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Author Topic: The cat and the basket  (Read 6985 times)


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The cat and the basket
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:07:45 PM »
 ::) In your dictionary, it suggests replacing 'cat' with how I feel about the cat in the dream - I find that what I feel about the cat is so many words and so strong that I can't quite narrow it down. Maybe that's the point!

In the dream my cat (real in waking life) is in some way sick or injured - her back legs aren't working properly (some years ago, in waking life, I lost a cat through a thrombus that had this effect. He had to be euthanised after trying all options because his legs were 'dying'. It was really traumatic an devastating).
In the dream, I am trying to get my cat into her basket to get her to the vet. I put her in the basket but it is broken and she escapes through the bottom. I try with a different basket and the same happens. I am exacerbated and distraught; how am I going to get her help? She won't let me catch her again, that's for sure! someone - I can't see him/her in the dream - points out that the cat is walking well now. It's as though the problem comes and goes; even though it's something severe.

It's as though I fear that the 'secret', 'potent' 'cat like' part of me is still broken but it's not - that's just my perception. I try to keep it in the basket because I want it to be healed but it won't stay there. It insists on being free; my method of containing it no longer works. Maybe it can only be healed by being free. Letting the cat out of the basket is scary but I have to let her live and take her risks. I have to realise that 'she' will be fine. Living life is the thing; not preserving life while not living it. Well maybe that's what it's about. Maybe her woundedness frightens me when i reality, it's no longer there; I can be myself, be different and not answer anyone's questions and expectations; like the cat. Or maybe the broken basket indicates that  have to find a new way to access healing for the 'cat'.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 06:07:07 PM by Midlander »

Tony Crisp

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Re: The cat and the basket
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 09:53:16 AM »
Midlander – It seems from what I feel is that you have confused freedom. Surely the cat was only getting out because you were imprisoning it to go to the vet. And behind that thought/feeling was probably the vet could equal euthanasia.

So I wonder whether you need a could honest talk with your cat, apologising for your attempts to ‘heal’ it, and then saying that while you are not going to put it in the basket again, you do need to have some say in its behaviour. Freedom, but not complete.



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Re: The cat and the basket
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2011, 11:30:33 AM »
Ooh thanks Tony - I knew I was missing something! I will ponder that!

So maybe: 'How I feel about the cat in the dream' is that I've lost control of her and need to find a new way to contain her when necessary.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 11:36:46 AM by Midlander »

Tony Crisp

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Re: The cat and the basket
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 12:27:24 PM »
Hi Midlander - I am not sure about the word contain.

As I have recently been pointing out in replies, I have said that any person, animal or object in a dream should not be thought of as a symbol. So they are not a symbol, such as a road sign that needs interpretation. A person or animal is a living part of you, just as you hand is not a symbol it is a living part of you. As such an animal is alive and responsive, with enormous depths.

I have quoted that so it may sound as if I am preaching. So I wonder if you can find an agreement that works for both of you. Obviously this is just me thinking aloud and it might not be your way.
