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Dream Interpretation / Tinkerbell steals my baby?
« on: March 25, 2011, 07:25:06 AM »
I had a dream where I was telling my husband (after I saw it happen) that Tinkerbell kept magically putting our cribs on Craigslist so that while we were out getting our cribs back, she could steal our youngest baby. (And the scene from HOOK where Tinkerbell is holding the leaf over baby Peter in the rain is so clear-then she takes him to Neverland-My other son who is now 15 mo old was watching this happen from his crib, which was mysteriously not in the rain, , on Craigslist or outside...dreams...)"Because that's what Tinkerbells do," I said, "steal babies and take them to Neverland"...WTF?

I haven't watched that movie or thought about Tinkerbell in years.  It was so random!

I'm pregnant and I've only had one other dream this pregnancy that I remember.  That one was about rings and it was immediately clear to me what that one meant. 

In real life, a week ago we found out our coming baby boy has Down's syndrome and an upper intestinal blockage.  Yesterday was spent meeting the perinatologist, the neonatologist and touring the NICU and learning about how he may spend weeks or months there recovering from the surgery he'll need right after birth.  The Dr.'s were saying they hope I make it to 32 weeks because of the complications and I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow.  I'm very much at peace with the Down's diagnosis because I believe every life has a purpose and that there is a plan.    I believe my life has prepared me to be the best Mom for this kid.  (If you're curious about my piece of mind, you can read my blog about it here: discoveringdowns.com) 

But this dream was last night after all of that Dr. stuff. I can't figure out why I would dream that Tinkerbell (random) was trying to steal my baby. 

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