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Messages - - anna -

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Dream Interpretation / Re: Small crocodile in grandmother's closet.
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:48:20 AM »
Tony -  I wonder what you mean with this:

because my conception occurred in my mother's fallopian tube, so premature birth.

All fertilization take place in the fallopian tube and some embryos do not make it into the uterus.


The baby probably can't survive -- though in extremely rare cases he or she might.

And so if that is what you mean - an ectopic pregnancy-, then both you and your mother are an extremely rare exception to "a rule".
I suppose then you desperately wanted to be born into that family?

I suppose my twinbrother and I wanted to be born into our family as well?
Before we were born my mother had a miscarriage - my mother had told me it was due to an ectopic pregnancy that she was operated  and that she was told by the doctors she would not be able to become pregnant again.
And then she became pregnant with twins.

And so we were a surprise  :) and not born premature, but around the time we were due to be born.

I will see where It takes me from here.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Small crocodile in grandmother's closet.
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:15:08 AM »
The anxiety was that of stepping out from underneath our rock into the open sky, and taking ones chance with life. If fear paralysed us we would dodge more slowly. But the seagulls might get us however fast we moved. It was the chance we took. There was no guarantee of success or failure. 

So far I had entered into insight about meditation, about anxiety, about my feelings regarding money. All these insights came from seeing and feeling myself as a human animal that is struggling to meet the whole problem of civilised human existence.

Tony - Can you share some more?


Dream Interpretation / Re: Small crocodile in grandmother's closet.
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:06:19 AM »
I suppose most of us still operate from that brain and there is little civilization in that.

Tony - Because I do understand that what I write is a message for my selves first, I wonder if there is more inner work to do in relation to the reptilian brain, for other members of my inner family?
Since I am female, I wonder if my inner family consists of male and child?

And I wonder if I, as the female Anna, have dealt with the re-wiring of the reptilian brain now?


PS Although I am very active in my dreams lately - there is a lot of sharing with you and being taught - I do not remember any details.
I do become aware though that writing produces the same effect as dreaming.
And so I suppose I write pretty much from my unconscious mind?

Dream Interpretation / Re: Small crocodile in grandmother's closet.
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:06:03 PM »
Thank you for sharing this Tony  :)

It gave me somewhat of a better understanding of what I went through.

I wondered why after fighting or fleeing, I used the "freeze approach". For a long time when I approached my past in thought, my whole skin froze. It was as if I was wrapped up in ice.
And so I wonder if my body did remember something?

I googled the reptilian brain to read some more about it and learned that it is fight, flight or freeze.

What goes wrong from “conception to 36 months” can fry our reptilian brain and put it in permanent fight-flight or freeze (dissociation shutdown).

A baby is actually handicapped with a reptilian brain. For reptiles are capable of running at least, the moment they leave the egg. And so as a young baby you have no other option than to freeze.


Dreamhawk site feedback and suggestions / Re: "Broken Links"
« on: November 09, 2014, 06:14:24 PM »

Yes Tony  :)  No broken links anymore.


Dreamhawk site feedback and suggestions / "Broken Links"
« on: November 05, 2014, 05:17:05 PM »

Tony - Thank you once again for all you write/wrote. I am still working my way through it all.

I was interested to read this


It is important to know how to work with what you find in the unconscious, so please read Important to Understand This and also Nothing Can Hurt You in Your Dreams.

but both links do not work, nor can I find the entries when I use the search option on your website, so I trust they are "sub articles".

Could you make the links work please?


Dream Interpretation / Re: Sunset by the ocean & a ring
« on: November 05, 2014, 04:13:15 PM »

Dreamtime  :) Thank you for putting a dream in the Forum in which I was able to see parts of myself.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Christ, zombies
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:49:09 PM »
Mikey - You are welcome  :)
I am glad I was able to give you a hand. It helped me look at some parts in myself for a purpose I do not understand yet.
I am aware that Tony looks at dreams from a point where he has dealt with it all already and still I like to give it a go with your first dream.

I see you and the aspects of your inner female trying to dissociate from parts of your self, parts which you have not integrated yet.
The dream shows that you rather get rid of parts of yourself – selling your house - than integrate them by working your way through what you have buried in the backyard.
Although you believe that burying it is enough to get rid of those unwanted parts in you, you are also aware that it keeps haunting you.

I see haunting as a symbol for the autonomous complex which can haunt us when we do not learn to manage it:


Apart from the infant there are many beings we touch in our dreams. Everything from the deeply animal such as the dog in our dreams, or the wolf, to the sadist, the lover, the monk and the business tycoon. If we do not meet these characters and manage them in our life, they will certainly manage us, and lead us into relationship tangles, emotional responses and actions that are not what we ourselves choose to be or feel. See: examples under compensation; sub-personalities; Integrating a Parent or an ex; Unconscious; Alien

I found a small graveyard, with an open casket and clear evidence someone or something had escaped.  At that moment I seem to have separated from myself. It was as if the man standing in the graveyard was no longer me.

I see this part in the dream as a symbol for the autonomous complex in full action. The moment your autonomous complex takes over AND you are aware of it - which I see as a wonderful step you took - you were able to become an observer – you had a bird’s eye view of the situation, which is like rising above it and not identifying with  any part of your self - repressed or not repressed - because in Reality you are awareness only.

