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Author Topic: Setting fire on a flying boat  (Read 4945 times)


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Setting fire on a flying boat
« on: March 07, 2017, 03:10:20 PM »
I have recently been cut from contact by a guy I met online. I liked him but we had different demands and couldn't reach a compromise that both of us are happy, and last thursday night he got pissed off and said goodbye and never contacted again.
Several days later I had this dream that kept me thinking even after I woke.

I dreamt that I was at first alone on a flying ship/ cruise boat, and somehow I was on a "secret" mission that I had to move around with stealth to a control room to cut some wires. After cutting the wires, the cut part bursted into fire and I knew it was going to explode and I expected it. I closed the door (with a small rectangular glass on it) and the fire kept burning inside and I knew it would burst out very soon. I then escaped with stealth to the deck and closed the iron door of the deck (still with a rectangular glass window). Then I heard an explosion and fire fumed inside. Yet that time I knew I was burning the ship captain inside too and I felt a bit guilty as he had helped me and had been good to me, but for some unknown reasons in the dream I had to kill him somehow.
Shortly after the explosion I waited next to the door for a while, and suddenly saw the captain, who was on fire and screaming in pain, lurked over the glass window of that deck door and begged me for saving him. He couldn't quite finish his sentences before he got dragged down by the fire again. I was afraid, shocked and guilty, and hid under the window for a while such that he couldn't see me. I then felt that it was time for me to leave the boat and went to the direction of the right side of the deck where it wasn't affected by the fire yet.
To my horror, I saw there was actually another big entrance at that side (meaning people inside the boat cabin could come out from there). Worse still, there was no door for me to lock that entrance.

I was terrified and guilty while having the thought that the captain might come out, and if I was caught I would be doomed.
While i tried to escape (but couldn't think of a method), I woke, still feeling guilty that I set the captain on fire.

What may this dream mean...?
Thank you so much!


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Re: Setting fire on a flying boat
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2017, 02:32:11 AM »
I look at your dream as if it is a replay, on a different level, of what just happened in your life.  However, the dream might give you a different perspective on the situation.

Many people come into our lives during a lifetime.  Knowing ourselves and having the skill of observation and intuition about others, we often have a sense as to whether someone will be temporary or permanent.  With the temporary ones, sometimes there is the question of who will end it or exit first...sometimes who will be the "bad" guy.  Even though it is better for each person for the friendship to run its course, endings are rarely equally unpleasant for both.  Each person can be likely to feel they are the more injured party in the friendship and in the ending.

So, the captain might be a part of you that knew what might happen and let it to save your Self.  That is what you do to live your own truth and love your Self.  However, on a ship the captain is not 100 percent in control despite his 110% effort.  The weather, the crew, engine explosions...you never know what could happen on a day to day basis.  In the dream, the captain got burned in the friendship...it got to a point where you no longer had any control or choices.  Your friend cut you off.

Sometimes men do not know how to relate to strong women and so they try to dominate them, like a boss or captain in the relationship.  I do not tolerate that myself and for some men who have cut me off they had to kill the friendship to feel good about them being male.  Their disrespect in the ending comes out of their own insecurity.  That is just my opinion of course.  It is possible he was trying to "captain" you and the relationship.

So, you might possibly feel guilty for not being more upset about the ending or as upset as him.  You might feel guilty for not having ended it yourself sooner.  You might be angry with him for exercising his control "over you" for ending it.

We cannot control who comes in to our lives.  When someone comes to the door, of your Self or your life, even online, you can learn how to ask the right questions to find out who is there and decide whether or not you want to let them in or lock them out.

You are fine and so is he.

Tony Crisp

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Re: Setting fire on a flying boat
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2017, 08:46:59 AM »
Swoonie – A slightly different take. Alone on a ship shows that despite having many other on board you are trying to ‘go it alone’ – becoming more independent.

Closing the door in the dictionary says - Shutting a door: Privacy; trying to find ‘space’ for oneself; the dismissing attitudes or tension we use to shut others out of intimate contact; repressing memories or feelings; decisively ending something. And the captain often represents an authoritive figure, maybe the do’s and don’ts you have inherited from parents, or particularly father.

It is often hard to deal with such programming, for society tends to back it up. You felt an agonising struggle in facing this. See http://dreamhawk.com/dream-encyclopedia/individuation/; http://dreamhawk.com/dream-dictionary/waking-awareness-versus-unconscious/

Fire often represents the burning feelings we have and also the emotional pain they cause, but also the cleansing action. If you can dare to face the struggle you will take another step in maturity.
