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Author Topic: Birthing Energy  (Read 4043 times)


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Birthing Energy
« on: October 31, 2017, 01:30:09 AM »
I rarely remember any of my dreams but several nights ago I had a very unusual dream so I'm looking to others for some insight. I don't remember much of the dream except of this one small part. I am in a delivery room speaking to doctor who looks over her shoulder then looks back at me  and says its time and brings me to a delivery table just as a woman has started giving birth. At this moment time stood still, it was my job to deliver the baby. Except  the baby was not a real baby, it was a inanimate representation of a baby with literally no distinct features . What I really was dealing with was not a bay but energy. The "baby" was solid black, it gave off a cold negative energy, it represented death. However as I deliver it and bring it in to this world this representation of energy turned white and began to shine and glow. It was suddenly ethereal. The dream ended at the point.

I feel like its a pretty crazy dream to have since I  dont know anyone having a baby and I myself and unable to have any more children at this current moment in time. I know its supposed to mean something but what Im not sure :o Any ideas?!

Tony Crisp

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Re: Birthing Energy
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2017, 11:49:11 AM »
AwakeningMind - The answers I give arise not out of me thinking up things to say, but from fifty years of exploring dreams in depth. So some of what I write may seem wild.

I say that because your dream expresses depths within you that most people never even can ever touch or think about. For your dream says clearly that you are in the process of giving birth to an amazing realisation. But what will happen if we do not care for this realisation is it will sink back into the darkness we experience every time we sleep.

When I was 15 I started a new phase of the long journey of my life - I am now 80. At that time I experienced something extraordinary - I went to sleep but remained awake. At eighty I am still discovering the depth of meaning in that experience - no, it was not lucid dreaming, for in that condition people are still lost in their dream images and are only slightly awake. Your dream showed you the darkness of our beginnings, nothingness of sleep, which you described as ‘cold negative energy’ which when we actually explore it is the Everything – for everything cannot be a thing – and we are often scared of our own depths. Here is an example of a man experiencing the whole thing without any negative feelings.

Example: To my amazement a huge living and wondrous circle appeared on the wall. It was full of movement, everything dancing in time to music. At the very centre of the circle was emptiness, nothing, a black void. Yet out of this nothingness all things emerged. There were plants, animals, people, hills, rivers and mountains all coming to birth. They danced out in their own individual movement, yet each unknowingly was part of the whole wonderful and intricate dance which made a great pattern and movement in the body of the circle. All danced to the periphery and there turned and moved, still in their ballet, back to the centre. At that centre they plunged into its oblivion again. But at that very moment new life sprang from it to dance once more. 

You have given birth to the whole cycle of death becoming life, and life dancing into death. Such a baby is the birth within yourself, not of a physical baby, but a new awareness, a new aspect of yourself – but it is still a baby, not physical but a living energy that if allowed to grow and with your care, can enlarge you as a person.

You can care for this dual baby – for life is always about duality – female and male – light and dark – matter and anti matter – waking and sleeping – death and life – etc – by identifying with them. You can do this in many ways and I can only suggest some such as http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/exploring-a-dream-2/ - http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/opening-to-life/
