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Author Topic: stabbing  (Read 5696 times)


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« on: June 11, 2014, 12:01:59 PM »
Hi Tony,
I have a bit of a recurring theme in my dreams that has been coming to a head lately.  It usually involves me in a fight with medieval type weapons, swords spears etc...  Lately it involves me killing my opponents, which can sometimes be bloody and horrific for me.  Years ago I was the one being killed in the dreams.
Last night I was not the one doing the killing or being killed, it was someone else, someone who I was in charge of.  The situation was as follows-there was a battle going on, and there was a man fighting against us who was sitting in a steel enclosure of some sort for protection.  One of the men fighting for me wanted to make an attack on him with a large spear that would pierce the side of the steel enclosure.  I did not like this, but I knew that the man needed to be disposed of and so i gave my ok on the attack.  The spear pierced the side of the enclosure and hit the "enemy", but he did not die immediately.  I essentially watched him bleed out, and I felt horrible.  I woke up with a feeling of fear.

I have a hunch what I think it is all about, but I'm curious to hear your input.  Thanks again for all you do.

Tony Crisp

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Re: stabbing
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2014, 08:58:15 AM »
Mikey - It seems like an ancient conflict in which you feel either that you will be killed or you need to kill the opponent. I have had some bad ones like this and I found what works is to turn the tables on the whole scene.

Here is an example - “Recently I dreamt or saw myself attacked by a man with a sword. He hacked off my arms and I was simply watching him with a sense of awareness that I could easily put out other arms. I was bodiless consciousness and nothing could hurt me.”

We are often told to turn the other check. I have found that doesn’t work too well for me in the outer world, but it is terrific in our inner world of dreams. It is a statement to the opponent of tremendous power.

The first time I discovered it was in 1969 when I dreamt the following - “On going indoors the man, now as a police inspector, led me down to the basement, and pointing to the corner of the room asked me how, “That got there?”  I forget what it was, but felt unjustly accused. The inspector got two toughs to hold me and was going to drill my teeth out with a hand drill, and beat me. I was terrified and fought back, kicking one in the testicles. But could not break away. Then I feigned madness and regression to childhood to avoid further torture. Seeing this, one of them led me away to a house in Crackerlands to kill me. I set upon him and knocked him out, took his gun, thought of killing him, but did not. 
Being free, I wondered what to do. Where to get away, go back with the gun, or what? Suddenly I thought I had better go back and hand myself over again. In a flash, as soon as this was decided, I saw through the whole set-up. The thugs felt that they were part of a huge crime organisation, worldwide in scope. Like the war underground resistance, no section that knew other than their leader. But in fact their leader had no higher authority than himself. So I went back, gave them the gun. They rushed me but I made no effort to struggle. This shock them far more deeply than any attempt to escape. I then explained that I was no longer afraid, because I saw how petty and futile they were. This broke their power and the dream finished.”

If it is possible to imagine this while awake it begins the process of taking away the power fear has over us.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 07:31:38 AM by Tony Crisp »


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Re: stabbing
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2014, 09:51:35 PM »
thanks Tony.  I will have to think on this some more.