The zombie:


This is about something you sense in yourself or others that is moved by other than human and conscious motives. It is like being asleep and sleep walking, there is no sense of any response there. Or at least they are moved by urges that control them and they are not controlled by. This is something like we meet when we see people moved by habits, by propaganda, by religious bigotry or political brain-washing.
In a sense we are all zombies, or have a part of us that is a zombie. It is because we are all programmed and what we do is not from our real selves. If you find it difficult to believe read Programmed and childhood.

I wonder what you associate with Jesus on the cross and what you felt when “Jesus looked up slightly to see the situation”. I saw that you wrote Christ in the dream subject and perhaps  it is useful to ask yourself if you see Jesus on the cross – which symbol was part of your dream -  and Christ as expressing the same meaning for you?


I trust it will be helpful to look and to question this part of the dream, for I trust it will help you to understand where those violent jolts arose from, especially because you wrote that the image of the statue is burned into your memory.

I see fear merely as a form of resistance. I trust it is about being on the razor’s edge with that too. Sometimes we push through the resistance a bit and so through the fear and sometimes we wait for the fear to dissolve.

I do not feel confident – I have no experience with integrating the anima  ;)  - to look at the second part of your dream, so I will leave that part to Tony.
Since I am very much a work in progress myself, I trust that Tony will help both of us by looking at your first dream too, to help me see where I was blind still.


Greetings / Re: hello ^·^
« on: November 01, 2014, 02:51:58 PM »

Hi ccaitlinn  :)

Welcome to the Forum.

Are you going to share your dreams with us?
We can learn a lot from each others dreams and from the way Tony sees them.


Dream Interpretation / Re: navel
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:30:05 PM »
Mikey - It is my experience that there is something like "a natural order" when it comes down to dealing with the unconscious, repressed content in our mind.

In the past I used "to poke" too and end up with looking at "all that" stuff without having a clue where to fit in those pieces.
I then learned to trust that I do not have to poke, for whatever repressed content is still there, it will surface anyway.

And so I see the voice as telling you that "the black goo" will surface in your every day life or in your dream life in a more natural way, and then you will be ready and asked to look at it.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Intrusion of the mind
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:05:00 PM »

Sunchaser - I am not sure if you understood me, and so I will try again, for I am not sure if I was clear myself on this yet.
I hope that is okay with you.

When I write about my journey, I have learned that I perceive my writing oft as writing to Tony outside of me.
Like you wrote to "the Tony outside of you":

I greatly appreciate the time you gave looking into my mind so to speak.

I hope I can visit this place of wonder again, for its allure does not give in.

Then some part of you - the Tony inside of you - saw that as an invitation which led to the dream about the man probing your mind, or looking into your mind.

Either way, there was something positive about this inner, still unconscious decision towards this dream, and for that I will have to use Tony's answer, for looking into dreams is his strength.

Either the man in your dream brought you to this point:
The man running the house seems to be a powerful action in you that is interested in deepening your understanding and insight into your consciousness - into you.

or he brought you to this point:
but there is a slight chance that someone put thoughts or feelings into you in a subtle way while you were young and you are becoming aware of them now. If that is so try being the guy in charge and see what you feel.

And so I would say in your dream he cannot be "a beast" for he had something to offer you.

Just my thoughts.


Dream Interpretation / Re: Holding My whole hair in my hand dream
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:33:02 PM »

Ticice - You are welcome  :)

From my own experience I know that as long as I cannot explain something very well to another person, I have not fully integrated it yet.

I do understand and I am happy for you that you are well on your way, and so I suggest you let it grow  ;)


Dream Interpretation / Re: Holding My whole hair in my hand dream
« on: October 21, 2014, 11:19:36 AM »

Ticice - I see the first dream as a way of growing in a rather radical way. You took your hair in its entirety from your scalp, which is not how Life grows us. I see your act as too much interfering with a natural process.

In the next part you have become an observer - looking at your hair from above - and you saw a more natural way of growing into wisdom - the white area at the top of your head -.

So actually you saw it all already.

I think it was a very informative dream  :)


Dream Interpretation / Re: Crab/Lobster
« on: October 20, 2014, 02:10:08 PM »

Jordan - I can give you a start with your dream.
Did you read the entries in the dream dictionary yet about crab and lobster?


This is about either a shell you have to protect your vulnerability, or that you have lost your protective shell and so are very vulnerable. Crabs can also sometimes indicate fear or strong emotion causing tension within, especially abdominally.


I wonder because of your mom in your dreaming speaking about an abdominal aneurysm if you are being trained or working as a health professional at the moment?


Dream Interpretation / Re: Intrusion of the mind
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:14:59 AM »

Sunchaser - I like to add something to Tony's wonderful answer.

I saw in a former post that you had written this:


I greatly appreciate the time you gave looking into my mind so to speak.

I hope I can visit this place of wonder again, for its allure does not give in.

I wonder if this dream "Intrusion of the mind" was an "answer to what you were hoping for",
because what you hoped for served a deeper purpose?


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