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Author Topic: The Bear  (Read 6685 times)


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The Bear
« on: May 12, 2014, 03:00:39 PM »
The Dream Begins as Such

I woke up from my room - The blacklight above my computer is on. I could feel a dark heavy presence in my room and stood up to turn on the light to shed any fears I had away. The lights would not come on. I left the room and headed down the hallway to the living room.

I looked outside the window and saw tons of graves outside. Tons of them. In an open green field. I opened the door to get a better looked and instead of the staircases which are normally there, I saw a broken well in front of this Bear, I believe the bear had a piece of wood in its mouth. I remember thinking of it as a grizzly bear, and it had really spikey hair. My mother came out and said "Aww it's so cute!" She walked outside and attempted to hug this bear and I held her back saying "No, mother. It's dangerous" She replied "Why?" and quietly went to her room. She and the Bear had similar hairstyles (Matching to a T in my dream.)  I remember getting a text from my mother in the dream saying "That's ____ Bear, he hasn't been well taken care of lately".

I looked outside once more and there were 2 children walking around by these graves placing these beautiful  white ornaments on the top of them. I see this old man walking down the row of the graves, wearing a light blue bathrobe and a white undershirt, and proceeds to chase me. Out of nowhere a dog soon begins the chase (Don't remember where the Dog came from but suddenly it was there).

The Old Man caught up right next to me and said "Beware of the Mandibles" and when I turned to look at the Dog, Shi-Tzu, His Mouth was wide open and it's teeth were similar to a sharks with many rows and it looked like a very scary blender. I turned to look at the old man, His mouth was the same way.

Suddenly, I'm driving a car along a highway. A friend of mine yells "EY!!! MARCUS!!!!!" so I turn, see the vehicle they're in and break many laws, to the point of almost being hit by another car, to get to their location. I am no longer in the Car. I am Riding a Bicycle through a "Ghetto" looking broken down and columns everywhere underpass, possibly. People are posted and leaning against these broken columns in groups and giving me mean glares, but I see my friend James and run to him. I then tell him "Ey! I didn't know you lived in Georgia" and he begins to say some stuff I Can't remember. The whole time I am looking him in his eyes and  I see his face so clearly. He talks to me about his father I believe, and tells me something about his father acting because the cards told him to. I Can't remember this part..

I am reading a book. My face is on a single 2 pages. A green character who looks a little feline with a bunch of cards circling her body with magical energy. The Description of this person reads "Has the ability to read the fate of anyone using the cards at her disposal...... A Bunch of stuff I can't remember.." I then look to the page on the left (Cause I was reading it backwards like I often do) and there was this black and red corded figure. A Bunch of hoses connected to handles and pipes. It was titled "The Marshall" The Description was as follows "Has the Ability to control the flow of water around him. Only through him will you obtain water and he too will take it away." then I remember hearing something in my head say "Pictures will help when attempting to describe an object"

The next part of the dream I am in an apartment building. A Blonde woman is in my house doing certain "Acts" to herself and I join in. This part is explicit so I will refrain from typing it out.

I don't dream - Often - Ever. I am a thorough believer that everything that happens to us in life happens for a reason. I just cannot decipher these dreams... I prayed to the spirits and the universe to show me everything I needed to know in dreams. Very Vivid Dreams. Dreams so Vivid I can't forget them. I have had very few Dreams I can remember with this precise detail and all have happened since I prayed.  Please help.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 03:11:09 PM by MarcusAHelm »


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Re: The Bear
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2014, 05:18:07 PM »
Marcus  :)

What do you mean with "acts"?


« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 04:21:51 PM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: The Bear
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2014, 08:41:14 AM »
Well it was sexual acts. I am just very embarrassed to put that part of the dream down.

Tony Crisp

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Re: The Bear
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2014, 09:16:40 AM »
Marcus - The dream starts with you facing an anxiety that you are not sure what causes it - the light of understanding would not turn on.

But it becomes a bit clearer. It is feelings about death. The broken well shows how you have not developed the ability to draw inspiration from deep within you. To quote, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

If you had drunk the water from the well you would not be anxious about death. The bear represents the natural wisdom some mothers have, not from book learning, but from the long line of mothers and their troubles and all they learnt from it. The wisdom she gave you in raising you has not been taken care of, so you have to wandered in yourself and in your dreams.

The children amongst the graves represent the innocence that you had as a child - innocence meaning that you had no fixed ideas and so were ready to respond to death as a natural and beautiful thing -  the beautiful white things on top of the graves. But instead the guardian of the graveyard took on, as well as the dog, the image of death that it is something that will tear you apart and grind you up. Not a good feeling to have. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/questions-2/#Summing

Then your wandering starts, things that risk your life - your inner life or soul. It shows you how you live in an inner world of threats and feels like a ghetto.

But you then face the possibility to know the future you create for yourself. For there are no accidents in life. Do not the stars and planets all keep the laws of our universe, and are not we, in the end, the product and creation of those laws?

Like most of the messages of today’s media, it ends with sex as the ‘good ending’ - but the ending does not tie up the things you started your search for -- the relationship with death; the water from the well, and the ghetto feeling you are shown living in.

The answer is to go back to your dream and see what your dream mother has to say. Maybe use http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/secrets-power-dreaming/

« Last Edit: May 18, 2014, 09:11:36 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: The Bear
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2014, 01:50:42 PM »
Thank you, Tony.

I appreciate the insight into the dream. I have had Anxieties about death since I was younger. I don't know where they began so that hit me on a personal level when you said this.

You're truly very wise - Thank you. I will continue to read up on how to go back into these dream states and find the root cause of what is causing this inside of me.

Thank you, So Much.

Tony Crisp

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Re: The Bear
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2014, 09:12:48 AM »