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Author Topic: Hats  (Read 5964 times)

- anna -

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« on: February 08, 2016, 12:34:22 PM »
27 January 2016
I see a girl who is wearing a red knitted hat with white Vā€™s (like a "Winter pattern") on it and I tell her that it is mine; it is one of the many hats I know I own.
When I notice that she has a cold, I tell her we will go to my house and I will give her another hat to wear, which is fine with her.

When I explored the dream what I could see is that I can use different ways of thinking and that some ways will cause illness and once I realise that, I have to change my thinking.

However it did not feel like I got to the Core of the issue already and so I left the dream with the thought that there is more to it and that it will arrive "in time".

« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 12:51:28 PM by - anna - »

- anna -

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Re: Hats
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2016, 12:51:05 PM »
It was time last night to continue:

I am driving in an unknown street in what could have been Egypt, when the air alarm goes off. I do not remember if I am driving or if I am sitting next to the driver.
I get out of the car and ring on one of the door bells. There is a very small window at the upper part of the door and it opens and I see a woman's face. I tell her that there was a bomb alarm - aparently there is a war going on - and that it only went off very shortly and I ask if I (or we?) can come in.
She opens the door and I enter the most amazing house I have ever seen. It is a shop actually - I do not know yet what they sell at that moment - and the part where the shop is, is just one space that reaches till the roof. On the left side, behind the door, there is a small ladder and this leads to several "in between floors" that are open (as in no doors or walls that might divide the living space from the shop) where the woman lives who opened the door. We climb one ladder and when I think we are done, the woman takes me up to the next ladder. While we are climbing I notice a woman who is standing right behind the front door and her job in the shop is to answer phonecalls. I do not remember anymore what the calls are about, but I do remember that it is a challenging and not so easy job. When we are climbing the second or the third ladder I see all the hats that they sell in the shop and I understand it is a hat shop. When I reach the top of the ladder the small dog of the owner welcomes me in a loving way and I feel touched by it.

Yesterday while my partner and I were strolling through the park I saw that the way I approached "our tension or our conflict" did not work, because I approached it as if it should not be there, as if something was wrong. And so I decided that I will approach it as if everything is just perfect the way it is and that I would make it purposefull.

I feel that the first part of the dream reflects that, there is apparently a war going on - the conflict that is part of my inner world and that I sense as being part of my relationship with my partner as well at this moment, which I know could also be a projection.

There is a short air alarm which shows the short stage of where our situation might have turned out explosive, and the whole situation changes when I decide to sort out the conflict within myself.
I am not afraid in the dream when the alarm goes off, I merely do as I have been taught; "when the alarm goes off you go inside".

The woman who is working behind the front door is the decision making part of my mind and she has to decide what to do with whatever enters my mind, which is a challenging and not so easy job.

The thing with the hats is that it is part of the decision making, for she has to become aware what kind of hat "the caller" is wearing.
With awareness she can put on the same hat which will enable her to understand "where" the caller is coming from. I have many hats in my repertoire.
Wearing one sort of hat at a certain moment, could mean that I am giving less attention to other hats, which are part of my inner "we are a bunch of thougts" repertoire as well.
The dream shows that I have "everything under one roof", which is helpful.

While climbing the ladder I gradually - it IS a process - become more aware of what this whole situation is about, because I get a better view; I see the woman working behind the front door and I become aware that part of the house/mind is a hat shop.

On one of the floors I meet my inner dog, which I see as a resource - intuition - that can help me to decide which hat to wear in order to understand "the call", be it a call from somebody in my personal life or a call from one of the dreamers on the website which dreams I explore.
It can also help me to decide which hat I will wear when I answer the call (to communicate).
The dog is small and so it will be helpful to let that part grow, to develop my intuition.

I know there is much more to this, which is expressed in the other dreams I had last night as well.
For the purpose I have given this post - I like to use it in a response I am writing to a dreamer's dream - this will do for now though.

Anna  :)

« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 12:58:08 PM by - anna - »

Tony Crisp

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Re: Hats
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2016, 08:19:29 AM »