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Author Topic: Rainbows  (Read 6867 times)


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« on: August 16, 2016, 06:35:04 PM »
I have dreamt of rainbows a number of times in the past six months..I always feel their appearance is very 'special' in some way.. In the dream I'm usually pointing them out to myself or others.. Going look! Look!

Last night I dreamt several dreams of being threatened by men driving cars, the first called to my door at night, I had a sense he was dangerous and up to no good, when I decided to confront him, I put on my glasses only to discover I had gone blind..Next I was being driven by a delinquent male cousin who was wrecking my dads car driving crazily, I was in the front passenger seat.

Then I had an amazing experience, outside a building, a deep grey sky, it's almost night fall and I see three huge rainbows arcing in different directions. Then they multiplied and I turned 360 degrees and they surrounded me on every side, I was with someone now and we were both saying 'wow' and 'look!' to each other.. There were also colours on their own as if they had escaped from the rainbows.. And a brilliant torquoise blue crescent on one rainbow. Then a woman came and wished me 'happy birthday' and left again.

Then I am in the back seat of a car I tell them they can drop me off soon as I'm nearly st my dads house, I'm with a pretty girl in her 20's in the back and two men in their 60's in the front. (The driver is a man I met recently, very accomplished and successful, who kept pressurising me to get physical with him and I had to use a great deal of self-assertion to make him take no for an answer, it was not easy). The man driving starts injecting cannabis, I'm calling out to him to watch the road as he's not paying attention and a turn is coming. Very like the previous driver, makes me feel I am unsafe and in danger.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 11:13:33 PM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Rainbows
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2016, 09:39:10 AM »
Omega – A strange dream with huge contrasts. Our life, in fact the universe, is full of such enormous and moving contrasts. We see them in ourselves as waking and sleeping, which we take as ‘natural’ but when we wake up to them are amazing and for some disturbing. Then there are the contrasts between the living and moving self and the still empty shell of death.

The contrasts you met were between meeting the dangerous, threatening men and being blind, and the wonder of colour and rainbows in full surround. Also the turquoise often represents going beyond the usual boundaries of your mental view into and enlarged and stirring experience of MORE. This will most likely appear in your waking life by seeing wonder in the apparently ordinary things and people around you.

We are mostly blind in life, that is why the symbolic story of Christ healing the blind man was the first miracle. It led to you being healed of your blindness when you saw the rainbows. "Sightless, we will deny that a great love and life are behind all the visible universe. Blind, we may treat people and animals like ‘things’, ‘objects’, denying they have the same Life in them as we have in ourselves; denying they have the same feelings, destiny, awareness and need for love and encouragement as we have ourselves, in whatever degree they now show it."

But this added dimension of sensitivity needs to be adapted to which not only shows you wonder but also the ugly or felt danger of life. One gradually adapts.

The last scene of the dream presents another contrast, the beauty of the girl alongside the way that you have to fight to not be swept away by other people’s desires – or even one’s own!

It often helps to learn how to use this - http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/self-observation/

You are obviously growing in awareness and so are entering new experiences.



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Re: Rainbows
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2016, 10:17:20 AM »
Thanks Tony.
 ( I just remembered another part to the dream, after I became blind, I was very scared, but then I opened the door and went out and I could see again, now it was day light, there was a large group of musicians putting equipment in a taxi and the man who had knocked on my door was apparently the second taxi, his name was Sergei..they started asking me questions about their performance and I said 'I don't know, you'll have to ask the owner of the house' as in the dream I was only staying there..  The next scene was the rainbow scene)

I am starting to realise that the vast majority of my dreams, are about me being controlled by and being at the mercy of others, and of behaviour and desires they have that are detrimental to me. This reflects my childhood.
A spectrum of approaches are used in the dreams, from the obvious physical violence, to the harder to confront manipulation styles, using in particular 'Love'. Like that dream I had where a man was kissing the woman telling her she needed to love more, meanwhile he was allowing her to bleed to death.

