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Author Topic: Sealing Our Fate and Saint Peter  (Read 5238 times)


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Sealing Our Fate and Saint Peter
« on: December 15, 2019, 04:41:03 AM »
Hello! I had a strange dream last night and would appreciate any thoughts you might have on it.  Thank you!

I am the passenger in a car traveling along a narrow road.  A woman I don't recognize from real life is driving.  The day is clear and sunny, she is going a bit fast.  I see a police car to our left, parked on the grass, waiting to catch speeders, and I warn her to slow down.  She lets off the gas a bit.  I notice the police car fall in behind us, but he doesn't put his lights on, just follows at a distance.  We keep driving and and I notice another police car up ahead of us, moving slowly, that seems to be driving sideways.  Eventually the car comes to a stop blocking the road and a policeman gets out and signals us to stop.  The other police car pulls in behind us.  But they aren't interested in us.  Other police cars, lights flashing, pull up and men in FBI jackets rush into a white clapboard church to our right.  There's shooting going on, and I see the two men the police are after rush down the front steps of the church, heading for our car.  I have a sudden vision of what our lives will be like if the two men make it to the car, how our freedom, still within reach in this moment, will be irrevocably snatched away and we will be subjected to many horrors.  I yell at the woman, "Go! Punch it!  Go, go, go!"  She points to the police car blocking our way and shakes her head.  I bang my hand on the dashboard and yell "We can't let them get to the car! Just drive around him!"  She refuses and the men get to the car and get in.  I yell, "Do you have any idea what you've done to us? What we will have to go through now?"

The scene changes to a large all-purpose type of room.  There are people milling around.  There is an older man with gray hair and beard sitting at a table with a huge book in front of him.  People are talking to him, telling him about loved ones and the traumas they have endured.  He nods his head, "Oh yes, he should be on the list." and he writes the name in the book.  Others call out names and dates of people who went through trauma and he continues to add them into the book.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sealing Our Fate and Saint Peter
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2019, 12:49:45 PM »
Dreamingangel – I see I have replied to your dreams in the past, but I will treat this as if you are a newbie.

For you start by not driving your car – everything in your dreams belongs to you. This suggests that you are trying to get somewhere in life but are not fully in control of your decisions in driving. This often happens because we are often deeply influenced by another person, so there is some measure of conflict between what you want and the influence someone else has on you. Also it seems it is not a direction or decision you make often.

The woman you do not recognise is an aspect of your own behaviour you are not really aware of. Because all the images, people, animals, places we see in our dreams, are simply your own feelings, fears, hopes and wonder projected onto the screen of your sleeping mind as images. So, it makes sense to take the image of your dream person, thing or animal back into you and own it. In that way, you are meeting and dealing with the things about yourself you are not owning or conscious of. That is why dreams are often difficult to understand, because we are hiding things from ourselves. To do this you can use https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/acting-on-your-dream/#BeingPerson

The dream is full of themes such as right dealing with right and wrong, religion and of course your own inner conflicts. See https://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/your-guru-the-dream-step-two/#Themes

The conflict is so intense that in the end you are shouting “Do you have any idea what you've done to us? What we will have to go through now?" That is I believe a self prophecy.

Remember the two men, the police and the other you are all you playing roles in this drama of your life which ends with a scene of self judgment. But why are you so harshly self judgemental on yourself – “Do you have any idea what you've done to us/me? What we/I will have to go through now?"

Where have you learned such rigid judgments of right and wrong – was it in some way connected with the white clapboard church? Where white and black were awful opposites?

The end of your dream shows how traumas have influenced lives and maybe left them twisted.  Se https://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/trauma/ and maybe http://dreamhawk.com/forums/index.php?topic=4931.msg12086#msg12086



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Re: Sealing Our Fate and Saint Peter
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2019, 02:49:15 AM »

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my dream and providing all those links.  What you say definitely resonates with me. 

I'm going through a dark night of the soul right now, being forced to face facets of myself that remained hidden until recently.  Much of what I'm now facing started in childhood (mostly related to my mother) and is rooted in religion (the black/white of what is right/wrong with no room for shades of gray).  I have a number of family members who are staunchly religious, which partially explains the source of the harsh judgment.

I see I have much to explore with this dream, but you have given me a solid starting point.  This isn't going to be easy to work through, but I'm determined to face it.  I look forward to exploring the links you provided and digging deep. Thank you!

Tony Crisp

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Re: Sealing Our Fate and Saint Peter
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2019, 11:16:58 AM »
Dreamangel - Thank you for writing back.

I want to tell you a story from my own life - but of course it is partly your own story too. It happened by using LifeSteam.

"I was like Atlas, supporting a world upon my shoulders and arms. It was so heavy I swayed and stumbled, and eventually was crushed - falling over - lying on my back, arms and legs wide. My hands went back and tried to lift up this world but failed. Then they went into a prayerful position, high up, and afterwards seemed to spin the world up above my chest, then take it upon my shoulders again and gradually rise. I seem to remember that flickers of strength or energy had gradually arisen from within me to enable me to lift the world. Now my right hand began to swing round and round, fast and faster. My left hand joined in and I understood that I was whirling this world faster and faster. Suddenly, and with a mighty effort, out rushing breath, and a sense of finality, I let go and the world swung into space - in orbit. It was here that I saw it as a creation drama, and felt from within that all such dramas have great inner meaning.

Now I stood facing the Light, hands together at the level. I felt my wrists were chained, and I held them up to God, the Light, to be freed.

It was then as if God said, “Tony, you hold up your arms to be freed, but you have never been chained - only by yourself.”

“It took almost three months for me to really begin to really understand what that was about, because a lot of our problems express as dreams or dream symbols. So one day when I was describing the experience to a friend I suddenly realised what it was saying. Before starting LifeStream I had felt very ill, but also ill at ease with myself.

At that time, although I had not been brought up in an actively religious family, I had lived by a strong religious code. I dealt with difficulties in my marriage and myself by applying the rigid morals I used to guide my life. I disciplined myself to live the sort of life I felt God called me to live. That was the world I had created. I had made a world so rigid and heavy to bear that my religious beliefs had crushed me and made me ill. Through opening up I was beginning to throw off that old way of life and the restrictions I had placed upon myself. I had begin to develop a sense of meeting life face to face, instead of creating a God in the mould of my own narrow conceptions. I had begun to feel a communication with life itself within me, and truly it was saying -’Tony, I have never chained you.’” 


« Last Edit: February 09, 2020, 12:35:31 PM by Tony Crisp »