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Author Topic: my inner journey  (Read 6734 times)


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my inner journey
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:41:20 AM »
Hi Tony  :)

The beginning of this dream is somewhat vague and I feel very uncertain on this dream journey. I have to go to the airport and I am not sure whether I will arrive in time. Since I will be travelling to the USA, I reckon I have to be at the airport three hours prior to departure time.

Then I am at the airport and D., the eldest son of a helpful friend (female) is helping me; I come across as rather clumsy in this dream.
I carry three different handbags with me and I am checking with D's help if I am not too late.
I look with him at a my boarding pass, which is in one of the bags - I have checked in online - to see at what time the airplane will depart. Because I do not have to check in anymore, I trust that I will make it; I will only have to go to the baggage drop-off point, to drop off my suitcase.
Then I become aware that I have only one boarding pass and I need another one, since it is not a direct flight. I reckon I will get this boarding pass at the next airport.

I see that I still have three hours left before departure and I figure that I will need half an hour at the customs, because I am sure they will go through the package (gift?) that I carry with me. It is a rather large box and I do not know what is in it.

Then I have to go through the passport control. There is nobody waiting and in front of the counter is a wooden bench.
I have to sit down at the end of the bench, as if on a horse saddle, and slide over the bench toward the counter. The teak varnish is wearing off, because of all the people who went before me.
When I am close to the counter I become aware that I did not take my bag with me. D. gives me a small, black bag, and I first think it is empty.
When I look again in a different compartment of the bag, I see my passport and am relieved.
I hand it over to the passport control officer and after looking in it, he asks me in english if I my nationality is dutch, which I acknowledge.

Next I am saying goodbey to D. who will be travelling to South America.
Then I walk with his mother, C., toward the gate and she asks me what I will be doing from now on. I respond that I will continue to grow, because it does not hurt to be an adult.

She then gives me a gift. It is the tiniest book I have ever seen, the seize off a thumbnail. The cover reminds me of a diary I once had and I think it has that purpose too.
She then opens it and I see the printed words (black) and she tells me that it is written by "a female name I do not remember". She explains that I only have to turn on 1 (as in not more than 1) light to be able to read it.
End of night time dream

In my "more or less waking life" I received a lot of help from K., who lives in the USA, which might be why I travel in my dream to the USA again?

Looking forward to your view Tony.

Anna The Dreamer
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 08:51:40 AM by annathedreamer »

Tony Crisp

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Re: my inner journey
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2013, 07:38:58 AM »
Anna – I feel the overall sense of the dream is that you are in the process of big personal growth/change. You feel it but you are uncertain about yourself. This may be because we are raised in a Christian culture which for generations have made it clear that we are all sinners and do not deserve help from above. Of course nothing could be further from the reality of our life. We are all creators and seeds of the great creative act; so we create our own inner world. Your doubts are part of what you create, but you come through in the end – the acceptance of the passport. See http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/inner-world/ and http://dreamhawk.com/inner-life/god-and-the-big-bang-are-the-same/

The thing about the saddle I see as saying that on the path to spiritual realisation/personal growth so many have gone before you that the path ahead is there already for you to walk. As you say, “It does not hurt to be adult.” See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/



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Re: my inner journey
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2013, 12:15:08 PM »

Tony  :)

Thank you for your helpful view and the links.

Perhaps then this dream is also about the choice I have HOW to get to the point of the acceptance of the passport?

« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 03:32:03 PM by Tony Crisp »

Tony Crisp

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Re: my inner journey
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 10:00:50 AM »
Anna – You have the answer in your dream, “When I look again in a different compartment of the bag, I see my passport and am relieved.” You need to look in a different place, to take on a different view than that of your old beliefs. You need to become virginal – without any preconceived ideas.

Please read http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/virgin/ and also http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/archetype-of-the-paradigm/

Example: I just turned 18 a few weeks ago and I don’t quite understand why I keep having this dream. I had a detailed dream about being pregnant, which I currently am not (I’m a virgin). In my dream I didn’t know I was pregnant, nor did I show any signs or symptoms that I was. While I was studying in my cosmetology class during the summer, I started feeling some pains that I couldn’t describe. At first I had thought I was starting my monthly period, but it was nothing like I had ever felt before. Once my teacher started to notice, she took me to the hospital and the doctors said I was going in to labor. Later that day I had a beautiful premature baby boy named Noah. I didn’t quite understand how it happened but I saw it as a miracle. He was so healthy, and some how my parents saw it as a blessing.

Dear young woman, it is natural to dream of having a baby, and a beautiful one too. It is because you are a woman and have the wonderful ability to help Life create another being - another you. And it doesn’t matter that there is no father – don’t you remember the story of Mary and the virgin birth? Unfortunately the church has mixed us up over it, claiming it only happened once. But it is about the wonder of women and their ability to create – it is about every woman. You have brought forth something that only Life has given you – as the story says – and it is a special and holy inner child that will grow and mature if you care for it. Remember, you have the power of creation, and that was seen as holy in past cultures. So please read Woman's Creative Power

« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 10:13:52 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: my inner journey
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 12:04:26 PM »

Tony  :)

Thank you again for the links - I have read them all and will allow them to sink in - and for your encouraging words, which reminded me of your answer to a baby dream I had in the past:

Re: some shit, a baby and having my teeth bleached
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 12:56:04 AM »   
Anna The Dreamer – You are releasing some ‘shitty’ feelings that are probably very difficult to express, and you do not want anyone to see that side of you. Having got rid of those feelings you then are able to allow a new part of you to be born. It is a part of you that is to do with confidence about your creative abilities – that you do not need others because you can do it yourself. It is still a new attitude, and like a baby needs encouragement and being nourished.


Which then remembered me of a baby dream I had last August:

August 28th

What I remember:
The most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen sits on my lap; he is about 3 months old.
He is talking to me, choosing his words very carefully.
While choosing a word which is considered by me to be very eloquent, I tell him that he is learning to speak so fast.
Then I wake up.

I do trust that I am in the process of letting go of ideas which are not helpful, for last night I dreamed again of letting go of shit on a toilet.


« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 12:08:10 PM by annathedreamer »

Tony Crisp

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Re: my inner journey
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2013, 07:46:50 AM »
You are moving fast, and the beautiful baby is a great sign. Please look after that baby by remembering it often.



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Re: my inner journey
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2013, 05:59:12 PM »

Tony  :)

I will.

I am reading your book The Inner Path of Christ and it is like a wonderfilled sight seeing tour; I am opening up within a bit more with each chapter.
I cannot put in words what it is like to find my own experiences expressed in words I can relate to. Thank you for
all your wonderful work.