Last night I dreamt I was on a dark street and approached by a woman who was crying, saying she had just buried someone and could I give her money, I was suspicious so I  got her to show me the headstone, but it was only a public monument. I walked away she followed me and assaulted me, beating me up to mug me. I tried to defend myself fighting back but she was too strong. I woke heart pounding.

The same question in my dreams over and over. If I fight back physically - then they come and trick me emotionally - or vice versa.

I guess what's unusual about the rainbow dream as you say is the contrasts, normally a dream with awe and beauty like the rainbow dream, would stand alone, be a resolution, and not go back into a fear dream. But maybe it is a step towards integration, the infinite self, with the earthly bound self.

 I wonder when I can get my physical health back. Someday soon I hope.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 05:04:54 PM by Omega »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Rainbows
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2016, 12:25:01 PM »
Omega – Since December 24th 1966 I have kept a journal it has taught me so much. So I am quoting pieces/experiences that I learnt from. For instance, you ask yourself whether you will get your health back. I learnt that things happen slowly and psychological and physical health took time to appear. Also it needs conflict to make things happen at times, or to help in understanding. The first quote from my journal is about that and also the immense past we carry with us that all needs to be dealt with – so steadily keep on.

“In the case of the seed, the potential holds certain inherited factors. As I have said elsewhere, it is the reappearance of a previous seed, with padded experience. The potential alone however, cannot express, it needs a limiting (not to limiting, in fact, nurturing) condition to direct its potential. Also, and unless it brings something different into the nurturing, namely a limiting condition, it becomes one with that condition. Therefore, stress must exist. With no stress, the conditions do not oppose. If they do not oppose, they are not opposite. If they are not opposite, neither bring anything to fruition from the other.”

This bit is about the stuff we carry with us. “Our inner difficulties only lose their hold upon us tardily. They have become like things feeding upon our mental and emotional, and even physical, substance, and fight for their life.” So they need to be understood and maybe not fed with more stuff. Perhaps see http://dreamhawk.com/approaches-to-being/questions-2/#Victim

This is or was an important realisation – the more we fight or struggle with something the stronger it gets. But it needs understanding the situation. “I knew that if one survived the shooting for sufficient time, one was afforded a holiday with a woman. This served the double purpose of resting the troops from conflict, and creating more babies for the fighting force. I began to have sex with the girl, then realised that if I did so this would only be giving in to the terrible situation. On this I left and walked in the streets despite the danger of being shot. I felt that if others saw that I no longer wanted to be mixed up in the senseless shooting, they would also stop. In fact, each individual was only mixed up in it because somehow they had got involved, and didn’t know how to get out. Now I was giving them an opportunity. Soon others joined me. Then a whole throng of people filled the street.”

Another realisation. Sometimes the very thing we fight is actually a loving or needed part of self. Maybe the woman who downed you is a strength that would be good to have. Only experiment, exploration and experience will tell. “An Indian girl was quarrelling with a young man. They got really angry with each other. I could see beyond the surface and led them outside and asked them if they realise why they were fighting. They said they didn’t. I took the man’s hand and placed it in a loving gesture on her neck. I took her arms and put them about him. Suddenly they both trembled and shook with the emotion of love and desire they felt for each other. Their anger had arisen from repressed longing for each other.” We are very strange creatures in our inner world.



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Re: Rainbows
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2016, 10:39:01 AM »
Thanks Tony. These two jumped out at me.

the more we fight or struggle with something the stronger it gets


With no stress conditions do not oppose.

I've been controlled by other people a great deal - how they would do this, would be to shame any resistance I had to their will. So I had to find a way of not succumbing completely to their control, which involved some form of inner resistance, because outer resistance was futile.

Later in the healing process I had to cease resisting the feelings around these experiences in order to heal, which was difficult, as it was the initial stance of resistance that kept my soul whole.

And yes 'time to appear' I think I'm healing perfectly and the very thing I needed most to heal, was rest and time. So to ask why I'm not healing quicker is a bit funny, but understandable.  ;)


Tony Crisp

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Re: Rainbows
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2016, 10:21:27 AM »
Omega – A real breakthrough.

I think the difficulty about recognising our struggles is that most of them take place within us. So the more we fight them – ourselves – the stronger the battle gets.
