue.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Young Man Seeking Shaman
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2022, 04:36:24 PM »

I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope 

For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love 

For love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith 

But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. 

Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So, the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.